PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Workflow: Example - End Rule



PSIsafe Administrators will need to regularly create, modify, or remove rules that determine the path of content sent through Workflow. In order to ease the general process, creating simple rules that allow users to perform a basic function within a Workflow and, in some cases, alter the workflow to suit their immediate needs, will make PSIsafe Workflow even more helpful to an organization. A great example of this kind of Rule is an End Rule.


End Rules


The ‘End Rule’ can be inserted as a selection within any step that is defined as User or Variable. Using an
End Rule is ideal for allowing users to remove an item from Workflow at a decision point. This allows users to keep a standard workflow for specific documents, but quickly remove it from the workflow when it no longer suits their business needs.


Example Scenario for an End Rule


A Workflow rule can be created for departmental approvals. The rule routes items to the appropriate department. In some cases, no approval is required. This condition is easily accommodated by adding an “End Rule” called ‘File to Cabinet’ and linking to that rule to the ‘Approval not required’ selection.

Setting up an End Rule


  1. Create the End Rule called "File to Cabinet".
  2. Add a single Decision Point "End of Rule" with the selection of "Cabinet".
  3. Select "Finish" to save the End Rule called "File to Cabinet".




Apply End Rule to other Appropriate Rules


Create or edit any rule that includes an ‘Approval not required’ selection, in which you'd like to allow users to simply select this newly-created End Rule of "File to Cabinet" instead of pushing the document further through a workflow process. In the below example, items in workflow would normally be routed to departments or specific users, but adding the highlighted End Rule to the mix will allow users to skip this workflow process and instead file the content to a Cabinet location immediately.




For the ‘Approval not required’ selection, set the Select destination option to ‘Rule’ and the Send to
selection to the ‘File to Cabinet’ rule.




Repeat this process for any rules that you wish to add the "End Rule" to, and inform users that they can end the workflow with this process.



Keywords: PSIsafe Workflow Rules, Rules for End PSIsafe Workflow, Ending Rule PSIsafe Workflow, PSIsafe End Rule Workflow

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