Introduction to Licensing PSIcapture Mailroom - Deployments
A PSIcapture Mailroom Deployment is a unique instance of PSIcapture Mailroom, with its own unique database, IIS configuration, and license key. Most solutions will only need one Deployment to which a number of licensed users may connect and work through queues and document types. Larger organizations with multiple high-level groups may wish to license a number of Deployments to keep a degree of separation.
Adding a Deployment - Walkthrough
Open the Deployment Manager.
Example 1: Open through the Start Menu. Example 2: Open through File Explorer. -
The Deployment Manager window will appear empty if you have not yet configured any Deployments for this PSIcapture Mailroom installation. Click on the "Add a Deployment" button shown below.
- The Deployment Manager has the follow buttons available to use:
- Add Deployment: Allows the user to add a deployment.
- Remove Deployment: Allows the user to remove a deployment.
- About: Gives the user information about PSIcapture Mailroom including version and License Agreement.
- The Deployment Manager has the follow buttons available to use:
- Deployment Name - Enter the desired name for the Deployment. It can be the name of your company, the name of your department, or it can be left at the default value of "New Deployment". It is highly recommended that you change this to something meaningful for your own organizational purposes.
- Deployment Path - It is recommended that the user leave the Deployment Path unchanged (default is "C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Fusion\Deployments\[Deployment Name]". This is the location that IIS will install the website files. NOTE: If the user wishes to change this it is important to make note of it since this is the path for all queue processing. Ensure that the disk hosting the deployment files has adequate storage for images.
- File Server Path - Within the Mailroom (“Fusion”) root folder is an “Organizations” folder, which is unique to this Deployment, e.g. "C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Fusion\Organizations\Mailroom1"
- UNC User Name and Password - Ensure that these credentials are associated with a user who has been granted full read/write permissions to the following directories:
- C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Fusion
- C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Fusion Services
- C:\Program Files (x86)\PSIGEN\Fusion
- C:\Program Files (x86)\PSIGEN\Fusion Services
- SQL Server Connection String - Enter the SQL Connection string. Depending on your SQL Server installation and configuration, the value for the connection string may vary. Visit and select your SQL Server version for more information on the correct connection string to use.
Generally speaking, a SQL connection string needs at least three things:
- Database Server
- Database Name
- Login Credentials
For most versions of SQL Server, this is entered in the following format:
Server=[DatabaseServer]; Database=[DatabaseName]; User Id=[Login]; Password=[Password]
Replace the values of DatabaseServer, DatabaseName, Login, and Password with your own information, and copy the connection string into the field.
Server=[PCNAME]\[SQLInstance]; Database=[SQL DB NAME]; User Id=sa; Password=Admin-01 -
Once the SQL Server Connection String is complete, hit the “Test” button and verify the connection. Ensure the SQL Browser port UDP 1434 is open for this operation.
Once the connection is successful, enter the License Information via the License Button. Fields highlighted in Red are required.
Note: If you have previously used this Mailroom license for another installation, you will need to specify a new SQL DB and contact PSIGEN Support for a License Reset. - Once complete, hit “Submit” to complete the internet-based registration process, or check the box for “Generate Offline Request” to perform an offline licensing.
- Click “Save” back at the Deployment Manager screen to complete the licensing process.
10. Save the Deployment via Save.
NOTE: If the Save button is not enabled it could be due to the SQL Server String not being tested or connected OR the license information is incorrect. If these items have been verified and the Save button is still disabled please contact Support.
Keywords: License PSIcapture Fusion, License PSIfusion, License PSIcapture Mailroom, Mailroom License, Fusion License, PSIfusion licensing, License PSIcapture Mailroom, License Mailroom, License PSIcapture Mailroom, Mailroom License, Fusion License, PSIfusion licensing
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