PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Users

Users Overview

After logging into the Management console as an administrator, select User Settings > Users from the Management console panel.


PSIsafe Supports Two Kinds of Users:

1. PSIsafe Users

PSIsafe users are based entirely within your PSIsafe installation and are stored within your associated SQL Database. These user profiles are not affected by Windows Users profiles.

2. Windows Users

These users are selected from the Active Directory Server user list. The Windows Users tab on the main Users screen is used to add users from Active Directory. Usernames in PSIsafe User profiles must match exactly between the Windows Username and the PSIsafe username to function correctly, including automatic login based on Windows profile, as well as password syncing.

Adding and Editing Users

Select Add or Edit from the Users screen in PSIsafe Management to initiate the Adding/Editing steps: 

User Profiles: Step 1: Basic Information


Setup User Profiles

Enter the appropriate information to the user. Description, department, initials, phone, and email address are optional fields. Required fields are Login Name and Password.

  • A valid License Type must be selected or the user will not have access to any data.
  • The email field must be filled in for the user to receive workflow notifications.

Login Names

The name assigned to the user account for login into PSIsafe. The name can be up to 50 characters in length and can use any characters. It is not case sensitive for login purposes. Duplicate login names are not allowed. Login Name is a required field.

License Types

The type of license assigned to the login name. A license type must be selected if the user is to login to the system.

  • None: No license assigned, user will not be able to login.
  • Regular Full: The user will always be able to obtain a full use license.
  • Regular View: The user will always be able to obtain a view only license.
  • Regular Web: The user will always be able to obtain a Web license.
  • Concurrent Full: The user will obtain a full use license if the license count is not exceeded.
  • Concurrent View: The user will obtain a view only license if the license count is not exceeded.
  • Concurrent Web: The user will obtain a Web license if the license count is not exceeded.

Full Names

Enter the Full Name of the user.


Enter the initials of the user. If added to naming template segment user creating document will be identified by initials.


Enter the phone number for the user.


Enter the extension for the user if applicable.


Enter the email address for the user. The email address is optional, but is used for workflow notification and escalation messages.


Enter a user password. Password can be any combination of numbers and characters. Password is case sensitive. Password is a required field.


Re-enter the user password. This ensures the password is entered correctly.

Edit/Cancel Password

These buttons are available if you enter the Users screen in edit mode. This allows you to modify a previously defined user’s password. Click edit to modify the password; click Cancel to leave the password as is.

User Profiles: Step 2: Permissions and Settings


Account Settings

This section determines what this user is allowed to do.


  • PSIsafe Administrator - A PSIsafe administrator has the ability to control specific file cabinets for which they have been granted ownership as defined in the Filing Structure: Cabinets settings screen. A PSIsafe administrator can create and manage user groups, cabinets, and copy cabinets for the cabinets they own. They can also control access rights to cabinets they own. A PSIsafe administrator will not have access to repositories or their settings.
  • Disable Account - Check this box if you temporarily want to disable the user account. This is useful to temporarily prevent a user from using PSIsafe. This option may be useful for a staff member who no longer is employed or does not use PSIsafe.
  • SHARE User - Check this box if the user should have access to PSIsafe Share. With access to Share a user will be able to receive and share documents with other Share users.
  • Auto Logout Prompt
  • Enable Auto Logout

Password Settings

This section sets the password parameters for the user account.


  • Change Password on Next Login - Select this box to force the user to change their password at the next login to the SAFE client application.
  • User Cannot Change Password - Select this box if you want to prevent the user from changing their password from the SAFE client application.
  • Password Never Expires - Select this box if you want to set the user password permanently. This will disable the Expires in (Days) and Expires on fields.
  • Expires in (Days) - Enter the number of days in which the password will expire. Upon expiration, the user will be forced to change their password.
  • Expires on - The date and time when the password will expire. This date is calculated from today’s date/time plus the number of days set in the Expires in (Days) field. The administrator can also reset the expires on date here by clicking the reset button.

Management Permissions

This section defines the areas of the Management console that will be accessible to the user within PSIsafe. Each item checked will grant access to a particular area of the management console. User Setting, Filing Structure, and Access tabs will not be available unless the PSIsafe administrator check box is selected in the Account Settings section.


User Tab

Grants access to the Users and Groups area of Management console. Only the system administrator has access to the Users area. The user’s check box will always be grayed out unless logged into the management console as Administrator. The Groups area allows a user to define/edit User Groups within the system.

Filing Tab

Grants access to the filing structure area of Management console. Only the system administrator has access to the Repositories area. The repositories check box will always be grayed out unless logged in to the management console as the administrator. The Cabinets check box allows the user access to the cabinet definition wizard where new file cabinets can be defined. The Copy Cabinets check box allows the user access to the copy cabinet wizard.

Document Settings Tab

Grants access to the Managers, Templates, and Classes section of the Management console. Managers allow the user to setup and configure document managers to edit or view specific file types. Templates allow users to define document naming templates and configure the managers that are assigned to templates. Classes allow users to define classes for folder, document, and retention classes.

Access Tab

Grants the user access to the rights area of Management Console. From the rights section, the user can define user rights for cabinets to which they have ownership. This section will only be available if the PSIsafe administrator check box is selected in the Account Settings section.

Workflow Tab

Grants users access to the workflow section for rules definition and access to the workflow management query engine.

Tracking Tab

Grants the user access to the tracking functions within Management console.

  • Active Users - Allows the user access to view the currently connected users in PSIsafe and end an active user’s session.
  • Reports - Allows the user access to the audit reporting query engine in PSIsafe.

Client Tab

All functionality is available to a user by default. Permissions can be modified only by the administrator. These options detail what would be available to an end user upon logging in.

  • Cabinets
  • Batch
  • Messages
  • Workflow
  • Recycle Bin
  • Options
  • Workflow: File to Cabinet
  • Workflow: Open Folder
  • Explorer
  • Speed Bar


Keywords: PSIsafe Management Users, How to create users PSIsafe

User Profiles: Step 3: Assign Groups

Select which User Groups, if any, the user will be a member of and click the Add button. Similarly, highlight a group from the list on the right side of the screen and click the Remove button to remove a user from a group.


Add the user to the Workflow: Manage section by clicking the tab and adding the users for which the created user will be allowed to manage workflow items. If this user will not manage workflow items, leave this section blank.

NOTE: Not including a user in the Workflow Management section does not prevent the user from receiving workflow items. It prevents them from performing management functions in the workflow management inbox, Workflow > Rules > Management.

Dropdown Restrictions for Workflow and Scheduler

This capability restricts what is displayed in the pull down when a user routes or schedules an item in PSIsafe.

To enter restrictions:

  1. Select User and proceed to Step 3 of 4.
  2. Select the Restrict User\Group List tab.
  3. If list is left blank (default), all Users and Groups will be available in list for routing and schedule assignments.
  4. If Users and or Groups are added, only the items added will be available in the User’s list for routing and schedule.
  5. Select the Restrict Rule List and follow the same procedure to restrict what rules will appear in the user’s list of rules.
User Profiles: Step 4: Summary

Confirm your User Profile Details on the Summary screen:


Click Finish when complete to save your User Profile.

Deleting Users

Simply select a user from the Users list and hit "Delete". You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.



Keywords: PSIsafe Management Users, How to edit Users PSIsafe, How to create users PSIsafe, New Users PSIsafe, Delete Users PSIsafe, PSIsafe User Assignments, PSIsafe Group Assignments, How to create users PSIsafe


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