Categories added -To further define the scheduled event add a category. Must be added in Management>Settings>Options>Categories.
Click on Add, the Category Edit box opens, Add the category name and Save. If the category is no longer used, may delete. Will not affect previous categories used. A quick search is located in the lower left side of the Categories. This will search categories listed.
Defines status of scheduled event. User may add, edit or delete a status, will not affect previously added status for scheduled items. Click on Add, the Status Edit box opens, add the new category name and save. A quick search is located in the lower left side of the User Defined Status. This will search status listed.
This policy setting is per database. If the policy is enabled, consecutive failed login attempts are monitored based on the policy settings. The user may be locked out once, twice or have his account disabled. Detailed below are the three stages. Management>Settings>Options>Login Failure Policy.
Step 1
When a user’s consecutive failed login attempts reaches the “Number of failed attempts before first lockout” setting, the user is first locked out for a specified duration obtained from the setting “Duration of first lockout (min)”. During this lockout time, the user is not allowed to login and will receive the “Account temporarily locked out” message.
Step 2
Once the lockout duration has elapsed, a successful login will reset the failed attempts count, but if the failed logins
persist and the number of attempts reaches the sum of “Number of failed attempts before second lockout and after first lockout” and the “Number of failed attempts before first lockout” settings, the user is locked out again for a specified duration obtained from the setting “Duration of second lockout (min).” During this lockout time, the user is not allowed to login and will receive the “Account temporarily locked out” message. (see message above)
Step 3
Once the second lockout duration has elapsed, a successful login will reset the failed attempts count, but if the next login attempt results in a failure, the user account is disabled and will require the system administrator to enable the account. The message received immediately after this would be “Account disabled due to security policy violation. Please contact your administrator.” Any further failed attempts will see the generic “Account disabled. Please contact your administrator” message.
Default Configuration (see configuration added by client above):
- Login Failure Policy is not enabled (client checks Enable Policy).
- Number of failed attempts before first lockout: 3.
- Duration of first lockout: 2 Minutes.
- Number of failed attempts before second lockout and after first lockout: 3.
- Duration of second lockout: 2 Minutes.
- Save.
Administrator may set Login Failure Policy based on their security plan.
Note: The Login Failure Policy and its settings can be enabled or modified only by the system administrator and can be accessed from the System>Settings section in the Management Console.
PSIsafe allows the capability to display the file size of every document stored in PSIsafe using the Tools tab. This is useful for sorting documents and understanding perhaps why a document may take a few moments to load up. (For those customers who have upgraded to PSIsafe from Version 6.0 or lower, the file size will initially be displayed as 0KB.) This screen contains a procedure for going through all of the cabinets and calculating and storing the file sizes for each document in the cabinet. Simply select the cabinet(s) to be updated from the list to the left and click the Go button. The progress bars will display the status of the ongoing operation. This may take a considerable amount of time for cabinets with large quantities of documents. Until this operation is complete, the file size in the cabinets will not be accurate.
A list of 0KB documents will be presented to the user. These are files which have no data stored in them. There can be several reasons for this. Perhaps the file has been corrupted on the hard drive and needs to be restored from backup. Prior versions of PSIsafe allowed for the storage of 0KB files, so it may just be a leftover from prior versions. Each of these 0KB file should be evaluated.
Auto Preview (Maximum allowed file size): Using preview while scrolling through documents is a great feature. However, when you come upon a very large document, preview may slow you down. The maximum allowed file size setting prevents such slowdowns. This setting determines what size a document must be below to be automatically previewed. The default maximum size is 10 MB. The management setting for this is located at system>settings>Options>File Size>Maximum allowed for auto preview (MB).
If a document exceeds this setting, the preview panel displays the following message:
To preview files of file size greater than the maximum allowed, right click and select preview. A separate preview window will pop up showing the document.
Fast Preview (Minimum allowed file size): Fast preview works using a user’s custom dpi and format settings. Some files are already compressed and any further manipulations could potentially render very small file size images grainy. To prevent this, a minimum file size is set. Any file below this sized will be previewed using in Regular Preview mode. The default minimum file size is 100 KB. Fast preview is only for Image files (TIF, JPG) and PDF files. The management setting for this located in Management at system>settings>Options>File Size>Minimum allowed for fast preview (KB)
Email Attachments (Maximum total size allowed): For WEB users subject to data plans that are usage/volume sensitive a new setting prevents the sending of very large emails. The default size total file size is 20 MB. This setting is for Web only. Emailing documents as attachments out of Web will restricted the file size set here. This setting is for the total file size of all the attachments put together in a single email. The management setting for this located at system>settings>Options>File Size>Maximum total allowed for email attachments (MB)
File transfer packet size (KB): default is 4096 and should only be changed when instructed be Cabinet Support.
SHARE settings determine the minimum level of user rights required to SHARE a document.
Keywords: PSIsafe Management Key Concepts, How to create Scheduler Categories, How to create Status, PSIsafe Management System Settings
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