PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Workflow: Adding and Editing Rules

Overview and Getting Started

PSIsafe Workflow Rules allow companies to configure advanced pathways for content to follow as it is distributed to certain individuals, teams, or departments within an organization. It's important to note that creating Rules for PSIsafe Workflows requires a clear knowledge of the entire operational process for your unique business. PSIGEN Recommends creating a flowchart; the flowchart will follow the route the document will take and help you determine each step along the way. Additionally, the flowchart helps determine the movement of content from user, group, email, or storage location along the way.


To begin adding or editing rules, you must have the appropriate access to PSIsafe Management, oftentimes as an Administrator. To begin, open PSIsafe Management and click on the Workflow > Rules area:




Precursor: Configuring Business Holidays

With the setup of rules, there are emailed alerts which are not sent on non-working days or holidays. The Business Holidays Button allows the administrator to setup the company holiday schedule so these alerts are processed in the correct timeframe. Click on the button in the bottom-left to enter the configuration area for Business Holidays:




The checkboxes across the top of the screen are used to set the normal company working days. For instance if the company works a normal week, then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday need to have checkmarks beside them.




Any exceptions to the normal workdays should be added to the list by entering a holiday name and date and clicking the Add button. Holidays may be removed by highlighting them in the list and clicking the Remove button. The Back button returns to the main Rules Screen. The business holidays will have to be updated every year.


Printing Rules

The Print button on the main rules screen sends a copy of the currently selected rule to a printer.


Adding a new rule

The Add button is used to add a new rule. The rule Details screen is displayed. At this point enter a new rule name and click the Add button in order to add the first decision point.

The decision point screen is used to control the type of decision being made at this point in the rule. There are four different types of decision points.




Set Decision Type

The simplest way of understanding a Decision Type is to think of it as "What happens at the next step" of your workflow. Decision Types dictate what the end user needs to do on "Approval" of a Document in Workflow.


  1. Fixed – The decision is predefined. The end user will not see any prompts. This is a “static”' route which goes in only one direction.
  2. User – The decision based on user choice. The end user will choose from a defined list of choices.
  3. Variable – The decision based on user entry. The end user will have to input a value. Based on the value the rule will send the item to a paired destination.
  4. End – This item must be the final point in any rule.


To learn more about each Decision Type, expand the sections below:


Fixed Decision Point

A fixed decision point allows the rule to send the item to a User, a Group or the originator of the workflow. Simply select the destination and then with the user or group option pick from the provided list of users or groups. Click the Save button to move to start the next decision point.




User Decision Point

A user selected decision point involves setting up a default destination which can be a user, group, the originator, a cabinet or another rule. The cabinet option sends the workflow item back to the cabinet and files it.




After selecting the default destination, the rule administrator enters decision values. These values are presented to the workflow user as a list of options:




Based on the value selected by the user, the workflow item is routed to the user/group/rule associated with the value. Clicking the save button after adding details saves this Step in the rule.

Variable Decision Point

After selecting the default destination, the rule administrator selects the variable type, string (may pull from the folder index), numeric, currency or a date and a prompt. The prompt will be used to ask the user to enter a value based on the variable type.




After entering the variable type and prompt, the administrator must enter the branches based on the value given.




Continue adding Step details until all of the options needed are covered:




End Decision Point

The end decision point closes the definition of the rule. At the end of a rule, the workflow item is either filed back to a cabinet or selected to go into another rule.





Alerts are used to notify users and others via email, about the status of workflow items. The following screen display is a sample of this feature. Basically it reads:
“If a workflow item is new and it has been at any decision point for over 30 minutes, email the current user, and move it to the Accounting Group.”




This is a powerful part of workflow as it lets the administrator take automatic action if a user is not processing workflow items quickly enough. More information is available in the workflow manual. This is only an overview of the workflow process.


The edit option simply lets you go through a new rule redefining any Steps along the way.


The Delete button deletes the currently highlighted rule.


The Menu button takes the administrator back to the main Management screen.
For more information on the Alerts feature, see:


"Notification and Alerts" in PSIsafe Management


For more general information on PSIsafe Workflow, see:


PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Workflow


Description Edit In Workflow Version

In some business processes, there is need to change the title of a document as it transverses through workflow. PSIsafe allows you to edit a document’s description by picking a different template or you can type your changes into the description. Click Edit > Edit Document Data:




For more information on editing Document Data, see:


PSIsafe User Guide: Document Records (Document-level Indexes)


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