Capture Profile: Workflow

The Workflow step allows the user to define the modules and the order in which they will be used for a particular Capture Profile. Certain Capture Profiles may require Modules and Workflow steps that others do not. Therefore, the program is flexible in its workflow sequence. The user defines the Modules and Workflow best suited to the needs of the particular project. The Workflow screen consists of two lists.



Workflow Setup

The left side consists of available workflow options. On the right hand side is the list of modules chosen for the Capture Profile workflow. By default the Capture/Import module is already part of the workflow. To configure any modules already displayed in the workflow users can either double click on the desired module or highlight it and click on the Configure button. Adding a module will launch the configuration screen for that module. Highlight any module the user wishes to remove and select Remove to delete it from the workflow. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in which the Modules are to be run. Users may also choose to use a different tag name for the module. Selecting the field will allow the user to rename this module tag name as in the example below. 



Additionally selecting the  icon will allow the user to choose what color that name tag will be displayed in the Batch Manager and Batch select screens.



Workflow Options



The different options in the Worflow window are described below.

  • Default Action for the "Close Batch" dialog - Select one of the following action items upon closing or exiting a batch.

    • Close - This option closies the batch and may also close the module depending on which one users in.

    • Continue in Next Workflow Step - This closes the module the user is in and opens the next module configured in the Capture Profile workflow.
    • Suspend - This pauses the batch in whatever module the user in. 
  • Automatically Close the Batch After the Last Module Completes - Selecting this option will close a batch and return users to the main PSIcapture screen once the user has closed the batch in the last workflow module.
  • Attempt to Auto Process Batch Through the Workflow - Batches will auto-close, auto-open, and begin processing in supported modules. The modules that do this are Index, OCR, and Migration.
  • Automatically Delete Empty Batches when Auto-Processing - Any empty batches containing no pages or documents will be automatically deleted during Auto Processing.
  • Generate a Unique Exceptions Batch Each Time a Module is Run - This setting makes unique exception batches for each module. This is beneficial if a single batch fails in more than one module. 


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