PSIsafe User Guide: Exporting Content Out of PSIsafe

version 12.1.x   Download Pending




The PSIsafe export functions are used to send documents out of the system. The export function is located under “Tools” in the document screen. The common export functions are described below.


Note Check Out/Check In Status

Content cannot be exported from PSIsafe when it is Checked Out. Documents can be checked out of PSIsafe to allow making edits when access to PSIsafe is unviable. When a document is checked out, other users are not allowed to make edits to the document. To check out a document either right click the document or use the Tools pull down and select Check Out. Checking out a document places a copy of the document into the CNGCheckout directory and marks the document in PSIsafe as checked out. When edits are completed to the document located in the CNGCheckout directory, Check In is performed by either right clicking the document or using the Tools pull down and selecting Check In.


Export Content (Documents) to Hard Drive

Exporting documents works identical to the procedure for emailing documents with the exception of the screen shown below. The only difference is you need to select a location for the exported document(s) by clicking the Export to File System button shown below. Rights must be assigned in Management, and if the user attempting to export content does not have export rights, the export will fail.


Upon selection of the “Export to File System” button, three options will be presented asking if you would like to zip the files. Choose the appropriate item.


Export Folders to Hard Drive

  1. Go to the Folder List in your PSIsafe Client.
  2. Note: Look at the folder Count.
  3. Select the three dots ("...") or press F3 to get to the advanced Folder Query screen.


  4. Add a modulus (percent sign, "%") to the query and click the Add button. This acts as a wildcard when using the installed client, and so any value will be accepted.
    • Alternatively: Set Filter by to "Count: Documents", Set the Condition to "Greater Than Or Equal", and Enter the Value as "0"
  5. Select Run Query to get a list of all folders in the cabinet.


  6. Using the "Ctrl + A" hotkey will highlight all folders from the query results, or we can go to Tools -> "Select All in List" to do the same.
  7. Note: Filter Folder count to confirm you have selected all the folders in this cabinet.
  8. Select Tools -> Folder Actions -> Contents -> Export Cabinet Directory Structure


  9. Choose your preferred local directory destination and Click OK when ready.


  10. This will export a copy of all documents for the selected folder. Depending on the number of files and folders, this may take some time. However, we can observe the progress of the export by watching the destination folder as it is populated with new folders and files relating to the Export.
  11. To export another entire cabinet, repeat the steps above.

Emailing Documents from within PSIsafe to Microsoft Outlook


Document can be emailed directly from within PSIsafe using the export function of email. To email a document(s) out of PSIsafe, perform the following steps:

1. Locate the document(s) and select by single mouse clicking on the line item. To select multiple documents, use the <shift> or <ctrl> key on the keyboard, then click the appropriate items.

2. Click the “Tools” menu button and select “Email Documents”. The screen below will appear.


3. Select the Zip Actions if required.
4. The default Subject of an email sent from PSIsafe is “Emailing Documents”. This can be changed in the PSIsafe Email Documents popup.
To include a folder index use <Idx#>, where # is the index number
To include the file name use <fn>
Clicking the “i” button will display an example for using the current documents file name and the content of the first index.



Clicking the “Set” button will apply the <FN> and <IDX#> items for the current email and save the entered subject for future use in that Cabinet by that user.

5. Next Click Compose Message. This will launch a new email screen allowing you to send the documents. A copy of the email will be saved in your sent items folder.


Note: Multiple documents can be added to the Email Documents queue by dragging and dropping
from PSIsafe to the screen above. If documents from multiple folders need to be added to the email,
simply minimize the screen, open the other folders, and drag and drop documents to the Email
Documents screen.


Email Attachments

Maximum total size allowed for WEB users subject to data plans that are usage/volume sensitive a new
setting prevents the sending of very large emails. The default size total file size is 20 MB. This setting is for
Web only. Emailing documents as attachments out of Web will restricted the file size set here. This setting
is for the total file size of all the attachments put together in a single email. The management setting for
this located at System > Settings > Options > File Size > Maximum total allowed for email attachments (MB).

NOTE: To access System Settings, the user must login with the PSIsafe Administrator account.


  1. Login to PSIsafe.
  2. Locate the document(s) you would like to share by opening the folder or using search.
  3. Highlight the document(s) you want to share, click the “Tools” menu button or right click on the selected document(s) and select “SHARE”, or drag & drop to the SHARE speedbar.


  4. Files can also be shared from Windows by dragging a document from Windows Explorer, or the Explorer Window to the SHARE speedbar in PSIsafe. This opens the SHARE screen.

  5. Sharing Content:
    a. Once the SHARE screen is open, you can drag and drop document(s) to the document list.
    b. Select the email address (may select more than 1 addressee) for the user(s), check the addressee and click on “SHARE”, located at the bottom right of the SHARE screen, the document will be sent to the selected SHARE account and a notification email will be sent.
    c. Optional: Text can be added in the Notes box. The note will be available in the SHARE Documents when you select the document.

Managing Shared Items

1. Click on SHARE in the Tool Bar.

2. Shared documents will show a status of New, and will change to Accessed when the document is selected by the Non End User. In the note section to the upper right, the date and time the document was shared is given, and any notes that have already been added will be displayed. Additional notes may be added from the note section at the bottom right of the screen by entering and clicking on Add.



Keywords: PSIsafe Documents Export, Export PSIsafe Document

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