PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Configuration: Capture Server

version 7.7.x   Download Pending



This article is intended for PSIcapture Administrators.



The Capture Server tab of the Configuration root is designed to help PSIcapture Administrators determine the status of the installation, as well as configure advanced settings specifically related to a Capture Server dedicated machine.


Table of Contents


Capture Station Operating Mode/Service Manager



Click "Open Service Manager" to open the "Service Manager" window. In this section the user will define which “Capture Station Operating Mode” to operate in. It will by default, be set to Stand Alone Station Operating Mode. If batches and batch information is to be shared the user will want to set it to either Capture Server or Network Station. Selecting Capture Server for one of the stations in an environment will enable the Security Module and its Icon on the main splash screen.


For more information, see:

PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Service Manager


Advanced Settings

This section is for the configuration of global notifications via email and log entries of occurrences listed on the notification tab. This affects all Capture Profiles. Granular or department level notification of a particular Capture Profile can be defined in Capture Profile - Validation and Exceptions.


Email & Log Alerts

This allows the email addresses listed under the Notifications subscriptions tab to be notified of select system events.



SMTP server name or IP Address

Enter the name of the SMTP server or IP Address that will send the email notifications.


Sender Address & Authentication

In this section the user will enter the email address, user name and password for the "Sender" of the email. For example, if "Joe Smith" is working at a network station then his email information is entered in order to know which station is logging the error. Once the email and login information is setup then the user should send a test email to ensure connection.


Message logging options

Enable message logging - This option logs messages for Migration Success/Failure or Notification Subscriptions. It will also log two entries per email. One when the email is added to the Message Queue and one for if the message was sent or an error occurred. All log entries are added to either the Capture Log or Capture.Services Log.

If after clicking the Send Test Email button the test email then fails to send for any reason, no log entry is created and an error message is displayed on screen within the Capture Server tab.


Example of Error Message:

[1/8/2014 8:22:49 AM] Error sending message(1) (To:; Subject: Auto Import Session Summary) Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.4.2 Message submission rate for this client has exceeded the configured limit

Example of Queue and Email Sent Message:
[07/02/2014 08:30:09] Message added to queue (To:; Subject: Batch Deadline Notification - Batch Deadline in 48 hours)
[07/02/2014 08:30:20] Message sent (To:; Subject: Batch Deadline Notification - Batch Deadline in 48 hours)


Log Alerts


 Choose to show log alerts generated on the local machine and on the Capture Server. When there is a new error in the log, a notification will appear in the lower right corner of the status bar.


Notification Subscriptions

Add or Remove email addresses for one or more of the Available Notifications areas in which a user desires notification.



Available Notifications

The user may get notifications via email by highlighting the desired value and entering a valid email address.

  • Automation
    • AutoImport Worker Stopped - Notification sent when an AutoImport Worker stopped.
    • AutoImport Worker Started - Notification sent when an AutoImport Worker started.
    • Workflow Auto Processing Worker Stopped - Notification sent when a Workflow Auto Processing Worker stopped.
    • Workflow Auto Processing Worker Started - Notification sent when a Workflow Auto Processing Worker started.
    • AutoImport Session Started - Notification is sent when any Auto Import service starts processing a set of images.
    • AutoImport Session Completed - Notification is sent when any Auto Import service finishes processing a set of images.
    • AutoImport Session Summary - Reports image names and page counts for images processed in a single session.
    • AutoImport Error - Reports any errors that occur during Auto Import Processing.
    • AutoImport Authentication Error - Notification sent when an authentication error is returned from AutoImport process
  • Exception Processing
    • Batch Rejected - Notification is sent when any batch is rejected from a workflow step.
    • Batch Suspended in Automation - Notification is sent when a batch is suspended in Automation as an exceptions batch, or is otherwise configured to be suspended on specific conditions.
    • Exception Batch Created - Notification is sent when an exception batch is created. 
    • Document Rejected - Notification is sent when a document is rejected from a batch.
    • Document Rejected (with attachment) - Notification is sent when a document is rejected from a batch and the rejected document is attached to the email.
  • Batch Deadlines - The administrator can set batch deadlines in Capture Profile - Advanced.
    • Batch with Deadline Created
    • Batch Deadline in 48 hours
    • Batch Deadline in 24 hours
    • Batch Deadline in 8 hours
    • Batch Deadline in 4 hours
    • Batch Deadline in 2 hours
    • Batch Deadline in 1 hour
    • Batch Deadline passed
  • Log Alerts
    • Summary - Generates a log alerts summary for each workstation.
  • License Server
    • Error - Notification sent when any error is logged for the License Server
  • License Server Counters - Options will only appear if License Server is installed on the machine
    • Counter Pool % Remaining - Notification sent when a counter pool reaches the percentage selected remaining; available percentages range from 50%-5% in increments of 5%
    • Counter Pool Depleted - Notification sent when counter pool is fully depleted

Subscribers Email Addresses

Add the email addresses of the people who need to be notified here.

Enable Filtering of Log Alert Notifications

This allows the user to filter selected notifications to be sent to the subscribers list. For example if the user wants to just receive "Batch Deadline in 48 hours" and "Batch Rejected" notifications then they would click on the Configure button and add these items to the filter list.



Support Settings

The Support Settings tab allows resellers to specify an email address and website where users are directed when clicking on any support links within PSIcapture. It is recommended that all resellers populate these two fields during the initial install and configuration of PSIcapture for new users.


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