Auto Import: Notifications

version 7.7.x   Download Pending



This article is intended for PSIcapture Administrators.



The PSIcapture Auto Import: Notifications product area allows PSIcapture Administrators to configure custom email notifications when certain Auto Import functions are executed. For example, setting a notification for the "AutoImport Session Started" will send an email notification to the specified address when a new AutoImport session starts and the AutoImportProcessor.exe is actively queuing batches for processing. Explore the descriptions of notifications below to determine how best to configure these settings to meet your business needs.




Available Notifications

The user may get notifications via email by highlighting the desired value and entering a valid email address.

Auto Import

  • Session Started - Notification is sent when any Auto Import service starts processing a set of images.
  • Session Completed - Notification is sent when any Auto Import service finishes processing a set of images.
  • Session Summary - Reports image names and page counts for images processed in a single session.
  • Error - Reports any errors that occur during Auto Import Processing.

Exception Processing

  • Batch Rejected - Notification is sent when any batch is rejected from a workflow step.
  • Exception Batch Created - Notification is sent when an exception batch is created.
  • Document Rejected - Notification is sent when a document is rejected from a batch.
  • Document Rejected (with attachment) - Notification is sent when a document is rejected from a batch and the rejected document is attached to the email.

Batch Deadlines - The administrator can set batch deadlines in Capture Profile - Advanced.

  • Batch with Deadline Created
  • Batch Deadline in 48 hours
  • Batch Deadline in 24 hours
  • Batch Deadline in 8 hours
  • Batch Deadline in 4 hours
  • Batch Deadline in 2 hours
  • Batch Deadline in 1 hour
  • Batch Deadline passed

Log Alerts

  • Summary - generates a log alerts summary for each workstation.


Subscribers Email Addresses

Add the email addresses of the people who need to be notified here.

NOTE: Notifications for exception processing can be configured in Capture Profile - Validation and Exceptions as it is not for Auto Import only but for any Capture Profile.

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