version 7.7.x | Download Pending |
This article is intended for PSIcapture Administrators.
The Index Workflow step of any PSIcapture workflow has a variety of configuration options that are detailed below. To enter these configuration options, a user must add an Index step to their Workflow configuration under the root Capture Profile setup:
Index Settings - General
The options available on the General tab of Index settings are outlined below:
Indexing Mode
- Standard Indexing - Data is keyed into Index Fields in a Standard Index workflow step, and no additional workflow steps for Re-key validation are used.
- Re-key Indexing - This option forces users to re-key specific fields in a secondary Indexing workflow step as a designated means of validation/verification by a second PSIcapture user. When configuring an Index Field for Re-Key, there are at least two index workflow steps:
- Standard Index step
- Re-key Indexing step
- Re-key Validation - This option forces users to re-key specific fields in a secondary Indexing workflow step, and then incorporate a third Re-key validation index step as a designated means of double-blind, third-party validation. When configuring an Index Field for Re-Key validation, there at least three index workflow steps:
- Standard Index step
- Re-key Indexing step
- Re-key Validation step
For a detailed breakdown of Re-key Indexing and Validation configuration options, see:
PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Re-key Indexing and Validation
Automation Options
- Automatically Open Next Batch of the current Capture Profile - Selecting this option will cause the next batch of this Capture Profile which is NOT suspended or an exception batch to open up in the Index Module.
- Indexing Mode on When Opening Batches - Selecting this option will cause Index mode to be on and the operators would not need to select the index icon on the toolbar to enable indexing once in the Index module.
- Attempt to Auto-index Batch - Select this option if the user has no manual entry fields and all required fields have been previously populated or will be populated by OCR or Database Lookup. NOTE: If Automatically open next Batch of this Capture Profile and Automatically close batches after last document is indexed are also selected and successful; the result will be that each batch of this Capture Profile which is NOT suspended or an exception batch awaiting index will be automatically opened, indexed and closed.
- Automatically Close Batches after Last Document is Indexed - Selecting this option will cause the batch of this Capture Profile to close once the last document in the batch is validated
Index Field Validation Options
These are the options on when to validate the index fields:
- Validate Index Values after Each Field
- Validate Index Values after Each Document
- Validate Index Values when Closing Batch
- Validation Should Fail if Lookups have Failed – This option is not enabled by default. If there are errors in lookups and the user wishes to be notified then enable this option and validation failure will be triggered.
- Enable Audio Notifications – If users wish to have an audible notification of lookup or validation failure, then select this option. It is enabled by default
Index Field Navigation Options
- Allow Enter Key to Move Between Fields - Selecting this option allows the user to the Enter Key to move between fields. Otherwise only the Tab key will be used to move between fields.
- Select Text when Index Field Receives Focus - Selecting this option will highlight all the text that exists in an Index Field when it receives focus.
- Skip to Next Field when Maximum Character Count is Reached - Selecting this option will cause skip or enter to occur when the maximum character count reached. NOTE: Maximum character count can only be set on text or memo fields.
- Include Folder Fields in Field Navigation - Selecting this option will Include Folder index Fields in the field navigation window.
- Go to Next Field after Selecting Item from List - Selecting this option will cause the cursor to go to the next index field once the user has selected an item from a list.
- Go to Next Field after Selecting On-Demand OCR/ICR Value – Selecting this option will cause the cursor to go to the next field once the user has selected the index value from the current page.
Advanced Index Settings
The options available on the Advanced tab of Index settings are outlined below.
OCR Assisted Indexing Options
- OCR Assisted Indexing Mode on when Opening Batches - Selecting this option turns on the OCR Indexing mode when a batch is open.
- Go to Next Field after Selecting OCR Index Value – Selecting this option will move the cursor to go to the next field after the current index value is selected from the page.
Index Field Display Options
- Disable Index Field Tooltips - Selecting this option will suppress a floating tooltip on the image screen with the value of the index field
- Index Field Font Size – Select the font size to display index field values in.
- 8.25
- 10
- 12
- 14
- 16
Viewer Options
- Default Document Page to Display – Select the default page of the document to view by page number.
- Display Index Field Zones Mode on when Opening Batches - When this feature is enabled, the "Index field zones mode" will be turned on by default and displayed in the UI, and and index field zones will be displayed within the viewer (preview window) when opening a batch in the Index workflow step.
- Zoom to Zone Mode on when Opening Batches – Active index fields will display and zoom to any assigned zones if this option is enabled
- Zoom to Entire Parent Zone for Multi-Record and Line Item Extractions Zones – Multi-Record and Line Item Extractions zones will zoom to each individual sub-zone unless this option is enabled.
- Smart Zone Zooming – With the following options users can set smart zone zooming in the Index Module.
- Smart Zone and Child Zones - When zooming in on a smart zone tied to an index field, the zoom will focus on the smart zone and any child zones attached.
- Smart Zone Anchors and Child Zones - When zooming in on a smart zone tied to an index field, the zoom will focus on the smart zone anchors and any child zones attached.
- Smart Zone Only - When zooming in on a smart zone tied to an index field, the zoom will focus on the smart zone only.
- Smart Zone Zooming – With the following options users can set smart zone zooming in the Index Module.
Quality Assurance Options
- Enable Quality Assurance Commands – Selecting this option will allow Quality Assurance commands to be available in the Index Module.
- Warn User when Closing Batches that Contains Items Flagged for Deletion or Rejection – Selecting this option will cause a dialog box to appear when a user attempts to close a batch containing items flagged for deletion or rejection.
- Disable Prompt when Deleting Folders, Documents, and Pages – Users will no longer be prompted with a dialog window when deleting folders, documents, or pages.
- Auto Name Manually Separated Folders Using Current Date and Time – When manually separated folders in a batch, the user can have PSIcapture auto name them by date and time.
- Auto Save Pages after Manually Rotating – When I user manually rotates a page’s orientation, this setting allows PSIcapture to save the pages automatically.
Indexing Prompt Options
These indexing prompts appear only when re-entering a previously completed index workflow step with the corresponding features enabled.
- Suppress Re-run OCR Preparation prompt - Enabling this feature to suppress the "Re-run OCR Preparation?" prompt that occurs when re-entering an index workflow step. Fine tune the suppression of the prompt by clicking "Setup" and exploring the following options:
- Run OCR Preparation when prompt is suppressed - When this feature is enabled, the OCR Preparation still runs without displaying the prompt.
- Skip already processed pages - When the feature "Run OCR Preparation when prompt is suppressed" is enabled, pages that have already been processed are skipped.
- Run OCR Preparation when prompt is suppressed - When this feature is enabled, the OCR Preparation still runs without displaying the prompt.
- Suppress Re-run Auto Indexing prompt - Enabling this feature to suppress the "Re-run Auto Indexing?" prompt that occurs when re-entering an index workflow step. Fine tune the suppression of the prompt by clicking "Setup" and exploring the following options:
- Run OCR Preparation when prompt is suppressed - When this feature is enabled, the OCR Preparation still runs without displaying the prompt. After enabling this feature, specify which of the subroutines of Auto Indexing to activate:
- Re-run Zone Recognition (OCR/ICR) - Runs the Zone Recognition subroutine to detect zones.
- Re-Run Zone OMR - Runs the Zone OMR subroutine to detect OMR marks within zones.
- Re-Run Lookups - Runs any lookups configured, and populates corresponding index fields.
- Re-Create Automatically Created Records - If records were automatically created, these records are once more automatically created.
Exception Processing
Auto-Index Exceptions Processing
The options available on the Exception Processing tab of Index settings are outlined below.
NOTE: Attempt to Auto-Index Batch under the "General" tab must be selected for this section to be enabled:
Auto-Index exceptions processing options are as follows:
- Automatically Reject Items to Exceptions Batch which Fail Validation – Selecting this option will cause folders and documents that fail validation to be moved to an exceptions batch whose name will be the same as the original. Exiting data will be saved and moved.
- Mark Items which Fail Validation and Load Batch in Index Module Displaying First Failed Item – Selecting this option will cause all records that fail validation to be marked and the first record which fails validation to be loaded on the screen.
- Mark Items which Fail Validation and Suspend Batch in Index Module – Selecting this option will cause items which fail validation to be marked and if any did fail, once they are marked the batch will be suspended.
- When Folder has Exceptions – Choose what to do with folder exceptions.
- Reject Folder Only
- Reject Entire Batch
- When Document has Exceptions – Choose what to do with documents exceptions
- Reject Document Only
- Reject Folder Containing Document
- Reject Entire Batch
- Suppress Suspended Batch Error Reporting During Auto Import – Selecting this option will prevent suspended batch error messages from being displayed during Indexing via auto import.
Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration Options
To enable this feature make sure the Enable Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration box is checked. When enabled, users can edit and create new Zone Definition Profiles while in the Index Module.
For more information on the user experience, see: PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration.
- Default Display Mode – Allow selection of the default display mode when first opening Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration dialog. Users can choose from either standard or advanced. To set which settings are available in any given display mode, click on the Advanced button. This will bring up a window where users can set each setting to Advanced Mode Only, Both, or None.
- Standard
- Advanced
- Allow User to Switch Display Modes - Controls whether the user is allowed to switch between display modes on the Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration dialog. If unchecked, the dialog will open in the default display mode and the user will not be able to switch to the other display mode.
- Zone Definition Profile to Preload Copy of - When opening the Accelerated Zone Profile Configuration dialog to create a new zone profile, a copy of the selected zone profile will be loaded automatically allowing the user to quickly make changes for the new profile. If no default profile is selected, the dialog will be blank and the user will need to either manually select a zone profile to copy or create the zone definitions from scratch
- When Loading a Batch, Update its Copy of the Capture Profile with the Zone Profiles/Record Types from the Capture Profile in Configuration - If this option is selected, the zone profiles and record types will be updated on the current batch’s copy of the Capture Profile to reflect the current zone profiles and record types defined in the current Capture Profile. This will ensure that the zone profile assignment is using the latest set of profiles thus preventing duplicate profiles from being created.
- Validation Should Fail for Documents that don’t Trigger a Zone Definition Profile - If this option is selected, then any documents that fail to trigger a zone definition profile (i.e. they are using the default profile) will be considered an exception. The document will then either be rejected to an exceptions batch or cause the batch to be suspended in the Index Module depending on the Exceptions Processing settings. In order for this setting to be applied, zone definition profile triggering alerts must be enabled on the Capture Profile (shown below). This setting will be auto-selected when saving the Index Module settings with the “Validation should fail…” option enabled.
- Validate Zone Profile automatically after Document is viewed - Zone Profiles will be validated as users navigate away from a document (eg. tabbing thru last index field, by clicking off of the document, etc.). As Zone Profiles are validated, the corresponding alert will be removed from the Document. In Classification, the option to “Treat Documents that trigger a Non-Validated Zone Profile as Exceptions…” needs to be enabled to initially set the alert on the Documents:
Accelerated Classification Configuration Options
- Display Classification Form ID - Displays the corresponding Form ID for Classification Forms within the Index Workflow step.
- Enable Accelerated Classification Configuration - When enabled, users can create new and edit existing Classification Forms in the Index module.
NOTE: Accelerated Classification Engine options from the Classification module settings will be used in the Index module.
For more information on Accelerated Classification Engine, see:
PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Accelerated Classification Engine (ACE)
Keywords: PSIcapture Index Workflow Step Setup, How to Configure PSIcapture Index Workflow Step, Setup Workflow Configuration PSIcapture
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