General Use
Items can be scheduled in a Cabinet, Folder or Document for a specified date. The item will be displayed on the Dashboard in the scheduled items list. There is a provision to be reminded by email, if you have an email address set up in the user configuration and you have the notification turned on in management settings. Any scheduling done is for the user doing the scheduling. The user can also assign this item for other users. The items can also be routed on a scheduled date. Any item can be scheduled multiple times. If Folder or documents are moved, their corresponding schedule items are updated.
A schedule can be added for a cabinet, folder, or document. Right click on selected cabinet, folder, or document and select add schedule.
You can set a schedule from the workflow inbox and search screens. Right click on workflow item and select Add Schedule. If item is in workflow and a filter has been applied, the filter is cleared and the item displayed when you double click on the item.
Scheduler on the Dashboard – visual when PSIsafe is open.
Scheduler Features
The default name is set to the Cabinet name, default folder or the document title. The due date is defaulted to the next day. For quick scheduling, all you need to set is the due date and then click on the “Save” button. Edit of Due Date, Name and Note get refreshed on schedule list. Other options include:
1. Notes
2. Category
3. Priority
4. Initial Status - This status is set to the scheduled item for all assigned users. The changes to the status made by the assigned users are independent of each other. The Initial Schedule Status will be blank and disabled.
5. Assign (to users or groups).
6. Route.
7. Notification (This is independent from Email notifications):
a. Add to current user Outlook Calendar or send appointment request; by default this is turned off. The settings are for each user. If it is turned on, the schedule will be added to the current open Outlook account or will try to connect to Outlook, if it exists, and may prompt the user for the profile to which to connect. If setting a schedule in Outlook fails, an alternate method will be tried - which is to send an appointment request to the email address of the user.
b. If send appointment invite to assigned users is checked, a meeting invite will be sent to the assigned users.
c. Will not access Outlook for service notifications.
d. Will not access local Outlook when creating schedule if “Notifications” checkboxes are unchecked.
e. Email Notification via SMTP. Email notification subject will have the name as the Cabinet, Folder or Document.
8. Assigned users appointment invite under “Notification.”
9. Route will only occur if notification is set in Management.
Set up Categories and Custom Status
You can schedule an item in a Cabinet, Folder or Document for a specified date. The item will be displayed on the Dashboard in the scheduled items list. There is a provision to be reminded by email if you have an email address set up in the user configuration Management>Users, and you have notification turned on in Management>Settings. Any scheduling done is for the user doing the scheduling. The user can also assign this item for other users or group. The items can also be routed (only folders and documents) on a scheduled date. Any item can be scheduled multiple times. If Folder or documents are moved, their corresponding schedule items are updated. Categories and Status are set up in Management. First step is getting your scheduler ready to use. Administrator will be responsible for setting up these items.
1. Set up categories Management Settings > Options > Categories. Set Categories based on your business operations, e.g. for HR, you may want 401K Paperwork, Payroll, Health Insurance, etc.
2. Set up status Management > Settings > Options > Custom Status, e.g. On-hold, In-progress, New, Complete, etc.
3. Click on Save when complete.
Each of these categories needs to be setup before using the scheduler.
Creating a new Scheduled Item
Screen 1: To create a new scheduled item, right click on the active screen and select cabinet, folder or document to set up in the scheduler. When selected, the Schedule Item opens: Due date is required for any new schedule and may be changed by the owner only. Scheduled event will turn red if allowed to expire. Changes for the schedule item – may set the boxes in red to retain status, category and priority, however, the client can make a change by clicking on the box and choosing a new selection. Initial Status, Category and Priority can have default value that is user specific. To set a default value, click on the check box to the right of the ellipse buttons. A confirmation will set once.
Screen 2: Assign users or group – may have more than 1, may remove user or group or click on the “Release me from the scheduled item.”
When scheduling an item, the user creating the schedule can also allow the assigned users to edit the item. Clicking the “Allow edit by assigned users” box enables the assigned users to make changes to a scheduled item. Schedule edits are traced. This is ideal for rescheduling items under special circumstances or for items that need to have the same operation performed at a later date. When updates occur, they will then be noted in Document Trace.
Screen 3: May route to a user or a group – will route on the scheduled date from screen 1. Note: Item will
be routed only if it is not already in workflow, locked or in edit, and the user who has created this schedule
has at least view rights to the item at the time (schedule due date) of the route.
Screen 4: Notification – assigned users appointment invite under “Notification” - will post to Outlook as a reminder. Will not access local Outlook when creating schedule if “Notifications” checkboxes are unchecked. Will forward an email notification to assignee if Notification and Alert has been set up.
Screen 5: Status is open after assigned users open the scheduler on their desktop under the dashboard – select “Save” when all info is entered. Status screen has a note preview below the list box. Makes reading long notes much easier.
Scheduled Item Status
Your scheduled items are listed on the home page. If an item is overdue the text will be Red.
The levels based on the due dates are as follows:
1. Today
2. This Week
3. This Month
4. Next Month
5. This Year
6. Later (items scheduled for the following years)
If the priority is set to “High” or “Urgent”, text will be bold.
The Group is selected at the bottom of the scheduler under Group Items. If checked, will break down into the date level it falls under.
Scheduled Items below with column chooser selected by right clicking on the column and selecting from the box below: You may organize your items by selecting the ascending, descending, best fit or best fit all columns.
Scheduler: Additional Features
Notification: Add Schedule will send Invite to creator, to add to calendar if “Send appointment invite to assigned users” is set to true and “Add to current user outlook calendar…” is set to false.
Notification: Edit Schedule sends notifications to add to calendar if “Send appointment invite to assigned users” is set to true and the Schedule date is changed.
Sort: to help sorting, Group Items checkbox provided. When checked, sorts are constrained to the calendar groupings. When unchecked, sorts apply to all scheduled items as a whole.
Create Schedule on Folder Create: Check box settings will be saved. Setting unique to create and logged in user.
Create Schedule on Folder Edit: Check box settings will be saved. Setting unique to edit and logged in user.
With the Scheduled item box checked, if any folder indexes are of data type “Datetime”, and if a date is present that is greater than or equal to today, this date will automatically be set as the scheduled date. If multiple Datetime indexes have a value greater than, or equal to today, the date from the latest index in the list is used.
Schedule Creation and Schedule Dismiss are audited in Management>Tracking> Reports.
Right Click function in Scheduler
- Multi Select items in Search results and use right click to schedule simultaneously.
- Multi Select items in Dashboard\Schedule and use right click to dismiss or change status simultaneously.
- Right click on a single scheduled item and select Assigned Users to look at status and user notes for specific schedule.
- Right click on any item to provide the following options: Only the individual who created the scheduled item can edit. The scheduled items become read only for the assigned staff.
- Edit Main Information: change status, dismiss item, write a note or view more information about this scheduled item.
- Edit User Information: edit schedule notes, user notes, and other status information.
- Change Status: Will allow a change to the status (Status is user defined).
- Dismiss item: Will allow the dismissal of the item, by the creator and the assignee.
- Assigned Users: Displays a window of the assigned users history.
- Refresh: Refresh the scheduled items list.
- Print: Print the scheduled items list.
- Save Layout: Save the current layout for this user.
Access to a Scheduled Item
To access an item, double click on the item of interest. This will open to the location of the item. If it is a Cabinet, the Cabinet will be opened or if already open, the focus will be set to it. If a Folder or Document, the Cabinet will be opened and then the item selected. If the item is in Workflow, the double click will take the user to the item in the Workflow inbox, if it is in that user”s inbox, or else it will take the user to the item in the Cabinet.
Email Notifications
Email notification will be sent the day the item is due. The notifications will be sent if the following criteria are met:
1. The user has an email address set in the user configuration.
2. Notifications and Alerts in Management > System > Settings are properly configured.
3. Workflow Service is running on the Server.
Email items can be scheduled at the time they are emailed by clicking the Schedule check box. The setting is remembered for future email events. All items being emailed from PSIsafe will be scheduled. Items added to the email from outside of PSIsafe will not be scheduled.
Schedule window will pop up after the email window is closed, even if the email is cancelled.
Scheduled Items: History
History is a list of scheduled items that have been dismissed based on a specified date range. The default date range is for seven days leading up to the current day. Set a valid date range and click on the “Get” button to display the records. No changes can be made to the item information, the history will always be listed.
Scheduled Items: Notes
Notes added to scheduled items are saved in the Trace report. Trace is updated when a Schedule is created, edited, or dismissed.
Schedule Edit: On any edit Scheduled: On create
Keywords: PSIsafe Add Schedule, PSIsafe Document Add Schedule
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