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This article is intended for PSIcapture Administrators.
The connection of two key features in PSIcapture, the Automated Import and Email Connector features, allows Administrators to configure a capture profile to monitor an email inbox, pull messages and/or attachments into the a batch location, and create a batch that can be manually or automatically processed. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to configure this process as it suits your unique business needs.
NOTE: PSIcapture Email Connector is a licensed module and must have an active license to use. This module allows users to import items from any email using a monitored folder via auto import. Once processed out of the monitored folder a backup of the email will be put in a processed folder located in the configured email account.
First the user needs to setup Automation in Configuration.
Configuring Auto Import via Email
Follow the steps below to configure auto import via email.
- From PSIcapture Configuration, add a new Capture Profile or edit an existing Capture Profile.
- When adding a new Capture Profile you will need to assign a name for your new profile, add a description of your choice, and confirm your Storage Location.
- From within the Capture Profile Configuration, navigate to Auto Import > General. From the Auto Import – General Setup panel, enable Auto Import by selecting the checkbox labeled “Enable Auto Import”. You may also configure a few additional options in the Auto Import Options section
- Minimum Time Between Sessions: PSIcapture will poll the monitored email mailbox at a certain frequency. To manually set this time, enable the check box labeled, “Minimum time between sessions”. Set the frequency to your desired time (in minutes).
Tip: You may opt to set session frequency very low during initial testing, and once you are comfortable push this limit up a bit more. - Batch Timeout: PSIcapture will process batches normally until their workflow is complete. However, if you intend to process batches which either may contain extremely large files, or will have such a large number of files that they may slow down other batches from being completed, you can opt to set a cap, in minutes, at which time the AutoImport processor will restart itself, suspend the batch in question, and continue to que up new batches after restarting. For example, if you have a batch timeout limit set to 30 minutes, and a batch takes 31 minutes to process, the batch errors out and the files are sent back for re-queue. Auto Import is run as a separate executable (Windows Program). If a batch timeout is present, the AutoImportProcessor.EXE must complete and report back to the auto import service before the time limit expires. If not, the executable is terminated, and the next directory in line is queued up by the service, thus creating a new AutoImportProcessor.EXE. It's important to be certain that your batch timeout is set to a relatively high number that will give all batches in the scope of your work the chance to complete, and only rule out problem batches. If the number is too low, you may end up with batches failing that only needed another minute or so to complete, which can become a huge bottleneck, and essentially reverse the intended effect of the feature.
- File Sorting Method: The process by which PSIcapture identifies how to sort documents in the Batch structure.
- Maximum imported Files per batch: Set a cap for PSIcapture to enact when processing large batches.
NOTE: This setting applies to the number of imported emails only. The subsequent attachments are not counted in this metric, and PSIcapture will not split attachments from their original emails into separate batches if the maximum number of files is exceeded including attachments. - Maximum imported Pages per batch: This setting does not apply to Email Connector imports. See PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Capture Profile: Auto Import: Monitored Locations for other applications of this setting.
- Delete empty directories referenced in Data File Indexing data files after processing: PSIcapture can remove directories that are emptied of files after Data File Indexing data is applied.
- Filter file set by script: Define a custom script that sets rules and restrictions on how PSIcapture's Auto Import will import files and begin a workflow.
- Age-based selection filters: If you have a lot of emails to process, you may want to set the maximum or minimum age for PSIcapture to process files. To enable this feature, select "Add", as in this screenshot:
Age-based filters can be defined for specific import types, filtered by Date, Days, and Minutes, as well as defined by Older than, Newer than, or Range-based operators. By default the “Age value" is set to Create Date.
Setting Email Monitored Location & Inbox
- From within the Capture Profile Configuration, navigate to Auto Import > Monitored Locations.
- Click Add button to present the Add Monitored Location settings screen. Then Select Email radio button.
- Under Connections Settings section, Fill in your email server’s IMAP URL. If you do not have this information, please contact your IT administrator.
- Fill in your email server’s IMAP port number:
- For standard IMAP email, use port 143.
- For secure IMAP email, use port 993.
- If your email server uses a custom port, please enter this value instead.
- If using secure IMAP, please select the check box labeled “This server requires SSL”
- Authorization options:
- Enter the credentials (username and password) of the email mailbox to be monitored.
- Alternately, if you would like to use the Windows credentials of your workstation to authenticate with, select the checkbox labeled “Use Integrated Windows Authentication”.
- Click the Connect button. If successful, you will receive a success notification.
- Once you have connected successfully, you will now be able to choose which folders to monitor within the monitored email mailbox. To begin, click the Create button located under the Folders section.
- From the Create Email Folders dialogue, you may select a folder within the monitored email mailbox.
- Alternately, you may choose to create a new folder by typing in a new folder name. Doing so will add a new folder to your email mailbox.
- By default, a “processed” folder will be created in order to move processed emails and prevent duplication. If you would like to specify a different folder, uncheck the option labeled “Auto Create Processed Folder” and select the folder of your choice.
- Once complete, click the Save button to close this dialogue.
- Alternately, you may choose to create a new folder by typing in a new folder name. Doing so will add a new folder to your email mailbox.
- To adjust your processing options, in the Processing section, review the file extensions field. Be sure this includes file extensions that you may receive as attachments.
- Common image file extensions such as TIF and PDF are included by default.
- You may wish to add common Microsoft Office file extensions, such as DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX file extensions.
- To process non-image files, such as Microsoft Office documents be sure you have the Extended File Format (EFF) option enabled under Configuration > [Capture Profile] > Workflow > Capture/Import > Configuration > Import > Extended File Format (EFF) Import Options.
- Be sure to add one extension per line.
- File extensions should be in the format of *.nnnn.
- Once complete, click the OK button to save settings.
- Processing type: Next, you may select how you would like to process emails. There are three (3) options:
- Email(s) (only): This setting will process emails only and disregard any attachments.
- Attachment(s) (only): This setting will process email attachments and discard any emails.
- Email and Attachments: This setting will process both the email and its attachments.
- Queue Path: Select the Windows file path that PSIcapture will use to temporarily store and process emails and/or attachments. This path will be the monitored directory PSIcapture will use to capture emails and/or attachments.
- Note the two checkbox options under Queue Path:
Process Inline files as attachments if no attachments are found on the message: This option will be enabled by default and will be set to true on existing email monitored locations. If this setting is enabled and no standard attachments are found on the email message, PSIcapture will process inline files on the email if there are any present.
Do not process message if no attachment are present that match configured file extensions. Messages will be moved to the Not Processes folder: Emails with no Attachments that match configured File Extensions will be moved to the "Not Processed" folder. This option is only available if the user has the Processing Type set to "Attachments" or "Email and Attachments". If no matching attachments are found, the email will be moved to the configured Not Processed folder and processing of the message will be aborted. - Additionally, the Email Processing Engine can be adjusted to suit your needs. In most cases, the Aspose engine works best.
- Once complete, click the Save button to save your settings and return to the Capture Profile Configuration dialogue.
Configuring the Document Separation Profile
As with all processing within PSIcapture, how documents are separated (and grouped) is critical to ensuring successful processing.
- Within the Capture Profile Configuration, navigate to Separation > Document.
- From the Document Separation panel, choose to add a new separation profile or edit an existing separation profile as desired.
- Under the Profile options, name the profile a descriptive name.
- Select the Variable Length radio button for Separation Type.
- Select the checkbox labeled “Keep Document separator” under the Document Separation Options:
- There are two (2) primary separation profiles that are most likely to be used during email capture workflows:
- Separate on new Email (Import Emails): This selection allows PSIcapture to automatically sense each individual email and separate it accordingly.
- Note that this setting will treat an email and all of its attachments as a single document.
- Note that this setting will treat an email and all of its attachments as a single document.
- Separate on new file (Import Only): This selection instructs PSIcapture to separate emails from their respective attachments.
- Note that emails and their respective attachments will be grouped under a single folder. So each email will be treated as a separate folder.
- Note that emails and their respective attachments will be grouped under a single folder. So each email will be treated as a separate folder.
- Separate on new Email (Import Emails): This selection allows PSIcapture to automatically sense each individual email and separate it accordingly.
- Once complete, click the Save button.
Configuring the Document Index Data Fields
Document Indexes are important to ensure meta-data (information about the document) is transferred and applied correctly during migration and storage. By default, PSIcapture Email Connector automatically provides access to key index values of the email to include:
- Email To
- Email From
- Email Cc
- Email Bcc
- Email Subject
- Email Date Received
- Email Folder
This allows you to automatically map these values to document indexes. To do so:
- Within the Capture Profile Configuration, navigate to Indexing > Document Fields.
- From the Document Index Fields tab, add the desired number of index fields and name them accordingly.
- It is usually best to keep things synchronized (e.g., name the document index field for email “To:” value “To”)
- No additional configuration is necessary, unless you wish to add other fields that may be needed to capture OCR data or other system generated information.
- In order to map the email meta-data through to your document index fields, navigate to Advanced Indexing > Imported File Metadata.
- From the Advanced Indexing – Imported File Metadata tab, check “Enable indexing from imported file metadata”
- Next, create the desired mappings (one for each document index field):
- Click Add button.
- In the Metadata Category column select Email from the pull-down list.
- In the Metadata Field Name select the email value you would like to map.
- In the Index Field Name select the corresponding document index field to map.
Configuring the Classification Profile
Classification Profiles are helpful in identifying different types of documents (forms) and connecting that with the way in which you want to process these documents. For instance, you may want to process an email based on a unique word or phrase that always appears in the subject line, or you may want to process an email based on who it’s from.
A new feature in PSIcapture allows you to apply document index values during classification. Since unique meta-data is gathered as documents are captured, you no longer have to solely rely on OCR to help classify documents.
- Within the Capture Profile Configuration window, navigate to Workflow, and add the needed modules. In this case, we will add five (5) modules:
- Capture/Import (required)
- Classification (required if classifying documents)
- Index (required)
- Quality Assurance (optional)
- Migration (required)
- To configure Classification, double-click the Classification module in Workflow to open the Classification Forms panel.
- From the Classification Forms panel, click Add button.
- From the Classification Form Definition panel, select the General tab, under Form Settings > Form ID, name your classification form a descriptive name.
- From the Classification Rules tab, click the Add button to add a new rule.
- Change the Rule Type from the default OCR to Index Field.
- Select the Index Field you wish to match.
- Enter a rule value, such as:
- Email To is
- Email Subject contains “Re: Invoice”
- Tip: Regular Expressions can be used here to help expand matching options.
- Note: You do not have to use a template image for this feature.
Enabling Workflow Automation
To enable automatic processing of emails, you will need to finalize a few automation settings.
- From Capture Profile Configuration>Workflow.
- Under Options section, set the following:
- Set Default action for the “Close Batch” dialog to “Continue in next Workflow Step”.
- Select the checkbox labeled “Automatically close the Batch after the last module completes”.
- Select the checkbox labeled “Attempt to auto-process the Batch through the workflow”.
- You are now ready to save your profile. Click the Save button.
Next, verify that your automation worker is available.
- From Automation panel, click the Automation Monitor button. The Automation Monitor will open.
- Select Automation Workers (default selection). Here you should see your automation worker process. The status of your worker process should read “Available” if everything is working properly.
- Click Close button to exit.
This completes the PSIcapture Auto Import via Email Connector guide.
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