PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Classification Workflow Step Configuration

version 7.9.x   Download Pending



This article is intended for PSIcapture Administrators.



PSIcapture's Classification Workflow step enables administrators to validate and match specific data to incoming documents in a variety of ways. To better understand Classification, we've broken Classification into three major focus areas:

  • Page Validation – When examining forms, administrators need to decide the type of page validation required when processing forms. Page validation in the Classification engine defines separation and page merging functionality.
  • Forms Identification – Currently in PSIcapture, administrators can define and classify forms based on OCR match criteria or barcode recognition. This is the most critical planning step, and will ultimately define how pages are classified and documents are created.
  • Data Extraction – The ultimate goal in classification is to identify the correct Form ID, and then extract data based on the assigned Record Type. Once a document is classified, and a Record Type assigned, custom data extraction rules can be applied for that particular type of document. Through the use of shared and unique fields tied to Record Types, all the different methods of data population are available. There are several key features that leverage Record Type focused extraction:
    • Dynamic Regular Expressions – Advanced Data Extraction (ADE) now allows specific regular expressions to be configured based on the Record Type.
    • Zone Profiles – Allow zone OCR-based templates that are linked to specific Record Types.

For more information on the configuration of the Global Classification List in the root configuration menu, see:

PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Configuration: Classification


Classification Workflow Step Form Definitions



The Classification Form Definition in a Classification Workflow step configuration allows administrators to define all the characteristics of a localized classification form, how to identify or classify corresponding content, and provides key methods for how PSIcapture will behave when a classification occurs. In the Classification Workflow Step, it's important to note that some functions are specific to this product area, including Select From Global, Copy to Global, and Zone Profile Triggered table display options. Explore the description of each function below.

  • Add, Insert, Edit, Copy and Delete - Classification forms are setup through these options. Insert places the form in order below the selected form.
  • Move Up, Move Down, Move To... - Change the order of the classification forms by either manually adjusting row by row, or using the "Move To..." to specify an exact position in the list.
  • Show Details - Shows a variety of additional details, seen by scrolling to the right, which include Rules, Table Extraction, Description, etc.
  • View Usage - A breakdown of the classification form's usage across capture profiles and specific form IDs. Statistics are measured across time periods, selectable from the top "From" and "To" options. Select "Query" when your chosen dates have been selected to display the results.


  • Select From Global - Opens the Global Classification Form Selection dialog:

    • Link to selected Classification Forms - Select a Global Classification Form and link it to the Classification Workflow step of this Capture Profile. Any changes to the Global Classification Form will be reflected in this capture profile.
    • Copy selected Classification Forms - Select a Global Classification Form and copy it to the Classification Workflow step of this Capture Profile. Any changes to the Global Classification Form will not be reflected in this capture profile.
  • Copy to Global - Copy one or more Classification Form(s) to the Global Classification Forms list.
  • Import/Export - Administrators can Import and Export Classification Form Definitions from other Capture Profiles or PSIcapture Installations.

Classification Workflow Step Table Display


  • Form ID - This is the name of the form. 
  • Record Type - A record type could be something like an invoice, quote, purchase order, etc. This is another way to separate your forms.
  • Group Type - A group type could be something like manufacturing, tax, HR, construction, etc. This allows the user to group forms together per industry for instance.
  • Validated - This shows whether a Form has been validated or not.
  • Zone Profile Triggered (Workflow Step Configuration Only) - This shows which Zone Profile is triggered when the application recognizes a form. The gear icon allows administrators to edit the Zone Profile from Classification Settings.


    Zone Profile Editing Options - When an user clicks on the gear icon they get 3 options:

    • Edit - Edit the Zone Profile associated with the Form. If multiple profiles are associated to the current Form the option of choosing which profile to edit is available.

    • Create New - Create a new Zone Profile for the Form.
    • Select Existing - Select a different Zone Profile not associated with the Form.

At the bottom of the forms list there is an area where the user can see a few statistics.

These statistics tell the user:

  • Total Classification Forms
  • Validated Forms (what percentage of them are actually validated)
  • Record types there are within the Classification Forms
  • The number of Groups of Classification Forms

NOTE: Administrators can also choose whether to show if a form has been validated via a checkbox in the far right column of the forms list.




Finally, at the bottom of the Classification Forms section, there are three notable functions:




Process Classification using all global Classification Forms... - if this option is enabled, new Classification Forms will always be saved to the Global Forms collection. Additionally, when Classification is run, it will always reference the Global Classification list as well as the local classification list.


Highlighted rows indication globally linked Classification Forms... - Rows highlighted in this shade indicate that the Classification Form locally listed there is linked to a Global Classification Form, as changes to the Global Form, or Local Form, will reflect changes in its counterpart.


Classification Form Validation options

Require entry of the following setting on Classification Forms: The administrator can require that when Classification Forms are created, either in the Configuration dialog or in Accelerated Classification (ACE), the user must enter the checked boxes of Group, Record Type, Description, or Tag. If the user attempts to save a classification form without completing these fields, they will encounter an error message:




Adding Local Classification Form Definitions

Clicking the Add button will open the Form Definition dialog. As mentioned, the created form will be localized to the specific capture profile which is currently being edited. Within this configuration interface, administrators have the standard template toolbar which allows them to load or scan a template image, as well as a set of zooming tools.




Form Settings



  • Form ID – The Form ID is the name of the form these characteristics define. Note: This name will be available as a variable, and be placed in a linked index field.
  • Group – The Group allows administrators to create subsets of forms and currently is purely for organization within the configuration.
  • Record Type – This dropdown will link to any previously configured Record Types and allows the linking of the Form Definition to the chosen Record. For more information, see PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Configuration: Document Records.
  • Description – Allows a user defined description of the form.
  • Tag – Tags can be mapped and used to populate an index field. Tags can be used as an additional set of metadata to fine-tune the classification process.

    NOTE: "Tag" does not refer to Image Tags in this example. For details on using Image Tag metadata, see: Advanced Indexing: Image Tags or Workflow: Image Tag Output.
     The Tag value is also available in the following product areas:

    • When using ACE in a Classification Workflow Step:


      Whether the Tag field is displayed in Standard or Advanced mode, as with other ACE Settings, can be controlled via the "Display Mode Options" > Advanced section of the PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Accelerated Classification Engine (ACE) article:


    • Also, Tags are displayed on the Classification Form Database Import screen:


  • Page Count – For forms of specified page lengths, this count will be utilized in page validation.
  • Usage Ranking Behavior - This option allows administrators to keep the current use ranked position or override usage ranking settings so that the selected form gets process in the beginning or end of the queue.


      • Use Ranked position - Use the ranking of the list as created by the administrator.

      • Override Ranking and process Form at the beginning of the Form list - Override the ranking of the list created by the administrator and process forms from the beginning of the document list.

      • Override Ranking and process Form at the end of the Form list - Override the ranking of the list created by the administrator and process forms starting from the end of the document list.

Tool Icons


When clicked a pop-up window comes up allowing the user to choose what text will be used to identify the Form.
When clicked the Barcode Recognition window pops up allowing the user to choose what barcode will be used to identify the Form.
When clicked the application will verify that it recognizes the text or barcode defined.
When clicked the edit Regex window pops up allowing the user to edit the regex for the rule.
Deletes the rule.



Classification Rules

The Classification Rules section of the module provides the ability to input one or more rules that will define the form. Below are the options:



  • Match – Administrators can choose a positive or negative match for the rule, and combine them to build a series of rules that will define the form. For instance, administrators may have a form that has “Form OFS 2” on the top, but there are two versions, with different locations for the required data. One form has “Version 2” on the bottom, one does not. administrators can use a negative rule to make sure the form without Version 2 is properly identified.
  • Rule Type – Currently there are three types of rules: OCR Text, Barcode, and Index Field.
    • OCR Text - OCR is used to recognize text within the selected region.
    • Barcode - The Barcode recognition engine detects a specific barcode within the selected region.
    • Index Field - Link the rule to a specific Index Field value by selecting a preconfigured index field from the dropdown menu:

  • Search Region - This allows the user to select where on the page the OCR text is searched for.
  • Index Value - This allows the user to select which index field to set the value of using the classification rule.
  • Rule Value – The Rule Value provides an entry point for a regular expression to match either the barcode value or an OCR expression. This will trigger the classification and setting of Record Type.
  • Rule Match Behavior – If administrators have multiple rules, this drop down will provide a means to logically combine them to define the overall match.


    Rule Matching behavior applies to all corresponding Classification areas, including ACE and Database Import settings.
    administrators can either choose to:
    • Classify based on first matching rule - Classifications will be matched on the first matching rule.
    • Positive Classification if all positive rules match and no negative rules match - make the combination of all the positive rules required, with no matches to negative rules.
    • Positive Classification if any positive rules match and no negative rules match - make any of the positive rules required, with no matches to negative rules.
    • Positive Classification if N or more positive rules match and no negative rules match - specify a minimum threshold for number of rules that must be matched, with no matches to negative rules.
    • Custom matching using Rule Sets - Group different Rules into custom Rule Sets by adding Rules via the "Add button". The following extension to the dialog window is added:


      • Rule Set match behavior - Define how the matching process works for your customized Rule set with the following options:


      • Positive Classification if all Rule Sets match - make the combination of all the positive Rule sets required, with no matches to negative rules.
      • Positive Classification if any Rule Set matches - make any of the positive Rule sets required, with no matches to negative rules.
      • Positive Classification if N Rule Sets match - specify a minimum threshold for number of rule sets that must be matched, with no matches to negative rules.

Note: The order of rules can be used to the user's advantage as rules are processed in the order of entry.


Last Page Classification Rules

If Last Page Rule processing is enabled and a Form Definition contains Last Page Rules, then when that Form is classified, all other Page Validation and classification is disabled and classification will only search for a matching last page for that form. Once is it is found, all pages up to that page will be added to that Form and classification will switch back to normal processing looking for matches for all defined forms. We will also handle the special case where the first page of a Form is also a last page.

If a Form Definition does not contain Last Page Rules, then the selected option under Page Validation will be used (Loose, Strict, None). This allows administrators to mix both types of validation in case they aren't able to use Last Page Rules for all of their forms.




Form Qualifiers

This allows classification based on the page orientation or the size of the form. This can be useful as an additional criteria for defining a form, or can be used by itself with no rules to define a form. An example might be when scanning checks and check stubs, administrators can assign a record type of Check when certain page size criteria are met.




Table Extraction-Line Items




Enable Table Extraction - Enable this option to extract data from tables, sometimes called spreadsheets, which are typically defined by columns and rows in a grid format.

Minimum spaces between works to signal column breaks (2-10) - This option allows the administrator to define the specific table spacing of their unique form to fine-tune the OCR recognition of that region. This number of spaces then serves as a clear delineation to identify the break between columns and rows based on the standardized spaces between characters.

Fail Classification if table extraction does not produce any records - This option allows administrators to ensure that table data must be extracted in order for the form to pass classification form matching. Use this setting to ensure that the type of form being identified must have table data which is then extracted into records in order to be a successful match. Specify a Search type to determine how PSIcapture will decide if a classification form fails to match if table extraction does not produce any records:

  • Search type - Specify the search type for table extraction from the following options:
    • Stop search on first non-matching line - As soon as PSIcapture determines that a non-matching line has been recognized via OCR, the search stops and does not use any more processing power and marks the classification form as non-matched.
    • Search to bottom of page - This option allows a more in-depth search to ensure there is no table data to be extracted from the entire page. Using the same logic as the above "Stop search on first non-matching line", PSIcapture continues the search for the entire page until it determines there is no table extraction possible.

Preview - Preview the table extraction settings on the current classification form image.


Line Item Columns

This table allows administrators to determine which line items should be extracted from the table of the classification form. Setup each column and its corresponding settings as necessary. 


Add - Add a Line Item column definition and its corresponding settings, as seen below:




Column Definition

Name - Name a column as needed. A name is automatically generated from the OCR of the original column header, but can be changed as needed.

Optional - Check this box to specify that this column is optional, and not required for classification matching.

Column can wrap over multiple lines - Check this box to specify that the column may wrap over multiple lines in a horizontal direction, i.e. more columns than the originally detected column.


Header Pattern options

Header pattern - The column header pattern is automatically generated from the OCR recognition of the column header upon initial creation. Standard editing of the Regular Expressions and recognition options can be edited via the two buttons on the right of the field.


Value pattern options

Match Numeric Values - Specify that this column contains only numeric values, and only those values should be extracted via OCR.

Match Text Values - Indicate that PSIcapture must recognize alphanumeric text syntax and extract all text-based data.

Use a custom value pattern - Setup a specific value pattern to fine-tune OCR recognition and apply Regex as well as text filtering options to the pattern.


Character filtering options

Character filter - Apply character filtering options to the recognition of the characters in the column and row. These character filters are the standard filters found throughout the rest of PSIcapture.

Enable extended characters - Define a list of extended characters to recognize, including currency symbols, unique syntax, etc.

Invalid character action - Specify one of the following options:

  • Do Not Correct - No character adjustments will be applied.
  • Remove - Remove the detected invalid character(s).
  • Auto Correct - Automatically correct any invalid character(s) with specified replacements.
  • Replace with Marker - Replace the invalid characters with a Marker for review at a later time.


Importing Classification Forms

Clicking Import button on Classification Module settings will now display a dialog allowing administrators to choose which type of import to perform:



Database Import




Database Connection

  • Database Type  - Specify the database type from the dropdown menu.
  • Database - Manually build a connection string, or use the "Select" button to pull up the database connection dialogs and browse for an available database, which will then automatically build a connection string based on your input and selections.
  • Table or view - Select the table or view applicable to this database import.

Import Definition

  1. Form ID - This field is required, and should be unique. Form ID, Description and Rules all use the standard Build Custom Value dialog to build those values from different database fields/constants.
  2. Description - Build a description, which can be based on an index field.
  3. Tag - Setup a Tag, which can also be mapped to an index field, as in standard classification form definitions.
  4. Record Type - Set a record type from Existing, Map to a Database Column, or Enter Manually.
  5. Group - Set a group from Existing, Map to a Database Column, or Enter Manually.
  6. Page Count - Map this value to a Database Column or Enter Manually.

The other fields are all optional including Rules. Setting up Rules during this step applies them universally across all imported forms. By making Rules optional, it allows the user to come back later and add rules to individual forms.

When defining Rules, administrators can either use the values from the table as is, or run the values through the Regex Builder to generate codes necessary. This behavior is controlled for each rule separately using the “Convert to Regex” option. The global Regex Options can be accessed using the Regular Expression Options button.
NOTE: Additionally, as of PSIcapture 7.7+, once "Convert to Regex" is selected, administrators have the further option to specify the Regex Format:


    • Standard - Uses the global Regular Expression Builder options to generate the regular expression.

    • Numeric - Format Independent - Generates a Regular Expression that will match any text that contains the numeric digits of the value being used to generate the regular expression no matter what extra characters are also in the text.

Rule Match Behavior - This corresponds with the Match Type column available on Classification Form rules and last page rules. See the Rules section above for more information. When rules are created during the import, they will be generated with the Match Type defined on the rule definition on the import template.


Import Options


  1. Duplicate Form ID Behavior – Administrators can either skip creation of a form if a duplicate is found or add the rules to an existing form.
  2. “Mark Imported Classification Form Definitions as Not Validated….” – If selected, this option will import the form as Not Validated. If the corresponding option "Treat Documents that are classified as Non-Validated Forms..." within the Classification Settings > Accelerated Classification Engine configuration is selected (see screenshot below), then documents that match these Non Validated Forms will be treated as Exceptions to be processed on the Classification Validation dialog. To validate the Form, the user will open the Form in the ACE dialog. When they save out of ACE, the form will be validated for that document, any others in the batch of that type of Form and all future documents classified as that Form type.


  3. "Do not create Classification Form Definitions that have no rules" - If selected no rule will be added and the form will not be created. The system will warn the user and let them know which form definitions were not made.

Sample Database Import




Scheduling Recurring Database Imports


Once a database connection has been configured, select the "Load/Manage Templates" button at the top of the Classification Forms Database Import dialog:




Once selected, the following screen will appear:




Select the "Calendar" icon next to the configured Database Import profile that you wish to schedule for a recurring import. The following dialog will appear:




Enable Recurring Automated Import - Select this box to enable a regularly scheduled database import. Then, specify whether you wish to import the Classification Profile to the "Global Classification" Forms list, or restrict it to a specific Capture Profile via "Capture Profile", and then pick the corresponding Capture Profile by hitting "Select Capture Profile".


Recurrence Settings... - Setup the recurrence of the Database Import via the following dialog:




Customize Interval and time of day to perform the import according to your business needs.


Custom Text File Import

All administrators need to do is Browse to the location of the text file and click the Import button.


XML Import

This allows administrators to select an XML file that they have exported previously from the Form Definitions export option. NOTE: In versions 6.0.2.x and below this import option is only available in the Classification Configuration settings of the main configuration.


This allows administrators to export an XML file from Classification Workflow Settings.


Classification Settings - General




OCR Text Classification Settings

The Classification module works by extracting a specified amount of header and footer text from the processed page, and then searching for match terms. The module allows administrators to adjust these settings to take in more or less text, depending on the structure of the forms they are processing.



Administrators can set the text area to be either set in lines or area, and then define the amount of either they want to consume. 

NOTE: The more area administrators consume, the more time it will take the engine to process the text. This can become a performance issue if administrators are processing large areas or number of lines.


Indexing Options




  • Index field to populate Form ID -This option allows administrators to choose to assign the Form ID to an index field or populate the Page Information dialog with Classification OCR Text for troubleshooting.
  • Index field to populate with Group Name - This option allows administrators to assign the Group Name to an index field.
  • Index field to populate with Record Type - This option allows administrators to assign the Record Type to an index field.
  • Index field to populate with Description - This options allows administrators to assign the Description to an index field.
  • Index field to populate with Tag - The "Tag" field described in Adding Form Definitions above, in the "Form Settings" section can be mapped to an index field, allowing for a link between index fields and classification profile Tags, expanding the ability for classification forms to have an independent field "Tag" that can be used for specific identification configurations.


OCR Text Viewing Options

This options allow the user to view the OCR text in either the Page Information dialog or the Classification Validation dialog.



Allow OCR text used for matching to be viewed on Page Information dialog - Enable this feature to allow the matching OCR text to be displayed on the Page Information dialog window.

Allow OCR text used for matching to be viewed on Classification Validation dialog - Enable this feature to allow the matching OCR text to be displayed on the Classification Validation dialog window.


Default Options




Default Rule match behavior

  • Classify based on first matching rule - The first matching rule will determine a positive classification.
  • Positive classification if all positive rules match and no negative rules match - All positive rules must be matched and no negative rules must be matched to determine a positive classification.
  • Positive classification if any positive rule matches and no negative rules match - Any positive rules must be matched and no negative rules must be matched to determine a positive classification.
  • Positive classification if N or more positive rules match and no negative rules match - Set the number of positive rules that must be matched while no negative rules are matched to determine a positive classification. This number is set to the right of the field in "Default rule match count".
  • Custom matching using Rule Sets - Use Rule Sets to determine the positive classification matching. Rule set match behavior is then specified in the settings below.

Default rule set match behavior

  • Positive classification if all Rule Sets match - All positive Rule Set must be matched and no negative rules must be matched to determine a positive classification.
  • Positive classification if any Rule Set matches - Any positive Rule Set must be matched and no negative rules must be matched to determine a positive classification.
  • Positive classification if N Rule Sets match - Set the number of positive rules that must be matched while no negative rules are matched to determine a positive classification. This number is set to the right of the field in "Default Rule Set match count".

Default rule match behavior for rule sets

  • Match based on first matching rule - The first matching rule will determine a matching rule set.
  • Match if all positive rules match and no negative rules match - All positive rules must be matched and no negative rules must be matched to determine a matching rule set.
  • Match if any positive rules match and no negative rules match - Any positive rules must be matched and no negative rules must be matched to determine a matching rule set.
  • Match if N or more positive rules match and no negative rules match - Set the number of positive rules that must be matched while no negative rules are matched to determine matching rule set. This number is set to the right of the field in "Default rule match count for rule sets".


Processing Options




Group Processing Options

In PSIcapture 7.7+, Processing Options was moved to its own page. Group processing was put into its own section, and allows administrators to process Classifications based on group designation.


Groups to Process

  • Select Process Groups - Process Documents based on specific group of classification profiles.
    • Example: A PSIcapture Administrator wishes to test a workflow on a new set of Classification profiles. They setup two groups: Production and Testing. User only wants Production forms used for classification so selects just that Group here.


Form Processing Setup



This option allows the choice of processing forms in either the order the forms are defined as (default) or by group. When selecting By Group, the forms will be separated into their groups and each group will be processed in the order the groups are defined. The By Usage Ranking option processing the forms that are matched most often first, allowing for faster processing.

Form Processing Order

  • Defined Order
  • By Group
  • By Usage Ranking
  • By Usage Ranking and by Groups

Calculate Usage Ranking using (only available when usage ranking is selected)

  • All Usage
  • Usage from the last 3 months
  • Usage from the last 6 months
  • Usage from the last 12 months

Page Processing



Run Classification on:

  • All Pages of document (Default)
  • First Page of Document Only
  • Custom Page List of Document

Enter Pages to Classify

Allows administrators to enter a list of pages that classification should be run on. NOTE: Available if Custom Page List of Document is selected.

Group Processing Options

This allows the ability to filter which Classification forms are run on a Capture Profile by selecting from a list of form groups.



Classification - Page Validation




Page Validation Options

The type of forms that administrators are processing will determine the type of Page Validation to choose. Page validation in the Classification Module determines how pages will be combined and validated during the classification process. Administrators have several choices in how pages are treated once a Form Type is identified/matched to a classification rule. In validation methods that require page count, counts are referenced from the Form ID Definition. Below are the types of validation and an explanation of the behavior:

  • Loose Page Count Validation – In this validation method, once a Form is identified, susequent pages will be added to the form until the page count is reached, or until another Form is identified. This method can be utilized with both fixed page count forms as well as varibale length documents like invoices in mixed batches.
  • Strict Page Count Validation – In Strict mode, the product will count form pages, and if they do not equal the page count defined in the Form Definition, an exception will occur.
  • No Page Count Validation – In this method, page counts are totally ignored, and the combining of pages can occur based on one of the chosen options:
    • Combine with non-classified document with previously classified document
    • Combine with classified document with previously classified document if same Form ID

Last Page Rule validation options

  • When a Form is matched that has Last Page Rules defined...

This option enables/disables Last Page Rule processing. 

If Last Page Rule processing is enabled and a Form Definition contains Last Page Rules, then when that Form is classified, all other Page Validation and classification is disabled and classification will only search for a matching last page for that form. Once is it is found, all pages up to that page will be added to that Form and classification will switch back to normal processing looking for matches for all defined forms. We will also handle the special case where the first page of a Form is also a last page.

If a Form Definition does not contain Last Page Rules, then the selected option under Page Validation will be used (described in the above section). This allows administrators to mix both types of validation in case they aren't able to use Last Page Rules for all of their forms.

  • Classification should fail on a Document if...

When checked this will validate that the page count on Documents that have run through Classification restructuring matches the page count defined on the form that Document was classified as. If the page counts don't match, the Document will fail classification and an alert with the appropriate error message will be attached to that document. Since it fails classification, the Classification Validation dialog will be displayed with that document marked as failed.

  • Start new Document if classification of a new form...

When this box is checked a new document will be created if a new Form ID is triggered before the Last Page Rule is processed.

  • Only start a new Document if Form ID...

When checked a new Form ID is created ONLY if the Form ID is different than the one being checked.


Classification - Exceptions Processing

If there are any exceptions during the validation process, administrators can either interactively fix them in the classification module, or auto-reject to an exceptions batch based on the selection in the Exceptions Processing section below:




Enable Exceptions Processing: Enable the ability, when encountering a failed classification, to process the exception by:

Load Batch in Classification module to allow user to manually classify or reject Documents - 

Automatically reject Documents to Exceptions Batch which fail classification - 


User Experience Example: Exceptions that occurred during the classification process will appear with a triangular exclamation icon to their left:



Check for Classification alerts when user closes Batch - When enabled, PSIcapture will check for Classification Failed alerts on the Batch when a user attempts to close the Batch out of Classification. If Classification Alerts are found, the Batch Errors dialog will be displayed with the list of Documents that have Classification Alerts on them.


Note: The action available to the user will depend on the "Do not allow Batch to proceed to next Workflow step if it contains Classification alerts" setting:

  1. Not Checked: User will be asked if they still want to close the Batch:


  2. Checked: User will not be given the option to close the Batch:


Accelerated Classification Engine Options




We have moved Classification Exceptions Processing to its own tab and added a new feature called Accelerated Classification Engine (ACE). As of PSIcapture 7.4+, and expanded in PSIcapture 7.7+, we have added additional automation options, including:

  • Form ID auto-naming
  • Automated Rule creation
  • Automated Last Page Rule creation


For a full breakdown of these options, see:


PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Accelerated Classification Engine (ACE)


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