PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Users

Administrators have the option to restrict access to the Service Manager when trying to get there from within PSIcapture. NOTE: Controlling access to the Service Manager from within the start menu or program files is not available.

Add User

Properties - Details such as name and email of a new user can be entered. NOTE: Password complexity is enforced. The minimum requirement is 6 or more characters with at least 1 non-alpha character.

Roles - Define specific role(s) for the new user by checking the desired box(es). NOTE: The standard default roles are All Users, Administrator, No Permissions, and Utility User.

  • All Users – All users automatically belong to this role and cannot be changed.
  • Administrator – This role represents users that have administrative privilege for the system.
  • No Permissions – This role represents users that have no rights granted to them.
  • Utility User – This role represents users that are restricted to only accessing application utilities.

Edit/View User

  • Details
  • Role Membership
  • History
  • Change Password
  • Enable
  • Delete

Details - Brings up the Edit User Details dialog box for the highlighted user.

Role Membership - Edit specific role(s) for the user by checking/un-checking the desired box(es).


History - Displays the activity history of an user.

History events tracked:

  • Login/Logout - PSIcapture collects the PC Name and login/logout times for the associated user.
  • User Settings - When updating a User, PSIcapture logs the specific setting that was changed to both that User and the editing User's event history.
  • Create Role - Logged in History of User that created the Role.
  • Delete Role - Logged in History of User that deleted the Role
  • Changes to System Permissions on a Role - Logged in History of User that updated the Role.
  • Changes to Capture Profile Permissions on a Role - Logged in History of User that updated the Role.

 The filter tool can be used in each column to narrow down the list.

Print History - Brings up the Print Preview dialog box allowing the administrator or selected user to print out the user’s history list.

Export History - Exports the selected user’s history list to an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Change Password - Allows the user’s current password to be altered. NOTE: Password complexity is enforced. The minimum requirement is 6 or more characters with at least 1 non-alpha character.

Enabled - Selected user(s) can be disabled. A disabled user will not be able to login to PSIcapture.

Delete - Completely removes the highlighted user’s profile.

 Refreshes the screen to reflect any recent activity.

Find User

Find users filtered by name via drop-down menu or type ahead.

Filter by Role

Find users filtered by role via drop-down menu or type ahead.

Export to Excel

 Export all user’s details to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

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