PSIcapture Mailroom Administrator Guide: General Settings





The General Settings section includes basic settings like queue sorting, team enabling, and session timeouts.

  • Name - The organization name is for administrative purposes and is not displayed to users. This refers to either the name of your company, organization or department.
  • Storage Path - The storage path defines where PSIcapture Mailroom will store all documents for the organization.  A number of sub-folders will be created within the storage path, each with a distinct purpose as outlined below.
    • Incoming - Documents located here are waiting to be processed prior to being added to a user queue.
    • Queue - Documents located hare have been imported into PSIcapture Mailroom and are visible in the user's queue.
    • Complete - Documents located here have been indexed and saved removing them from the user's queue.
    • Invalid - Documents located here have failed to import from the Incoming folder or fail to load are moved here.


Document Queue Options

The Document Queue Options section includes settings that modify how documents are handled and viewed in the Queue.

  • Document Profile Field Name - Internally, PSIcapture Mailroom uses the term Document Profile to describe a particular classification of document, and it's associated metadata and indexing requirements. This setting should not be changed. 


    If for some reason the Document Profiles previously configured in PSIcapture Mailroom 2 are not showing in PSIcapture Mailroom 3, the administrator will need to update this field to say "Document Profile".

  • Document Queue Sorting - This option allows users to sort documents in the queue by: 
    • Date Created (default)
    • Document File Name (NOTE: File name sorting is still available whether the file name showing or not.)
  • Display Document file name in Document Queue list - When this setting is enabled, it will display the file name of documents in the queue. NOTE: PSIcapture Mailroom stores each page of a document as a single page tiff, so multi-page documents will have multiple files, we only display the name of the first page.
  • Enable QA Commands - By default this option should be enabled for new and existing installs. If the user disables QA commands, the following commands should not be available to run:
    • Save Rotation (still allow Rotate Left and Right, just don't allow saving)
    • Delete Page
    • Delete Document
    • Split Document at Page
    • Insert After Page
    • Insert Before Page
    • Replace Page


Team Options

Teams within PSIcapture Mailroom represent a set of users, a supervisor, and optionally a document type permissions set.  For a comprehensive overview of teams, as well as how they should be configured and utilized within an organization, please refer to the Teams article.

To enable to use of Teams, check the "Enable Teams" checkbox. The options available allow the administrator to manage what a team member or supervisor can do within PSIcapture Mailroom.

  • Deny login for users without a Team assignment - If enabled, users cannot login to PSIcapture Mailroom if they have not been assigned to a team.
  • Enable Document Profile permissions - If enabled, Document Type permissions will be configurable at the team level. Additionally, the option to assign Document Profiles to an User or User Group will be available.
  • Restrict Queue Editing to Supervisors - If enabled, only supervisors may edit document queues. Queue editing enables a user to route documents to any user on the team or delete them from a user's queue.


Other Options


Document Profile Permissions Policy

PSIcapture Mailroom supports a robust permissions system that enables an administrator to limit which document types each UsersUser Groups or Teams may access.  This feature can be used both for security, by limiting access to sensitive document types that a particular user should not be processing; and for an improved user experience, by filtering the list of document types a user can see to the smallest subset that applies to their role within the organization.

Permission options are:

  • None - No document profile permissions are enforced. ALL users will have access to ALL document types.
  • Simple - Document Profile permissions will be defined using a grant action. Users will have access to any Document Profiles the administrator grants them.
  • Advanced - Document Profile permissions are defined using both a grant and deny action vs just a grant action as in Simple options.

Session Timeout (minutes)

The session timeout setting allows administrators to specify how long a user may remain idle before their session will be closed.  PSIcapture Mailroom sessions are created when a user successfully logs into the system, and the last activity for each session is monitored and recorded as the user progresses through the user interface.  Each action the user takes that involves a call from the client browser application to the server will update the session's last activity time.  Once a user's time between activities exceeds the session timeout the session is closed and the user will have to login again when they return to the application.


By default, PSIcapture Mailroom includes a link at the bottom of the client side application window that allows users to contact our Support Team directly. In environments where users should be contacting an internal IT department or administrator, this option allows the administrator to either disable the link completely, or customize the link destination. The link text specified here is a standard URL, so all of the following Uniform Resource Locator (URL) types are supported:


Type Example Description
HTTP A standard Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) URL to your companies internal support portal.
HTTPS A link to your company support portal, using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypted HTTP connection.
MAILTO A mail URL that will launch the user's default mail client and initiate an email to your support mail address.


These URL's are just illustrating how you may choose to use this feature.  Any other standard URL types that are supported by the client's browser are also supported for the support link.

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