PSIsafe Management How-to: Create a Repository


Repositories point to the location on a hard disk where PSIsafe will store documents. Multiple repositories (no limit) pointing to different storage locations are allowed. For instance each department in an organization could have its own repository stored on its own server. Or all repositories may be stored on the same central server. Access rights may be granted to users or groups.

Repositories are built in Management. Click on the Filing Structure>Repositories link on the left side of the screen to add or edit a repository. 



Repository Options

  • Add - Allows the user to add a repository.
    • When users click "Add" they are taken to a Details page. Here users can enter the name of the repository, the path to the repository by clicking on the elispees and browsing the file structure, and any kind of notes pertinent to the repository. Clicking "Finish" will save the repository.
    • NOTE: The path should be in the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) format \\servername\sharename. If you are running the Management console on the machine where the repository will reside and the Server Service also resides on this same machine, then a logical path can be defined such as d:\subdirectory. It is recommended the UNC format be used. The Server Service also needs full access rights to the defined location.
  • Edit - Allows the user to edit any existing repository.
  • Delete - Allows the user to delete any existing repository.
  • Menu - Takes the user to a page with a list of the sections available under File Structure.


Keywords: PSIsafe Management Key Concepts, How to create a repository


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