PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: User Profiles

Setup User Profiles

Enter the appropriate information to the user. Description, department, initials, phone, and email address are optional fields. Required fields are Login Name and Password.

  • A valid License Type must be selected or the user will not have access to any data.
  • The email field must be filled in for the user to receive workflow notifications.

Login Names

The name assigned to the user account for login into PSIsafe. The name can be up to 50 characters in length and can use any characters. It is not case sensitive for login purposes. Duplicate login names are not allowed. Login Name is a required field.

License Types

The type of license assigned to the login name. A license type must be selected if the user is to login to the system.

  • None: No license assigned, user will not be able to login.
  • Regular Full: The user will always be able to obtain a full use license.
  • Regular View: The user will always be able to obtain a view only license.
  • Regular Web: The user will always be able to obtain a Web license.
  • Concurrent Full: The user will obtain a full use license if the license count is not exceeded.
  • Concurrent View: The user will obtain a view only license if the license count is not exceeded.
  • Concurrent Web: The user will obtain a Web license if the license count is not exceeded.

Full Names

Enter the Full Name of the user.


Enter the initials of the user. If added to naming template segment user creating document will be identified by initials.


Enter the phone number for the user.


Enter the extension for the user if applicable.


Enter the email address for the user. The email address is optional, but is used for workflow notification and escalation messages.


Enter a user password. Password can be any combination of numbers and characters. Password is case sensitive. Password is a required field.


Re-enter the user password. This ensures the password is entered correctly.

Edit/Cancel Password

These buttons are available if you enter the Users screen in edit mode. This allows you to modify a previously defined user’s password. Click edit to modify the password; click Cancel to leave the password as is.

Keywords: PSIsafe Management Users, How to edit Users PSIsafe, How to create users PSIsafe, New Users PSIsafe, Delete Users PSIsafe

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