version 7.7.x | Download Pending |
This article is intended for PSIcapture Administrators.
Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration allows PSIcapture users to edit, create new, and select existing zone profile configurations that match their processing needs while in a workflow step.
Permissions & Navigation
The Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration dialog is available in the Index Module as long as the Classification Module has been licensed and the current user has Security Permissions to access it. The following Security Permission must be enabled for the current user:
To open the Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration, select the document to create a new Zone Profile for and click the Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration button on the toolbar.
NOTE: If the user has the option to set Alerts on documents that fail to trigger a Zone Profile enabled, documents that fail to do so will have their Alert set as shown below.
Clicking on the Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration button will open the Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration Options with the various actions that can be taken on the current document:
Edit the Zone Definition Profile that is Currently Assigned to the Document
Clicking Edit will ask the user if they want to load the image for the current document as the template image on the Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration dialog. Doing so will not overwrite the current Template Image saved in Configuration unless the user selects to do so when saving the Zone Profile.
The Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration dialog will now open and the profile currently assigned to the document will be loaded. The user can then make any changes needed. The changes that are made will be saved to the Capture Profile both in Configuration and on the current batch and the current document’s indexing will be re-processed using the changes made. If there are other documents in this batch that are using the same Zone Profile, the user will be asked if they would like to re-process these documents with the changes made to the Zone Profile.
Create a New Zone Definition Profile and Assign it to the Document
Clicking Create New will open the Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration dialog and a copy of the Zone Definition Profile selected to be pre-loaded will be loaded. When saving the new Zone Profile, it will be saved to the Capture Profile both in Configuration and on the current batch. Saving the new profile will also validate that it will be triggered for the current document. If the triggering set on the new Zone Profile will not be triggered for this document, the user will be given the option to override the triggering and manually assign it to the document.
The current document’s indexing will be re-processed using the new Zone Profile. If there are other documents in this batch that have not triggered a Zone Profile, the user will be asked if they would like to attempt zone assignment and processing for these documents.
Select an Existing Zone Definition Profile and Assign it to the Document
Clicking Select Existing will display the list of all currently defined Zone Definition Profiles and allow the user to select one to use for the current document.
This is useful when a document did not trigger the Zone Definition Profile that it should have but the user still wants to process the zones for that profile. When the user selects a profile it will be assigned to the document and the documents indexing will be re-processed using that profile. This will also flag the document to always use that profile in the future so that triggering will not assign a different zone definition profile to the document.
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