PSIsafe Web User Guide: Overview

version 11.0.x   Download Pending



This article is intended for PSIsafe Administrators.



PSIsafe Web allows users to access PSIsafe and PSIsafe Cloud (PSIsafe) via a standard web browser. Using PSIsafe Web makes it easier to deploy and access the PSIsafe document management system by providing access to organizational information when travelling, visiting with customers, or working remotely.

PSIsafe Web is a secure client that honors all rights configured in PSIsafe. PSIsafe Web is easy to use and provides the key features users need, including: Importing documents; processing workflows; viewing, editing and creating documents; creating new folders; and scheduling documents or folders. Users will also have access to robust search capabilities within the Cabinet, Folder, or Documents, including keyword and full text search options. They will also find a convenient and customizable Dashboard feature for displaying recent folders, recent documents, checked out items, workflow status, and scheduled items on a single page.

PSIsafe Web users may use existing PSIsafe licenses or choose the economical PSIsafe Webview license if searching, viewing, and processing workflow is all that is needed. PSIsafe Web is the most cost-effective approach to making documents and workflow processes available for everyone in the organization and its customers.



PSIsafe Web has 4 main tabs. When logging in the first time, an user will be directed to the Dashboard tab. Each subsequent login will recall the last tab the user was using for convenience. Click on any of the "Tab" headers below to jump to the corresponding article.


Dashboard Tab

This tab allows users to quickly access recent folders, documents, and checked out documents. This view also provides a list of scheduled items and workflow summary.


Search Tab

This tab allows users to search for folders and documents. Locate documents based on title, keyword, or searchable text. Folders may be located based on index values.


Workflow Tab

This tab allows users to process items sent to workflow inbox.


Cabinets Tab

This tab is where users access the primary document storage. Users may view, add, or edit documents and folders, in addition to a variety of other document actions.



Keywords: PSIsafe Web Guide, PSIsafe Web End User Guide, How to Use PSIsafe Web


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