version 7.7.x | Download Pending |
This article is intended for PSIcapture Users.
The purpose of the Index Module is to build the lookup values or index fields for each image. These values support query and retrieval of the images by multiple users, once the images are migrated to a content management system. Thus the accuracy and relevancy of chosen index fields per Capture Profile determines retrievability characteristics of the images. Index values are also commonly referred to as metadata.
The Index Module incorporates sophisticated techniques to make the index process as productive and accurate as possible. Examples include: sticky fields, auto-incrementing fields, pop-up list boxes, barcode fields, multiple database lookups, required fields, input masks, zonal OCR, zoom assisted keying from image, and more.
Manual indexing can be slow and tedious without a tool like the Index module. It will speed up key entry, increase accuracy, and in some cases perform automatic indexing. The result of the Index Module is the catalog of metadata per document and/or folder for use in accurately retrieving the archived images from an external content management system after migration.
Table of Contents
- Index Ribbon Menu
- File Menu
- Optional Quality Assurance Commands
- Index Panes
- Accelerated Zone Profile / Classification Configuration
Index Ribbon Menu
The ribbon menu includes: File, Home, Viewer, Settings, Security, Utilities, Window, and Help.
Opens the Select Batch dialog box which will list only those batches that are in the Index workflow step. By highlighting a batch and clicking Select the selected batch will open. | ||
Brings up the Close Batch dialog box. Prompts the user to select one of three options described below:
NOTE: The behavior of the Close Batch dialog box is affected by the settings defined in the "Default action for the "Close Batch" Dialog" section of the capture profile workflow configuration. For more information, see: Capture Profile: Workflow. |
Opens the Batch Information dialog box. The button for Modify Capture Profile Definition as well as the Batch Overrides tab will not be available. | ||
Enables and disables manual key editing of index data in Data View. | ||
Turns on OCR indexing. When activated, the user may select the index field, then use the mouse to hover on the relevant text/numbers highlighted. With a left click, the data will be populated in the corresponding index field. NOTE: OCR indexing in Index module must be enabled. | ||
These On Demand features shown above are used to perform OCR/ICR indexing in a region of the image drawn by the user. When activated, the user may select index field, then use the left mouse button to draw a zone in the Viewer pane, containing the relevant text/numbers. NOTE: This function is also known as "rubber band OCR/ICR" or "drag and drop OCR/ICR". |
Allows the user to configure Zone Definition Profiles during Batch Processing in the Index Module. The changes made will be applied to both the current batch and the Capture Profile defined in Configuration. | ||
Displays the zones for the selected document's index fields. | ||
Zooms to a specific index field zone. If the user is putting in the invoice number for example, when the cursor is placed in the field, the Viewer window will automatically zoom to where the index data can be found on the page. | ||
Allows the user to correct zones manually during the Index step. This is only for corrected the existing zones. Use Accelerated Zone Profile for creating new zones. |
File Menu
Open New Viewer - Opens a new viewer window if for example a user wants to compare two separate pages in a document.
Reset indexed Flags - Resets to default any flags manually or automatically made.
Index Setup - Opens the Index Settings for the current Capture Profile enabling the user to make changes during the workflow without having to close the batch.
Exit - Exits out from PSIcapture. NOTE: If a batch is currently open, the user will be prompted to close or suspend the batch.
Optional Quality Assurance Commands
The following commands are available if Enable Quality Assurance Commands is enabled in Index Settings.
Combine with Previous – Combines the current Folder/Document with the Folder/Document that comes before it.
Rename Folder – Users can rename a folder if needed. | ||
Delete – Deletes the selected folder, document or page and all its contents from the batch. | ||
Create New Folder – Creates a new folder containing this document and all the documents that follow it in its original folder. The new folder would inherit the same indexing data from the old folder if previously populated. | ||
Split Document – Splits one document into two documents with the selected page being the first page in the new document. The selected page and all the pages that follow it in its original document will be added to a new document that will be created immediately after the original document. The new document would inherit the same indexing data from the old document if previously populated. | ||
Save Page – Allows the user to save a page from the batch to disk. | ||
PDF Bookmark – A PDF Bookmark Definition window pops up. This area enables the user to add, delete, or reorder any bookmarks: |
Index Panes - Batch View and Data Fields
Displays the contents of the current batch in Index, as well as a collection of various toolbars.
Displays the image for the currently selected page. This is also the work area where the user can point, click, drag, etc. while performing OCR or zoom assisted indexing.
Index Fields
Displays indexed data of captured images. The size and content of the fields are Capture Profile or project specific. Index data can be entered or edited at this time if Index Data Editing is enabled. When OCR assisted indexing is enabled, the results will be populated here.
Multi-Record Indexing
At times, a batch/folder/document can have multiple index records, indicated by Record X of Y as shown in the image below. These multiple records can be user generated, or can result from returns after a database query. If multiple records are found while performing a database lookup, PSIcapture can be configured to automatically return the first matching record, display a list for the user to choose from, or create a new document record for each record returned.
Multi-Record Toolbar
Add a record to a document. | ||
Delete a record from a document. | ||
Navigate through document records using the left or right arrows. | ||
Browse all records for a document. A window will pop up listing all the records as shown below: |
On Demand Lookup
Index fields used as a key for database lookup will have this icon next to it. Clicking it initiates a lookup based on the data entered in the field. This refresh option is useful if any changes were made to the lookup source. NOTE: Allow Multiple Records per Document when Indexing must be enabled to process multi-record indexing. |
Accelerated Zone Profile / Classification Configuration
Certain new User Interface elements are added when the following configuration options are enabled on your Index workflow step under "Accelerated Classification Configuration options":
- Display Classification Form ID - Displays the corresponding Form ID for Classification Forms within the Index Workflow step.
- Enable Accelerated Classification Configuration - When enabled, users can create new and edit existing Classification Forms in the Index module.
NOTE: Accelerated Classification Engine options from the Classification module settings will be used in the Index module.
This appears in the following area of the Index workflow step once enabled:
For more information on this feature set, see:
PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration
PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Index Workflow Step Configuration
PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Accelerated Classification Engine (ACE)
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