PSIsafe Management How-to: Create a Cabinet

Cabinets are built into repositories. As many cabinets as necessary can be added to a single repository (no limit). Cabinets contain folders and each cabinet has a defined set of data for each folder called “folder indexes”. The following steps explain how to setup the repository and cabinet structure. In addition to the “folder indexes”, a set of document tabs are created which are displayed in each folder. These are used to categorize documents making it easier to sort and find them. For instance, an insurance agency could have “Correspondence, Policy, Claim and Miscellaneous” tabs. These are all customizable and can be matched to how documents are currently filed.

Create a Cabinet

Select Filing Structure>Cabinets from the Management console panel. Users can Add, Edit, or Delete cabinets from this panel.



To add a cabinet click Add button and the “Pick Cabinet Structure”’ list will appear. These are a set of predefined cabinet templates which have been setup. Users have the option to choose the Standard structure or select one that was previously set.



Cabinet Details



  • Name - Enter the desired name for the cabinet which will appear in the client application.
  • Repository - Select the repository where the documents will be stored.
  • Cabinet Owner - Select the user the cabinet will be assigned to.
  • Read Only - If the cabinet is defined as “read only”, check the read only box. This means any document in the cabinet will have reading options only.
  • Document Versioning - If “document versioning” is enabled globally at the cabinet level, check the document versioning box. “Document versioning” will save a new file each time a document is edited and saved. This can increase the disk space used by PSIsafe, be aware of this issue when selecting document versioning.

Full Text Search

If documents in the cabinet are used for content searching by the Full Text Search Engine (FTSE), check the enable indexing box. The document description, keywords, and other metadata will still be searchable. Documents that are full text searchable are text documents (i.e. Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook). PDF’s are searchable if the client has OCR licenses. NOTE: By default full text searching is turned off.



  • Update Frequency - This is used to tell the FTSE how often to index new or modified text documents. Until the index process has added the new or modified documents to the index table, their content will not be searchable by the FTSE.
  • Binary File Setting - This instructs the FTSE indexing file what to do with binary files such as images. Usually image files contain no searchable data. There are four possible settings:
    • Skip binary files – No binary files are indexed. NOTE: This is the recommended setting for most installations.
    • Index binary files as text – The binary files will be parsed as a text file. NOTE: This setting can make the index tables on the SQL server very large.
    • Filter binary files – This option will search binary files for ASCII strings.
    • Filter binary files as Unicode – This option will search binary files for ASCII or Unicode strings.
  • Last Indexed at - This field shows the last time the FTSE service ran on the server.

Adding Folder Indexes

This step defines the informational and search fields (folder indexes) for each folder that will reside in the defined cabinet. Every folder in the cabinet will contain the index values defined in this step. Every cabinet must declare a Unique Index (most often done with an automatic index or via database integration). A default index must be selected and will be used to sort folders in the PSIsafe client window. A reference index must also be selected. This will also be displayed in the PSIsafe client folder list. Changing the Unique, Default, or Reference Index is accomplished by right clicking an index in the list and choosing the correct option. The PSIsafe client folder search pane will initially open with the sort by field set to the Default Index and the reference field set to the Reference Index.


Check Index for Eligibility to be Set as Unique

An index can be unique only if certain criteria are met. These criteria are not critical when a new cabinet is created but become important when you are editing a pre-exisiting cabinet. This is because the index that you are planning on making unique may already have values that do not meet the criteria.

The values of existing records for the index in question should:

  • Not contain any blank entries
  • Not contain duplicate values

This function checks for eligiblity and will let the user know if it is not eligible and will display a report of the records that do not meet the uniqueness criteria.

Deleting A Folder Index

If it is determined a particular folder index is no longer needed, simply highlight the index AND CLICK THE DELETE BUTTON. The Unique, Default, or Reference Indexes may not be deleted unless they are replaced with another index in the cabinet.



NOTE: Deleting an index also results in the data stored in that index for each folder being deleted. Make sure you understand the ramifications of this decision.

NOTE: If the Synchronizer product is being used to synchronize data for a cabinet, deleting an index will result in the need to remap the data fields in Synchronizer.

Index Order

The index order shows how the PSIsafe client will display the folder indexes. Only the first 10 indexes may be used to sort folders. The index order may be changed by selecting an index from the list and then using the Up/Down buttons to change the index order.

Adding/Editing Options

Click the Add or Edit button to enter/edit an index.



Select Pre-Defined Index Name

There are a number of predefined index values which may be selected from the dropdown list at the top right of the add/edit window.

Index Name

Enter the desired Index Name.

Data Type

There are a number of options for the data type of the field as outlined below.

  • Text
  • Numeric
  • Decimal
  • Currency
  • Datetime
  • AutoNumber

Data Mask

Data Masks are used in folder indexes and document titles. A standard set of data masks are made available. These Masks can be modified or a new custom Mask created to suit your needs. NOTE: the data type Date and Auto are excluded from Data Masks. Auto number data type is non-editable and a Mask cannot be applied to it.


PSIsafe Folder Indexes contain important information used by an entire organization. Some indexes may contain sensitive data that require limited access. Cabinet supports the ability to configure indexes as Normal, Read only or Hidden. Indexes with limited access (read only or hidden) can be viewed and edited by users and groups who have Override rights assigned. 

Index settings configured as Read only or Hidden are overridden for users and groups who are added to the Override Display list. To access the list, click the Override Display button. Added users will have full access to all limited indexes in the cabinet.


There are three types of Folder Index Entry options

  • User Entry - The user can enter data in a simple text box.

  • Pick from List - A dropdown list can be created which presents the users with a simple dropdown list of options. If the Pick from list option is used, enter the selection types in the text box and click the insert button. More options are available in the Pick from List. To remove pick from list items, highlight the list selection and click the remove button. Lists may also be imported or exported from text files using the import/export buttons at the bottom of the screen. Clicking save will save the index data. Cancel exits without saving.
    • Order of Items - This will be the order in which the items will appear in the drop down.
    • Alphabetize - Allows User to alphabetize the items.
    • Up & Down - Allows user to rearrange the order of items.
    • Edit -  Allows user to edit any particular item.
  • Both - The user can use either pick from a list or enter new data. 


Tab Definition

The tabs defined will appear in every folder in the cabinet. They are defined so documents may be classified by the document category being filed. The “Miscellaneous” tab is a default tab and will appear in every cabinet. Users can add tabs using the pre-defined list or desired name. A tab cannot be deleted if there are documents in it even if they are in the Recycle Bin.



Review the summary of the cabinet definition. Click Previous to go back and make changes. Otherwise click Finish to save the cabinet definition. Click Cancel to exit without saving changes.

Using Advanced Cabinets

The Advanced button is available from the main Cabinet screen. When clicked on a popup window displays with a number of tabs/options.



    • Indexes and Tabs - Allows the user to combine indexes and tabs to make cabinets compatible. Folders cannot be moved to a cabinet unless the cabinet is compatible meaning the structure is same in both cabinets. NOTE: All index name and datatype combinations must match for cabinet compatibility.
    • Full Text Search -  User may set Full Text Search in the Advanced Cabinet search. Choose a cabinet and select Edit to make changes to its enabled state, update frequency, and binary file search options.

    • Tab Order - Allows the user to change the order of tabs to alphabetic. This will change how they are displayed on the end user side as well as when editing in the Cabinets section of Management.
    • Tab Name - Allows the user to easily edit the name of a tab without going through Cabinet configuration. NOTE: All tabs that match the name entered will be changed.
    • Index Name - Allows the user to easily edit the name of a folder index without going through Cabinet configuration. NOTE: All indexes that match the name entered will be changed.
    • Add Tab - Allows the user to easily add a tab to any cabinet without going through Cabinet configuration. NOTE: A duplicate tab will not be created if one already exists.
    • Index Values Snapshot - Allows users to take index values already created and save them as folder notes. 
    • Updating Index Pick List - Allows users to select a master pick list to be used as a reference to update other pick lists in a single process. NOTE: Apply will add or delete items in destination lists based on the master pick list.
    • Set Cabinet Owner - Allows users to easily change the owner of a cabinet without going through Cabinet configuration.
    • Set Miscellaneous - Allows users to enable/disable a cabinet or make a cabinet "Read Only." Users can also enable "Document Versioning" for any cabinet. 
    • Copy Custom Columns - Allows users to copy custom column names to any user. NOTE: A source user who has custom columns manually set using the desktop client is required.


Keywords: PSIsafe Management Key Concepts, How to create a cabinet, How to edit a cabinet

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