Canon ScanFront 330 Panel Integration

The PSIcapture Routing Panel for the Canon ScanFront 330 desktop scanner provides operators with a quick and easy method for routing scanned documents directly to PSIcapture for processing. The operator presses a button on the panel that describes the type of document being scanned, and the document is routed to the appropriate location for Auto Import into PSIcapture. The button names and their associated network file destinations are configurable.



Prerequisites for the Web/PSIcapture Server

  1. A Windows (2008 / 7 / 8) IIS web server (IIS v7.0 or better) with the .Net v4.5 Framework registered to IIS. See the screen shot below for information about which items to install.
  2. Microsoft .Net v4.5 framework.
  3. Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition v4.0 – this will be installed as a prerequisite if missing.
  4. A PSIGEN License Server (v4.6 or newer) with your Canon PSIcapture Routing Panel product key registered
  5. A PSIcapture server or workstation (v4.6 or newer)


The web server hosts the panel application that communicates with Canon ScanFront devices. This web server is either the local PSIcapture server with IIS enabled (preferred), or any local IIS web server within the company’s infrastructure.


There are two web applications to install: the panel itself, and the panel maintenance application.

By default, the installation stores all files in the PSIGEN application data area under “Capture.MFDPanels\Canon” (in Windows 7, “C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon”). Underneath are four subdirectories: Configuration, Logs, ScanFrontMaintenance and ScanFrontPanel.

The Configuration subdirectory contains the configuration database, while the Logs directory contains application log information. These directories are only created during first-time installs.

The ScanFrontPanel and ScanFrontMaintenance directories contain the web applications. These web apps are added to IIS as PSICaptureRoutingPanelForCanon and PSICaptureRoutingPanelMaintForCanon, along with a dedicated application pool called PSICaptureRoutingPanelForCanonPool.

The installation steps are as follows:

  1. Register the Canon PSIcapture Routing Panel product keys on the PSIcapture Licensing Server. Refer to the instructions for PSIcapture's License Server.
  2. Install the maintenance web application. Run the installer executable PSICaptureRoutingPanel.CanonMaint. If prompted, install any missing prerequisites.
  3. On the Welcome screen, review and approve the license agreement.
  4. Press the Install button.
  5. Wait while the setup wizard runs. If prompted to skip creation of Application Pool “PsiCaptureRoutingForCanonAppPool”, press the Yes button.
  6. Once the installation is complete, press the Finish button.
  7. Install the panel web application. Run the installer executable PSICaptureRoutingPanel.Canon.
  8. Repeat steps 3 through 6 above.
  9. Create a UNC share for both the Configuration and Logs subdirectories under the PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon directory (normally C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon).
  10. Open the Web.config file under PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon\ScanFrontPanel using a text editor such as Notepad. Make the following changes to the values under <appsettings> :
    1. Destination – The URL of the panel web site; this is required for all POST operations
    2. SessionTimeout – override this value to suit your needs
    3. UploadedPath – This is a fallback location for scans should an error occur; set this to a UNC directory share
    4. LogFileDirectory – set this to a UNC share that points to the PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon\Logs directory
    5. ConfigurationDirectory – set this to a UNC share that points to the PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon\Configuration directory
  11. Open the Web.config file under PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon\ScanFrontMaintenance using a text editor such as Notepad. Make the following changes to the values under <appsettings>:
    1. LogFileDirectory – set this to a UNC share that points to the PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon\Logs directory
    2. ConfigurationDirectory – set this to a UNC share that points to the PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon\Configuration directory

The user account for the web site must have full control over the C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Capture.MFDPanels\Canon directory as well as any scan destination defined during Configuration.

First-time installers:

Open the maintenance application in Internet Explorer using the following URL, then follow the instructions in the Configuration article:

http://<your IIS web server>/PSICaptureRoutingPanelMaintForCanon

Once configuration is complete, use the IIS Manager to re-start the panel web application.

All Installations:

Configure each scanner to use the new panel. The panel’s web site address is http://<your IIS web server IP address>/PSICaptureRoutingPanelForCanon. See the Configuration article for more information.

NOTE: The maintenance application can be changed after installation into a stand-alone web site assigned to a specific port number. However, the panel web site must remain as a web application under the default web site.

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