PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Tracking



Tracking allows PSIsafe Administrators to monitor the current activities of a specific PSIsafe User, as well as "boot them out" of their sessions manually via the "End Sessions" right-click functions, to either prevent them from using the client further, or to free up a license for other PSIsafe users. This area of PSIsafe Management is typically used in installations where License Counts are limited and some PSIsafe Users have not ended their sessions.


Active Users

Clicking on Tracking > Active Users from the Management screen displays a list of all the users currently logged into PSIsafe along with the computer, the cabinets opened, and when they logged in. Any PSIsafe User Session may be ended with a right-click and selection of the first two options below:




End single session for selected user(s) - Right click on any user or selected user session and end that individual session, freeing up any licenses used for that session.

End all sessions for selected user(s) - Right click on any user(s) and end all sessions registered to that user, freeing up any licenses used for that session.


As well, PSIsafe Administrators may also use:


Print - Prints the current list of Active Users to a CSV preview window where the document can be saved or printed:




Refresh - Refreshes the list of PSIsafe users to the most current list.



PSIsafe has an extensive audit tracking system. Every action performed by a user is added to the audit log with a date/timestamp. This gives administrative personnel the ability to generate a report based on a range of items. The administrator creates a query for the audit database by constructing it from a wide range of options. This query is based on a user, folder and days back and will show all actions taken the last 5 days (see above).

Filters may be grouped using AND/OR clauses. These features enable the administrator to create specific queries to answer questions such as “folder action taken by aswanner the last 5 days in Brad Brown’s folder”. It will take some time to become familiar with the query engine and learn to construct an appropriate query. Onscreen help is available under Query Help. Queries may be saved and recalled allowing administrators the ability to build a library of common queries which may be called up when needed.



Building a query requires the user to select an operator, filter, value and possibly a condition. This is done by using pull down lists and then clicking the Add Button. Filters may be grouped using the () buttons. Queries may be saved, edited and executed from the operations panel. Results are displayed in the list at the bottom of the screen.



  • User – filter actions based on a user name
  • Host – filter actions based on a computer name
  • Repository – select actions performed on a selected repository
  • Cabinet - select actions performed on a selected repository
  • Folder Unique, Folder Default, Folder Reference – filter actions based on these folder index values
  • Document Title – filter based on the document title
  • Tab-filter based on the tab the document is filed under
  • Date Stamp – filter based on the date stamp of the item
  • Days Back – only perform the query on items going back a certain number of days
  • Item – only perform the query on certain items
  • Action- only perform the query on certain items


Query Condition Modifiers

Filters may be modified by certain conditions. The Days Back, Item, and Action filters do not have any condition modifiers.

Condition Modifiers For Query Items

  • Exact Match – matches the value entry exactly.
  • Begins With – matches the value entry with the beginning part of the selected item.
  • Ends With - matches the value entry with the beginning part of the selected item.
  • Contains In – matches the value entry with any part of the selected item.
  • Not Containing – selects anything which does not match the value entry.
  • Greater Than – selects items greater than the value entry.
  • Less Than – selects items less than the value entry.


  • Exact Match – matches the value entry exactly.
  • Greater Than – selects items greater than the value entry.
  • Less Than – selects items less than the value entry.

Reports Example 1
To find all actions for a Cabinet called “Financial Company” look at actions in the cabinet, you would enter “Financial Company” in the Value text box, and select the condition “Exact Match”. Click the Add Button and Run Query. All of the actions associated with the cabinet are listed.

Reports Example 2
Find all actions for folders reference; index contains the word “Smith”. Select the Folder Reference filter, enter “Smith” in the Value text box, and select Contains In from the Condition’s pull down menu. Click the Add Button and then Run Query. All of the actions associated with that folder index will be listed.

Reports Example 3
The following example is more complex and displays grouping, and multiple conditions. The query we will be describing is “Find everything created by (aswanner or tjones) in Cabinet Financial Company.”

  • Select “Cabinet” from the Filter by list. Enter “Financial Company” in the Value text box, select “Exact Match” from the Condition pull down. Click Add to save this as part of the query.
  • Select the “(“ button to open a group.
  • Select “User” from the Filter by list. Enter “aswanner” in the Value text box, select “Exact Match” from the Condition pull down. Click Add to this as part of the query.
  • Select “Or” from the Operator pull down. Select “User” from the Filter by list. Enter “tjones” in the Value text box, select “Begins With” from the Condition pull down. Click Add to this as part of the query.
  • Select the “)” to close the group.
  • Select “And” from the Operator pull down. Select “Action” from the Filter by list. Enter “create” in the Value text box, select “Exact Match” from the Condition pull down. Click Add to this as part of the query.

This is the query result after entering the parameters described above.


Audit Shared Items

Shared items are audited in Management as an item. The recipient’s email address is included at the end of the Document Title.


If required, the email address can be moved to a separate column in an Excel spreadsheet.
1. Print report> File> Export Document> Excel file
2. Open Excel file
3. Highlight the column that contains the email address
4. Perform “Text to Columns” using the Data Tools. a. Delimited
b. Delimiters = Other
c. Enter the bar “|” character as the delimiter



Keywords: PSIsafe Management Track Active Users, Active Users Tracking PSIsafe

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