PSIcapture Help Menu


The Help ribbon contains the settings and information for licensing, support, and documentation. The Help menu can be accessed by users and administrators as needed. Explore the functions below to determine their applicability to your business needs.




License Agreement

 Displays PSIcapture's License Agreement and Legal Notices.



Update License

 Refreshes the current PSIcapture License from the License Server.


View License Details

 License Details allows the user to see the license number, reset licensing method and other detailed information. Users can also copy the license for support requests for example. Additionally, these details include counter information of used and remaining page counts.




 Users can register themselves and the product here. It will have the initial information entered during installation.



View Logs

User can select either PSIcapture Logs, Capture Services Logs, or Auto Import Processing Logs.


PSIcapture Logs Capture Services Logs Auto Import Processing Logs


Support Website


 A button that takes users to the support site that includes remote sessions with our support team and a knowledge base with common help items.


View Help

 A button that takes users to our WIKI.


Email Support

 A button that pulls up a new email with the users default email program.



 This pulls up a window with the about info of PSIcapture.




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