[Legacy] CNG Safe 10.4 - Workflow Area and Rules

Document Workflow Work Area

All documents which are routed are delivered to the user’s workflow box. The workflow box can be
accessed by clicking the “Workflow” button on the PSIsafe toolbox. This will display the workflow section
shown below.

Items are shown in workflow with a status, who sent the item and the date sent. The status indicates if
the item is New, In Process, or on Hold. Routing notes and routing history are available at the bottom of
the inbox panel.

Popup Confirmation
Popup confirmations are presented for Approve, Return to Sender, and File to Cabinet operations. To
prevent users from accidently processing two Workflow items at the same time (due to double clicking
the action) there is an option to prompt the user for confirmation.

Enter Workflow> Tools> click “Prompt For Confirmation” to toggle the setting.


Variable Entry Reset
In some cases, where an entered value is commonly reused, it’s more efficient to retain the last entry so the user doesn’t need to reenter the same value over and over. In other cases, it’s desired to have the system prevent and accidental reuse of a previously entered value. The Tools> Variable Entry Reset setting is a toggle setting that allows the user to determine what operation is optimal for their situation.

When Variable Entry Reset is checked, the previous user entry will be cleared when the next workflow item is selected.

Placeholder in Workflow Rules
When building workflow rules there are occasions where certain information is not known at the time to complete a Rule step. Place holders allow the rule to be worked on, even though a particular step is not complete. For example when setting up a rule within a rule, if the 2nd rule is not configured, the administrator can still configure the initial rule and leave the ‘send to” blank until the 2nd rule is configured. Once the 2nd rule is configured, the Administrator will need to edit the initial rule to complete the placeholder. Steps containing a placeholder are displayed as invalid in the summary display to remind the Administrator the rule is not complete.


Folder Preview and Attachment Settings Applied in Workflow
Workflow honors the Client option settings for Preview and Attachments.

Operation: Preview
Go to Options> General>Enable Preview

Operation: Attachments
Go to Options> Documents-General>Expand Attachments




Keywords: PSIsafe Workflow Tools, PSIsafe Workflow Options

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