[Legacy] PSIsafe eSign: Document Preparation

NOTE: PSIsafe e-Sign was replaced by PSIsafe DocuSign in version 12.1. PSIsafe e-Sign modules will be deprecated at the end of the support cycle.

PSIsafe e-Sign preserves the positions and sizes of the PDF document’s fields. The style and naming parameters of the signatures and fields used by PSIsafe e-Sign must strictly adhere to the Signature/Field Structure table below.

Signature/Field Structure

The name of a signature or field in the document must be enclosed in square [ ] brackets.

Signature/Field Type Signature/Field Structure
Signatures [Role#.Sig#]

Unbound Fields
Signer entry

Bound Fields
System entry

Replace the Signature/Field tokens in the preceding table according to the rules in the following table.

Signature/Field Token Description

A simple alphanumeric string that matches the Role of the relevant signer. Each Role must include an integer at the end.

Example of PSIsafe system users: User1, Originator1, Manager1. Additional signers having the same role are differentiated by incrementing the number, User2 for example. Suggested external signers include: Customer1, Buyer1, Patient1, etc.


A signature (Initials, Fullname, or Capture) combined with an integer. For example, Initials1, Capture1 or Fullname09.

Sig options:

  • Initials, inserts the signer’s initials
  • Fullname, inserts the signer’s full name
  • Capture, inserts the signer’s signature

A field style (Textfield, or Checkbox) combined with an integer. For example, Textfield2 or Checkbox6.

FieldStyle options:

  • Textfield, signer enters text
  • Checkbox, signer selects checkbox
label# You don't need to label with another value. Replace # with an integer.
Binding A simple binding (Date or Name). No integer required. System enters signed date or signer name when signed.

All PSIsafe e-Sign fields (bound or not) must be associated with a valid signature. Thus the specified Role#.Sig# must precisely match that of an existing signature. If the Role#.Sig# portion of a field's name does not match any signature, the package will not operate correctly.

Example of PSIsafe e-Sign Tagging

The following sample Non-Disclosure agreement illustrates the use of field names from a PDF-Form tagged for processing:

This example has two participants: Cust1, and Cab1.

Tags used: 








The first signer (Cust1 in this case) will need to sign the non-disclosure document by clicking the signature tag. Once he signs, his name and the current date will automatically be populated in the corresponding bound fields. 




The same process would be followed by the Cab1 signer. 




As seen in Adobe Pro (edit field mode) 

As seen in PSIsafe with fields auto-populated from PDF-Form Template 

Keywords: PSIsafe eSIGN Install, Install PSIsafe eSIGN

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