PSIcapture Prerequisites

Note: The following applies to PSIcapture Version 7.5+


The PSIcapture installation wizard automatically selects missing prerequisites, if they are not selected the requirements were found to be installed on the system already. The following screen appears when your environment is missing any prerequisite installations:


The installation package provides the necessary installers as part of the installation bundle. You can see the full list displayed during the prerequisites setup.


The installation process for prerequisites will continue automatically once you hit the Next button, as seen below:


Once this process is complete, the standard installation process will proceed as normal.

NOTE: If the administrator would like to install or update them manually prior to installing PSIcapture, they can obtain the prerequisite installation packages from Microsoft manually via the links below:

Microsoft .NET Framework

For complete documentation of the installation procedure for the .NET Framework please refer to the following article:

Alternatively, if the administrator wishes to skip the technical details, the following link will download the installer for the framework directly:

Visual C++

SQL Server

PSIcapture will install Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Exrpess Local Database as part of the prerequisites. If you are installing PSIcapture on an older version of Windows 7, SQL Local DB 2014 will be installed instead.

Note: On PSIcapture Version 7.3 and older, SQL Server 2012 Express Local Database was used.

For more information on your relevant SQL Version, see the PSIcapture System Requirements.

If the administrator would prefer to leverage the full Microsoft SQL Server Express install, download and installation instructions can be found here:

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