PSIcapture Barcode Generator: Barcode Settings


PSIcapture's Barcode generator has a variety of unique settings to conform to the barcode extraction method that best suits your business needs. Explore the article below to learn more about configuring this utility for your unique installation.


Supported Barcode Types



Code 3 of 9

This font type is very common and available freely on the internet. It can be downloaded, installed, and used in many different applications to create barcodes. A quick search on the internet should provide all the information needed.


Data Matrix

This is a 2D barcode and is commonly used when available space is an issue. A good deal of data can be entered using this barcode type and only use a small area of the page.



A user can Add a new barcode to create one of two types: code 39 (1D) and Data Matrix (2D), selected via a drop-down menu. Unwanted, existing barcodes can be deleted by clicking “Remove”. There can be multiple barcodes per sheet. The order of appearance of each barcode may be rearranged. This is achieved by selecting a specific barcode and clicking the Up or Down button to move it accordingly.

In addition to the barcode type selection (Code 39 or Data Matrix), each barcode must first be defined as one of the following:



Standard Barcode

An all-purpose barcode that can be used for anything.


Batch Separator Barcode

Used to separate batches that belong to different Capture Profiles. This is useful when using Auto Recognize. A prefix of “CB-” will be attached as default value of the barcode. NOTE: Auto Recognize is a preset Capture Profile in PSIcapture. It attempts to automatically identify the Capture Profiles for a set of capture images, and separate those images into new batches of the correct type.


Batch Name Barcode

Used to automatically populate the batch name when a new batch is created. A prefix of “BN-” will be attached as a default value of the barcode.


Load Profile Barcode

Used to automatically switch to a predefined scanner device profile. This is useful when scanning a large stack containing varying types of documents/images that require different scanner settings for optimal image quality. A prefix of “LP-” will be attached as default value of the barcode.



PDF Bookmark Barcode

Used to create a barcode based on a PDF bookmark.


Document Separator Barcode

If a pre-existing Capture Profile utilizes barcodes for document separation, adding a barcode of this type will automatically generate a barcode for that exact application. User will first be prompted to select the Capture Profile.



The user must then select the specific barcode value on which the document should separate, as defined by the Capture Profile.


Folder Separator Barcode

Similar to the “Document Separator Barcode,” option, this barcode is used for separation at the folder level.


Index Field Barcode

Used to automatically populate index fields. Users will be prompted to select a document type, then a specific index field.


See Capture Profile - Index Data Fields for more details.





Each field has a name and a potential default value. Default values are useful for barcodes with data that are exactly the same for multiple sheets. Fields can be added or removed by clicking the Add or Remove buttons. The ordering of the fields can be rearranged with the Up or Down buttons.



Each new field added must first be defined as one of the following:

  • Standard Field – An all-purpose field that can contain anything.
  • Document Separator Field – Used for document separator barcode.
  • Folder Separator Field – Used for folder separator barcode.
  • Index Field – Used to populate index fields.

Barcode Formatting

Contains options to format the barcode and text.




The barcode height can be adjusted by measure of inches or centimeters.


Field Separator

For barcodes containing multiple fields, a special character is needed between each field and is selected via a drop-down menu. Options are:

  • Comma ,
  • Pipe |
  • Colon :
  • Semicolon :
  • Tilde ~
  • <TAB>
  • <SPACE>

Font Size

Set desired font size, permitting readable text is enabled.


Show Readable Text

Toggle on/off to display readable text under each barcode.



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