PSIcapture Scripting: Enumerations


Enumerations assign meaningful names to numeric flags, which can be used in a variety of scripts to perform unique tasks. For example, if you want to check if a barcode type is “Code 39”, the code to use should be “BarcodeTypes.Code39” instead of “16” (the numeric flag that signals a barcode 39 type):


if(document.DocumentBarcodes.First().Type == BarcodeTypes.Code39) . . .


The following page describes all enumerations used in the scripting environment.



These are the alert types that can be assigned for batches, folders, documents, pages and index field values.


Number Name Description
0 None No alerts apply to the currently selected object.
1 DataValidationFailed Alert applied to a data record or data field when data validation fails.
2 ExpectedCountIncorrect Alert applied to a batch, folder or document when an expected count validation rule exists and was not successfully validated.
3 EmptyBatchItem Alert applied to a batch, folder or document when the object in question contains no children.
4 ImageFileMissing Alert applied to a page object when its associated image file does not exist.
5 LookupFailed Alert applied to a batch, folder or document when the object in question fails a lookup operation.
6 ReIndexValidationFailed Alert applied to a folder or document when one or more fields require a re-index step and the data from the initial and secondary index steps do not match.
7 AutoIndexingFailed Alert applied to a batch, folder or document when any auto indexing operation fails to complete successfully.
8 QAAutoProcessingValidationFailed Alert applied to a batch, folder, or document when an index data or batch structure validation error occurs during any QA auto processing action.
9 MigrationFailed Alert applied to a batch, folder or document when a migration fails while processing the associated object.
10 FullTextOCRFailed Alert applied to a document when a full text OCR operation fails on the associated object.
11 ClassificationFailed

Alert applied to a document when a classification fails on the associated object.




This defines barcode types currently supported by PSIcapture.


Number Name Description
  ALL All known barcode types (excepting reserved values and none)
0 None Logical type used to identify an invalid barcode data structure
1 Codabar Codabar
2 Reserved1 Reserved for future use
4 Code128 Code 128
8 Code32 Code 32
16 Code39 Code 3 of 9
32 Code93 Code 93
64 DataMatrix DataMatrix (2D)
128 EAN13 EAN-13
256 EAN8 EAN-8
512 Interleaved2of5 Interleaved 2 of 5
1024 PatchCode Patch Code
2048 PDF417 PDF-417 (2D)
4096 Plus2

Plus 2

8192 Plus5 Plus 5
16384 QR QR Code (2D)
32768 Reserved2 Reserved for future use
65536 Reserved3 Reserved for future use
131072 Reserved4 Reserved for future use
262144 UPCA UPC-A
524288 UPCE UPC-E
1048576 AustralianPost Australia Post Code
2097152 IntelligentMail Intelligent Mail
4194304 Reserved5 Reserved for future use
8388608 Reserved6 Reserved for future use
16777216 Reserved7 Reserved for future use
33554432 Postnet Postnet
67108864 Rm4scc RoyalMail/UK Post Code/Delivery Point Suffixes
134217728 Matrix2Of5 Matrix 2 of 5
268435456 Datalogic2Of5 Datalogic 2 of 5
536870912 Industrial2Of5 Industrial 2 of 5
1073741824 IATA2Of5 IATA 2 of 5
2147483648 Code2Of5Inverted Code 2 of 5 (Inverted)
4294967296 GS1_128 GS1-128
8589934592 BCD_Matrix BCD Matrix
17179869184 Aztec Aztec (2D)




Defines the actions that can be taken by a batch restructuring script.


Number Name Description
0 NoAction  


Append page to document
2 NewDocument Create a new document
3 NewFolder Create a new folder
4 NewFolderAndDocument Create a new folder and document
5 DropPage Remove the page from the document




Defines data field types that are used throughout the application.


Number Name


-1 Unknown Unknown type used to identify an invalid data structure.
0 Text Text field suitable for storing character data up to 255 characters. Values longer than 255 characters may function successfully however it is recommended to use memo fields for values of this length.
1 Number

Whole or floating point numbers

2 Currency Locale specific currency values
3 Integer Whole numbers
4 Decimal Floating point numbers
5 DateTime Date/Time values
6 Boolean Boolean or yes/no values
7 Memo Large text fields




Defines the types of data fields used by the application.


Number Name Description
0 BatchDataField Batch data field
1 DocumentDataField Document data field, which optionally tracks field data across multiple records per document.
2 FolderDataField Folder data field
3 SystemDataField Value used to identify internal field types and values.




Defines recognition actions used to attach zones to data fields.


Number Name Description
-1 None No attachment is made between the current data field and an existing zone.
0 OCR The data field will receive the results of an OCR operation on the attached zone.
1 ZoomOnly When the data field receives focus, the active viewer (if any) will zoom to the attached zone.
2 OMR The data field will receive the results of an OMR operation on the attached zone.
3 ICR The data field will receive the results of an ICR operation on the attached zone.
4 OnDemandOCRICROnly The settings on the current data field will not be automatically applied to any zone recognition operation, however they will be used whenever a manual recognition operation is activated.
5 MICR The data field will receive the results of a MICR operation on the attached zone.




Defines values that identify the source of a file added to the document files collection of a document object.


Number Name Description
0 NotSpecified The source of the file was not specified.
1 Capture The file was created by the Capture or Auto Import modules.
2 OCR The file was created by an OCR operation.
3 Classification

The file was created by the Classification module.




Defines operators that can be used when configuring an expected count validation rule.


Number Name Description
0 Equals Equal to operator
1 LessThan Less than operator
2 GreaterThan Greater than operator




Defines values that determine how expected count validation rules are applied.


Number Name Description
0 NoValidation Expected count validation is not enabled.
1 ValidateTotals Expected counts will be validated by totals across the entire batch.
2 ValidateByLevel Expected counts will be validated at each level, folder, document, etc.


Defines flag types that can be applied to batches, folders, documents, pages, etc.


Number Name Description
0 NoFlag No flag is applied to the current object.
1 Review Review flag, typically used to indicate a page, document, folder, etc., that requires additional review before further processing.
2 Reject Reject flag, used to mark documents or folders for mass reject operations in modules where supported, such as Index or QA.
3 Delete Delete flag, used to mark documents or folders for mass delete operations in modules where supported, such as Index or QA.
4 Process Process flag, typically used to mark batch objects for filtering in various operations in QA auto processing.
5 Skip Skip flag, used by multiple features in the product to filter out batch objects that should not be processed by the current operation.
6 CustomFlag1 Custom Flag 1, user definable flag.
7 CustomFlag2 Custom Flag 2, user definable flag.
8 CustomFlag3 Custom Flag 3, user definable flag.
9 CustomFlag4 Custom Flag 4, user definable flag.
10 CustomFlag5 Custom Flag 5, user definable flag.
99 AnyFlag Used for selection option of Any Flag.




This defines values that indicate the color content of an image.

Number Name Description
-1 Unknown Image color type has not been determined
0 BlackWhite Black and white image
1 Grayscale Gray image
2 Color Color image



Defines values that identify the source of an alternate page file added to the alternate page files collection of a page object.

Number Name Description
0 NotSpecified The source of the file was not specified.
1 Capture The file was created by the Capture or Auto Import modules.
2 ImageProcessing The file was created by an Image Processing operation.
3 OMR The file was created by an OMR operation.



Defines the patch codes that are valid for the system.

Number Name Description
0 Unknown Logical type used to identify an invalid patch code data structure.
1 I Patch Type I
2 II Patch Type II
3 III Patch Type III
4 IV Patch Type IV
5 V Patch Type V
6 T Patch Type T



Defines values that determine how redaction operations are applied to images.

Number Name Description
0 OCR Redaction areas are selected by text content.
1 Zone Redaction areas are pre-defined areas on the image.
2 Manual Redaction was applied to an area manually selected by the user.



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