[Legacy] [PSIsafe 10] PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: System Options Part 3

The system settings screen in Management displays useful information about the operation of PSIsafe. The status bar at the bottom of the Management Screen displays information about the current settings for PSIsafe operation.

  • Server - is the IP address of the server where the server software is installed.
  • SQL Server - is the IP address of the server which has the SQL software installed. These servers can be located on physically separate machines.
  • DB – the name of the database currently logged into.
  • User – the name of the user logged into Management.


Database Connections\Registration

The first tab “Database Connections Registration” displays information about the available registered databases on the given server. Additional databases may be added or edited from this screen.


Adding/Editing a Database

A new database may be added to the PSIsafe server at any time. This will require a registration code from either Cabinet or the responsible VAR (value added reseller). A screen such as the one below will be displayed requiring you to enter:

  • Name – Name of the new database to be registered.
  • SQL Server – IP address and instance of the SQL Database.
  • SQL Database Name.
  • Login information for the SQL database.
  • Registration information provided by either Cabinet or the VAR.


Deleting a Database

Exercise extreme caution when deleting a database connection. This will unregister your database and will cause it to be unavailable to end users.

System Passwords

The system Passwords tab allows an administrator to reset the system password for PSIsafe. Either the old administrator password must be available or the software license key provided when the database was registered.


Notification and Alerts

The options available under notifications and alerts deal exclusively with setting up email options to work with PSIsafe workflow. Staff knowledge with the email system being used at your installation will have to provide these settings. An SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server is the address of an email server that can be used to relay email messages from PSIsafe’s workflow engine. These fields will be self-explanatory to your email administrator.

The workflow frequency settings are used to tell PSIsafe how often to check for new workflow notifications and send them out via email. The rule alerts notification is used as the delta time between checking workflow rule alerts.




The options tab is used to setup miscellaneous options (generally system-wide options). There are four tabs under the system options.

General Options:

  • Enabling Global Versioning – If set, PSIsafe ignores any other versioning settings. If not set, then other versioning settings are followed.
  • Enable Document Title Display.
  • Cabinet Administrator: Manage Form Signatures.
  • Management makes extensive use of MSDTC (Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator). In order not to have to configure MSDTC on each client machine which runs Management, simply check this box to use the Server MSDTC settings.
  • Use Least Restrictive Rights (See page 60).
  • Permanently Delete from Recycle Bin: - select staff allowed to permanently delete documents from the Recycle Bin.


Enable And Set Preview Cache Path

WEB preview uses cached images for supported non TIF and PDF documents. This allows caching to be enabled/disabled and setting the file path. When enabled, the default setting will store the cached images in the repository folder on the server. An alternative path can be set if there is a need to store cached images in another area (e.g. a location that is outside of backed up data to minimize backup file requirements).

To enable: Settings> Options> General. Check the Enable Preview Cache for Web box. Click Save.


To set path:
Settings> Options> Paths. Check the Edit Alternate Path box. Enter alternate path. Click Save.



Keywords: PSIsafe Management System Settings, PSIsafe Management Options

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