PSIcapture Mailroom Administrator Guide: Teams


The Teams tab is not visible until teams have been enabled for the organization. Please refer to the General Settings article for more details.

Teams in PSIcapture Mailroom are similar to User Groups in that both structures represent a uniquely named group of users with an optional attached permission set. Teams expand this concept to more closely model business organizational hierarchies by adding a Supervisor to each team. Additionally, enabling teams support in PSIcapture Mailroom also provides access to additional features in the PSIcapture Mailroom workflow that help enforce business processes and service level agreements (SLAs).




Teams & Supervisors

When teams are enabled for an organization PSIcapture Mailroom requires that all users in the system are assigned to exactly one team at any given time, and that each team is assigned a Supervisor. The supervisor for each team is the default recipient of all alerts related to that teams activity. Supervisors are also the primary user responsible for managing a teams membership, though in the absence of a supervisor any administrator can also perform this function. 

Just as each team has exactly one supervisor, each user may only be a member of one team. This policy ensures that there is only ever one user that is responsible for receiving alerts regarding a particular user or group of users. In order to support organizational hierarchies with multiple nested teams, supervisors may own one or more teams, but they are not added to the user list for teams that they own. This means that a particular supervisor can manage, for example; three separate teams, while still being a member of a management team.


System Team

As noted above, all users within a PSIcapture Mailroom organization must have a team assignment when teams are enabled. The application creates a default System Team, and assigns all users to this team by default. The system team is not editable and cannot be removed.


Adding or Editing a Team

To add a new team click the Add button in the upper right corner of the Teams table. To edit an existing team, click on the pencil icon to the right of the team being edited. The settings are the same for both adding and editing a team as defined below.

General Tab



  • Team Name - Enter a unique name for the current team. Team names are visible throughout the application.
  • Supervisor - Each team must have an assigned supervisor. Select the supervisor for the current team from the list of available supervisors. NOTE: Only those users that have been granted the supervisor role will be shown in the list.
  • Document Aging Action - The document aging option enables monitoring of documents processed by the team to be monitored for excessive idle time. If a document is left in the queue folder for longer than the aging threshold time, the document aging action will be triggered  The following actions are currently supported:
    • None - No document action will be taken based on the age of documents in the system.
    • Notify Supervisor - An alert will be created and sent to the team supervisor when a document is left in the queued state for longer than the specified threshold time. By default alerts are generated and sent to an alert queue where a user must view and dismiss the alert. PSIcapture Mailroom also supports email based notifications of alerts, if support for notifications has been configured.
    • Document Aging Threshold (hours) - The number of hours a document can remain in an incoming state or queued state before an alert is sent to the team supervisor.
  • Queue Distribution
    • Supervisor will distribute Team Documents - Documents will wait in the team queue until the supervisor manually assigns them out to team members.
    • Distribute Team Documents across Users evenly - Documents will be assigned in a "round robin" fashion to all team members, taking into account the current volume in each user's queue. For example, if User A has 20 documents in queue, User B has 17, and User C has 10, then the system will assign documents to User B and then User C; once User B has 20 documents, it will assign documents to User C only, and then once all three users have 20, it will rotate between the three of them, assigning documents until the team queue is empty.

Users Tab

The Users tab displays the list of current users assigned to this team. When assigning members to a team, remember that a user can only ever be a member of a single team, and any user that already has a team assignment will not be shown here. If you are a supervisor editing your own team, you will need to contact the supervisor for the team that currently has the desired user assigned and ask them to release them from their team. If the supervisor is also an administrator then that supervisor may remove that user from their current team and then add them to another team.



To add a user to the team click the checkbox next to their name. The administrator/supervisor can filter the users by the following user groups using the dropdown list above the users table.

  • Team Members
  • Unassigned Users
  • Administrators
  • Supervisors
  • Disabled Users
  • Pending Users
  • Licensed Users
  • Unlicensed Users

Document Profiles Tab

The Document Profiles tab will only be visible if document type permissions have been enabled for the current organization.

The Document Profiles tab enables the administrator/supervisor to grant or deny permission to specific document profiles to members of the team.  



Unlike user groups, permissions handling for teams involves an intersection of the supervisor's permission set with the permission set granted to the team itself. 


Removing a Team

To remove a team from the system, click on the X icon to the right of the team to be deleted. 

The System Team is not removable. Removed teams are not recoverable.

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