version 7.7.x | Download Pending |
This article is intended for PSIcapture Administrators.
The Accelerated Classification Engine (ACE) is a series of advanced connections between the Classification Workflow Module, the Index Workflow Module to allow users to create classification profiles while processing documents through a workflow, without the need to enter the configuration area. Robust and simple creation of advanced classification profiles on-the-fly allows users to focus on the work and not get bogged-down with advanced configuration options better left in the hands of an Administrator. With a little education, Users can create classification profiles that can later be fine-tuned if needed.
ACE from a User Perspective
If the Accelerated Classification Engine is enabled, the user will be allowed to configure new Classification Form Definitions and Zone Profiles from within the Classification module when viewing Classification validation results. Click the ACE button to open the ACE dialog.
NOTE: In order to use feature the user must have the correct permissions as shown below.
Users will also be able to Edit existing Form Definitions. If the ACE button is clicked for a Document that is already assigned a Form ID, the user will be prompted to either edit the Form Definition that is assigned to that Document or to create a New Form Definition. When editing an existing Form Definition, the Zone Definition Profile tab will be disabled, only the Form Definition settings can be modified.
All documents/pages will appear within the interface, and users can identify the exceptions by the yellow alert triangles in the first column. NOTE: Users can adjust the interface to just show the documents with alerts by checking the Show only documents with Classification Alerts check box at the bottom of the dialog box. The following are the other columns within the interface:
To begin the Accelerated Classification process, simply click the gear icon next to the document you wish to create a new classification form for:
Once a new Classification Form Definition has been configured for a Document that failed to be classified, the status icon will switch to a green checkmark indicating it has already been resolved:
If users would like to re-run Classification on any other Documents that failed to be classified, click the Save Classification Corrections button. This will reprocess those unclassified Documents using any new Forms that were defined. If there are still unclassified Documents, the Classification Validation dialog will reopen so that additional Forms can be defined.
Classification Validation Toolbars
icon | description | |
Saves any changes you made to forms in this window. | ||
The User Settings allows the user to choose the Sort Order and Filter Mode.
This lets the user change the cursor back to a pointer. | ||
Users can select an area to zoom in on with this tool. | ||
Zooms in on a form. | ||
Zooms out on a form. | ||
Rotate a form to the left. | ||
Rotate a form to the right. |
Classification Results
This is a sequential document ID that is assigned to each document processed.
Classification Form ID
For properly classified forms, this column will be populated with the Form ID. This will be missing from pages with Classification Alerts. Note that this dropdown will have all the configured Form IDs so users can easily reassign a Form ID to a page or document. This will also change the Record Type column to the linked Record Type.
Enter ACE - Open the Accelerated Classification Engine and create a new classification form on-the-fly. Jump to the Accelerated Classification Configuration below for more information. |
Copy Form ID - This allows users to assign the Form ID of the previously classified document to the current document. |
N/A | Record Type - This will display the linked Record Type associated with the Form ID, if applicable. | |
N/A | Pages - This will show the number of pages for each document. | |
Reject - This column can be used to reject one or all of the documents in the Validation interface.
Once users have worked through all the documents, they can click the Save button to save the changes and move on in the workflow. Users will be prompted to run Batch Corrections before they can proceed.
Note: Users can also just cancel out of the Validation interface and proceed to the next workflow step. If users have a QA step following Classification in the workflow, this can also be utilized to adjust the documents and make corrections. Capture Profiles with Record Types enabled will have a Record Type column that is a drop down for all configured Record Types within QA. This can be used to reassign incorrectly classified documents. |
Combine with Previous Document - This allows the user to combine documents together. | ||
Split the Document at the currently selected page - This allows the user to split that document at any page. The user can switch pages by adjusting this number found on the bottom right of the validation window.
There is an option to split a document into single pages as shown in the screenshot below. Now when you click on the split document button a pop-up window appears with the options available.
ACE in Index Workflow Step (PSIcapture 7.7+)
In PSIcapture 7.7+, ACE functionality has been added into the Indexing workflow step, implementing a new Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration toolbar for editing and creating new Zone Profiles with indexing. Some unnecessary user prompts were removed while making changes.
In order to enable ACE on your specific capture profile within an indexing workflow step, make sure the following setting is enabled under "Exception Processing":
"Enable Accelerated Classification Configuration"
Once enabled, the same ACE functionality detailed throughout this article will now be available in the Index Workflow step of your PSIcapture profile.
To add a new Classification profile or zone profile, use the add or edit buttons in the Indexing Workflow step near the listed Classification profile:
This will bring up the standard ACE interface, allowing users to create classification and zone profiles on-the-fly. Once saved, the user is returned to the Workflow step, in this case Index:
Accelerated Classification Configuration
The Accelerated Classification Configuration dialog allows users to define both a new Classification Form Definition and an accompanying Zone Definition Profile. When opening the ACE dialog, the current document will be automatically loaded into the Viewer.
The Verified Classification Match button allows the user to verify that the loaded document matches the classification form settings being edited.
Accelerated Classification Configuration Toolbar
Save - Saves the current Classification Form created in ACE. | ||
Copy Classification Form - Brings up a Selection dialog to select which previously configured Classification form to copy: |
Verify Classification Match - Attempts to verify whether the Classification Form matches the current document. If the verification fails, an error message will appear: |
Regular Expression Builder Options - Opens the Regex Builder Options dialog.
ACE supports two different editing modes: Standard and Advanced. These modes can be customized in the Accelerated Classification Engine Options section below to define which settings show up in each mode. By default, the Standard mode displays the basic Classification and Zone Definition settings that are predominately used. Advanced mode will display all the options that are available when defining Classification Forms and Zone Definition Profiles from within the Configuration module. |
Classification Form Definition
The process of setting up a Classification Form Definition is basically the same as setting one up in the Configuration module. The 2 main differences are:
- The Viewer allows users to click on words to build Rules, Last Page Rules and Line Item column headers for Table Extraction.
- In order to resize a Zone for a rule, users must toggle off Point and Click Item Creation using the button above the Classification Viewer.
Zone Definition Profile
Configuring a Zone Definition Profile to correspond with the new Classification Form Definition is optional. If the new Form does not require a Zone Definition Profile, simply select Use existing Zone Definition Profile / No Profile Required.
If users are defining a Zone Definition Profile, they can either start with an empty profile or copy an existing profile to use as a starting point. To copy an existing profile, click the Copy Existing Profile to select which profile to make a copy of. After selecting the profile, the zones for that profile will be loaded. They can then be adjusted to suit the needs of the current Form. If users always want to start with a default Zone Definition Profile, one can be configured on the ACE settings.
Whether users are copying an existing profile or starting from a blank profile, the setup of a Zone Definition Profile works the same as when setting up a profile in Configuration. The 2 main differences are:
- The Zone Name is displayed as a drop down list containing the names of all the Zones that are being used to populate Document Index Fields on the Capture Profile. This allows the user to easily create new zones and ensure they are named correctly to match up with the naming currently being used on the Capture Profile.
- If either the Classification Form ID or Record Type is selected as the Trigger for this Zone Definition Profile, it will automatically be configured to use the Form ID or Record Type defined on the Classification Form Definition.
Validating Form Definitions
If the option to mark imported forms as Non-Validated was selected, users can enable form Validation using ACE on the Classification Settings dialog. If this option is enabled, Forms that match a Non-Validated form during Classification will be marked as an Exception and displayed on the Classification Validation dialog with an icon indicating that it is not validated (blue question mark icon or gear icon depending on version):
To validate the Form, the user simply needs to open the ACE dialog and click Save. This allows them to check the Form Definition for accuracy, make any changes they need to, add a corresponding Zone Definition Profile, etc.
When clicking on the ACE button, they will be prompted to either validate the existing form that is assigned to that Document or create a new form:
After clicking Validate and saving the changes on the ACE dialog, the status of that Document (and any that are classified as that same Form type) will be updated in the list of Documents to Validated (green check mark icon).
Once done validating all the Forms, click Save on the Classification Validation dialog to allow the Classification process to finish on those Forms and any other that were modified.
Now that the Forms have been validated, the next time those types of Forms are sent through Classification, they will be classified and will not raise an Exception.
Accelerated Classification Engine Options
Accelerated Classification Engine settings are found under the Classification Workflow step Configuration. For more information on the other tabs of the Classification Settings product area, see:
PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Classification Settings
Below is a breakdown of the Accelerated Classification Engine Configuration Options:
Enable Accelerated Classification Engine (Checkbox) – To enable the Accelerated Classification Engine (ACE) select this check box. ACE can only be enabled if Exceptions Processing is enabled.
General (Tab)
Display Mode Options (Section)
- Default Display Mode (Selector) – The ACE configuration dialog has 2 modes: Standard and Advanced. This option lets you specify the default mode that the ACE dialog should open in.
- Allow user to switch Display Modes (Checkbox) – This option controls whether the user will be allowed to switch between Standard and Advanced modes. If this is unchecked, then the ACE dialog will be opened in the mode specified by the Default Display Mode.
Advanced (Button)
Accelerated Classification Engine Display Mode Options - The Display Mode Options dialog allows the user to customize the mode that settings on the Accelerated Classification Engine are displayed in each display mode. The following display option can be set for each customizable setting in the list:
- Advanced Only – setting will only be displayed when in Advanced mode.
- Both – setting will show in both Standard and Advanced mode.
- None – setting will not show in either Standard or Advanced mode.
Zone Definition Profile Options (Section)
Default Zone Definition Profile Selection (Selector) – This option controls what the Zone Definition Profile Option should be set to by default when opening the ACE dialog. Choose between creating a new zone profile definition or use an existing definition.
Zone Definition Profile to preload copy of (Selector) – If a Zone Definition Profile is selected, it will be copied and loaded automatically as the starting point for the new Zone Definition Profile when opening the ACE dialog.
When editing an existing Classification Form... (Checkbox) - When enabled and a user opens ACE on the Classification Validation dialog for an existing form, the application will attempt to load the Zone Profile triggered by the current Classification Form. If one is not found, it then looks for a Zone Profile that triggers off Record Type with the Record Type of the Form being edited. If a Zone Profile is found, it will be loaded into ACE and the user can modify it.
Other Options (Section)
New Classification Form save location - This area controls where new Classification Forms defined in ACE will be saved. User options are:
- (Default) Automatically save the new Classification Form based on how the current Classification Forms are defined on the Capture Profile.
- Note: This behavior can be overridden by selecting one of the other three options. No matter what option is selected for this setting, if the "Process Classification using all global Classification Form Definitions that are defined when Classification runs" option is enabled, the new Form will always be saved to the Global Forms collection.
- Always prompt the user to select where to save the new Classification Form.
- Always save the new Classification Form to the Global Forms collection.
- Always save the new Classification Form to the Capture Profile.
Before running Classification processing on a Batch, update its copy of the Capture Profile with the Classification Form Definitions, Zone Profiles and Record Types from the Capture Profile in Configuration (Checkbox) – If this option is enabled, Classification Form Definitions, Zone Profiles and Record Types will be updated on the Batch based on the current settings on the Capture Profile in Configuration. This will ensure that the Batch has the latest versions of the settings that can be defined by the Accelerated Classification Engine.
Treat documents that are classified as Non-Validated Forms as Exceptions to be processed through the Accelerated Classification dialog. ... (Checkbox) – If this option is enabled, Forms that match a Non-Validated form during Classification will be marked as an Exception and displayed on the Classification Validation dialog with an icon indicating that it is not validated.
Auto create a corresponding Zone Profile when a Classification Form is matched that does not already trigger one (Checkbox) – If this option is enabled, Zone Profiles will be auto created during the Classification process that do not currently trigger a Zone Profile. In other words, if the document matches a classification profile, but doesn't match a Zone Profile, these Zone Profiles will be automatically created based on the Auto Zone Creation Configuration. The default Zone Profile selected in "Zone Definition Profile options" will be used as the base profile with Auto Zone creation settings defined on Index fields generating/overriding zones.
NOTE: This setting also applies to Classification matches in an Indexing workflow when ACE is enabled. For more information, jump back to the "ACE in Index Workflow Step (PSIcapture 7.7+)" section above.
In order to automatically create the Zone Profile, the user must have Auto Zone creation configured for the fields they want to capture. These settings will be used when automatically creating the Zone Profile. For more information, see:
PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Auto Zone Creation Configuration
NOTE: This process can be very helpful for configuration when creating Classification Forms using the database import feature. Previously, that process would only create the Classification Form, leaving the user to manually create the Zone Profile for each. Now, the Zone Profile can also be automatically configured according to Auto Zone Creation configuration settings.
Treat Documents that trigger a Non-Validated Zone Profile as Exceptions to be processed through the Accelerated Classification dialog - If this option is enabled, Documents that trigger a Non-Validated Zone Profile will be treated as Exceptions and the Accelerated Classification Engine dialog will display an exception icon next to the document until the document is manually validated.
Form ID Auto-Naming (Tab)
Form ID auto naming methods (Section)
- Point and click entry (Selector) - This setting lets users control the populating of a Form ID using point and click. The Form ID will be populated with the raw value that is clicked on not with the generated Regex that the rule is populated with.
- Do not populate Form ID using point and click.
- Populate Form ID if it is blank.
- Populate Form ID if it is blank and create a new Rule.
- Automated Naming (Selector) - This selector provides an option to enforce formatting guidelines on point and click naming of forms when enabled via "Populate Form ID if it is blank". This option is disabled if using the setting "Do not populate Form ID using automated naming".
Automated Form ID Configuration (Automated Naming > Configure)
Automated Form IDs (Section) - This section allows you to configure how your automated naming behaves using Regular Expression (RegEx) values. This section works in conjunction with section below as the parent of a parent-child relationship.
- Functions: You may add or delete form ID behaviors, as well as move rules up and down in priority.
- Description: A text field for you to describe your automated form ID
- Preview: This field displays values built from the panel below.
Sections for the selected Automated Form ID (Section) - This allows you to build out your automated Form ID generator, described in sections. For instance, you may opt to generate a Form ID with a combination of date, a value matched on page, constant value, and an index field. This section works in conjunction with the section above, as a child in a parent-child relationship.
- Section Type (Selector) - choose between Matching OCR Value, Create Date, Constant, and Index Field.
- Matching OCR Value - matches the OCR value specified.
- Match Expression - enter the value to be matched using a Regular Expression (RegEx) value.
- Process on (Selector) - choose whether to process on all pages of a document or first page of a document only.
- Output format - select or enter the desired format for your output.
- Required (checkbox) - choose whether this section is required or option.
- Create Date - allows you to specify the date as a valid part of the Form ID.
- Constant Value - allows you to specify a constant value as part of the Form ID.
- Index Field - allows you to specify an index field as part of the Form ID.
- Index Field (Selector) - Select the index field to use as part of the Form ID.
- Output Format - Determine the output format for the Form ID.
- Matching OCR Value - matches the OCR value specified.
Options (Section)
- Form ID Selection (Selector) - allows you to determine how the Form ID generation behaves for end-users.
- Use first valid Form ID but allow user to modify
- User first valid Form ID and don't allow user to modify
- Allow user to choose form all valid Form IDs
Exceptions Processing (Section) - determine how this function should operate when no valid expressions are found within your documents.
- If no valid Form IDs are generated, warn the user but still allow Form to be configured.
- If no valid Form IDs are generated, do not warn the user and allow Form to be configured.
- If no valid Form IDs are generated, mark the Document for rejection to an Exception Batch.
Formatting Options (Section)
- Auto Casing (Selector) - presents several options to apply automatic casing to captured data.
- Do not apply auto casing
- All characters to uppercase
- All characters to lowercase
- Title case - first letter of each word capitalized
- Sentence case - first letter of each sentence capitalized, rest lowercase.
Character Filtering Options (Section)
- Character Filter (Selector) - presents options to apply character filtering
- All Characters
- Alpha Only (a-z, A-Z)
- Numeric Only (0-9)
- Numeric Extended (0-9, $%#+-)
- Date (0-9, /-)
- Extended Characters Only
- Standard Printable Characters
- Enable Extended Characters (Checkbox), available once other than All Characters selected
- Enter Characters: Choose additional characters to adjust
- Invalid character action (Selector)
- Do No Correct
- Remove
- Auto Correct
- Replace with Marker
- Words to Remove (Section) - allows you to enter entire words in the form of Regular Expressions (RegEx) value for removal. Case may be optionally matched.
Automated Rule creation (Tab)
Automated Rules (Section) - allows you to automatically generate classification rules based on matching values within your documents.
- Automated Rules configuration
- Functions -Add, Edit, and Delete automated rules, as well as move rules up or down in priority.
- Description - Name your Automated Rule
- Match Expression - Provide a matching expression in the form of a Regular Expression (RegEx) value.
- Process on (Selector) - allows you to determine whether to search for the expression on all pages, first page of document only, or last page of document only.
Options (Section)
- Rule Creation (Selector)
- Generate a rule only for the first expression successfully matched
- Generate rules fora ll the expressions successfully matched
Exceptions Processing (Section) - determine how this function should operate when no valid expressions are found within your documents.
- If no valid rules are generated, warn the user but still allow Form to be configured
- If no valid rules are generated, do not warn the user and allow Form to be configured
- If no valid rules are generated, mark the document for rejection to an exceptions batch
Automated Last Page Rule creation (Tab)
Automated Last Page Rules (Section) - allows you to automatically generate last page classification rules based on matching values within your documents.
- Automated Last Page Rules configuration
- Functions -Add, Edit, and Delete automated last page rules, as well as move last page rules up or down in priority.
- Description - Name your Automated Lat Page Rule
- Match Expression - Provide a matching expression in the form of a Regular Expression (RegEx) value.
- Process on (Selector) - allows you to determine whether to search for the expression on all pages, first page of document only, or last page of document only.
Options (Section)
- Rule Creation (Selector)
- Generate a last page rule only for the first expression successfully matched
- Generate last page rules fora ll the expressions successfully matched
Exceptions Processing (Section) - determine how this function should operate when no valid expressions are found within your documents.
- If no valid rules are generated, warn the user but still allow Form to be configured
- If no valid rules are generated, do not warn the user and allow Form to be configured
- If no valid rules are generated, mark the document for rejection to an exceptions batch
Data Extraction and Classification
Once a document is classified, and a Record Type assigned, custom data extraction rules can be applied for that particular type of document. Through the use of shared and unique fields tied to Record Types, all the different methods of data population are available. There are several key features that leverage Record Type focused extraction:
- Dynamic Regular Expressions – Advanced Data Extraction (ADE) now allows specific regular expressions to be configured based on the Record Type.
- Zone Profiles – Allow zone OCR-based templates that are linked to specific Record Types.
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