Kofax PSIcapture Mailroom version 3.3.x |
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This article is intended for PSIcapture Mailroom and PSIcapture Administrators.
This article is intended for PSIsafe Administrators.
This PSIcapture Mailroom (Formerly PSIfusion/PSIcapture Fusion) Administrator Installation Guide is designed to be a simplified version of the full installation guide.
This guide is primarily intended for a single-server installation. To use this guide offline, download the PDF document attached at the end of this article.
Establish On-Premises Mailroom Environment
Prerequisites - Windows Features:
See PSIcapture Mailroom: System Requirements for further information on how to prepare a system.
The following programs need to be installed on the system prior to installation.
Note: On Windows Server 2012+ OS, these features should be added through the Server Management Console.
Note: While PSIcapture is not required for installation, a PSIcapture installation is required to migrate to PSIcapture Mailroom.
Microsoft .NET Framework
The PSIcapture Mailroom installers will install or update the .NET Framework installation on your server. However, if you wish to install the latest version of the framework manually you may use the links below to do so.
.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
.NET Framework 4.6/7+ Advanced Services > WCF Services > HTTP Activation
Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Application Development Features > .NET Extensibility 3.5 & 4.7 & ASP .NET 3.5 & 4.7
Please make sure the following features are selected.
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Enable ASP 4.5 | Enable HTTP Activation |
Turning on Windows Features
If PSIcapture Mailroom is being installed locally or on a VM OS users want to make sure certain features are enabled prior to installation. These can be found in the Control Panel > Programs and Features >Turn Windows features on or off (left side of programs list).
Please make sure the following features are selected:
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Enable ASP .NET 4.6 | Enable HTTP Activation |
For complete documentation of the installation procedure for the .NET Framework please refer to the following article:
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
IIS, the Windows integrated web server, cannot be automatically installed by the PSIcapture Mailroom installer. A guide for installing IIS is located here:
IIS 7+ (Including all Windows Features)
Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Common HTTP Features > Static Content
There are some roles and features users want to make sure are enabled prior to installation. These can be found in the Server Manager > Add roles and features.
More information on IIS can be found here:
Microsoft SQL Server
Ensure your computer meets the minimum requirements above, and you’ve downloaded:
Microsoft SQL Express 2019+ (x86 or x64)
Microsoft SQL 2019 Management Studio Express 18.9
Download and installation instructions for SQL Server express can be found here:
PSIcapture Mailroom Installers:
Download from the Partner Portal or contact support.
Unsupported Platforms
PSIcapture Mailroom does not support:
- Apache HTTP Web Server
- NGINX, and other open-source web server platforms
- Oracle
- SQLite or similar serverless databases
Additional Notes
- PSIcapture Mailroom is supported for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. We recommend, but do not require, a 64-bit server platform for optimum performance.
- The amount of disk space is generally required for the operating system and framework, the requisite updates, and the volume of files being processed during peak volumes. More may be required depending on the operating system version, and more disk space will be required for storage of scanned documents.
- Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) will not serve a web application to more than 10 concurrent users when running on a non-server operating system. PSIcapture Mailroom will only be supported on non-server operating systems for demonstration purposes.
For Enterprise applications of PSIcapture Mailroom, please install a Load Balancing Server for environments with more than 200 users:
PSIcapture Mailroom: Installing a Load Balancing Server
- For Non-Enterprise applications of PSIcapture Mailroom, please do NOT install a Load Balancing Server.
Port Exceptions
PSIcapture Mailroom uses the following ports:
(Add Inbound and Outbound entries)
TCP/IP: 47232-47233 (Service Ports)
UDP: 1434 (SQL Server Browser for SQL Service Instance Host)
8080 (Or custom port in IIS)
PSIcapture Mailroom (File) Service Installation
Prerequisites Check
The installer will then check for any missing prerequisites including missing Microsoft .NET and C++ Redistributable libraries. These are necessary and should not be bypassed. Failure to install all prerequisite files may result in the product not working correctly, or not working at all.
Install PSIcapture Mailroom using default settings, or specify an installation directory accordingly. By default the program installation path is C:\Program Files (x86)\PSIGEN\Mailroom. The path can be changed however, it is not recommended.
Before Proceeding, be sure to review these important details:
- There are two separate installation files (as of this release):
- Kofax.PSIcapture.Mailroom.FileServer.Setup.x.x.x.exe - The File Server (Reactor Service) hosting the service providing file access to the application.
- Kofax.PSIcapture.Mailroom.WebServer.Setup.x.x.x.exe - The Web Server(s) users will access, including the API. - If UAC is enabled, you may need to enter Administrator Credentials to proceed.
- If you want to deploy the Mailroom File (Reactor) Service and Web Application on the same machine, be sure to install “Kofax.PSIcapture.Mailroom.FileServer.Setup.x.x.x.exe” and “Kofax.PSIcapture.Mailroom.WebServer.Setup.x.x.x.exe” on the same machine. In this case, granting permission to the Fusion Folder (next page) is not required.
- Run “Kofax.PSIcapture.Mailroom.FileServer.Setup.x.x.x.exe” on the machine hosting the main server, and the screenshot below will appear:
- Click “I agree to the License terms and conditions” check box and Install.
- Click Yes to proceed. Restart your system if necessary when the following appears:
PSIcapture Mailroom (File) Service Permissions
4. After successful installation verify “Mailroom (File) Service” folder at following path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PSIGEN\Fusion Services
5. Go to Services and stop the “Mailroom (File) Services”. Restart when the following is complete.
6. Create Users “FusionAdmin” and “FusionFileServer” via AD or otherwise.
7. Grant these users Read/Write Access to Fusion Folder “C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Fusion”.
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8. Additionally, add system profiles “IIS AppPool\Mailroom3.3.9”, “IIS AppPool\PSIcapture Mailroom - [Deployment Name] e.g. “PSIcapture Mailroom - Deployment1” “NETWORK”, and “SYSTEM”, and grant the same Read-Write permissions granted above.
9. Now, right-click on the same Fusion folder in ProgramData and click “Share”. A dialog window will appear displaying a shared path. Make sure to copy this path, as it will be used in later steps.
Create SQL Database to Link to PSIcapture Mailroom
Once installation is complete, the Installation Package can be archived or deleted as necessary.
A detailed, technical log of any actions performed by the installer can be found at C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Mailroom\Setup\InstallLog.txt. This log also includes details on any errors that may have occurred.
Create SQL Database to Link to PSIcapture Mailroom
- Create a New Database via SSMS (avoid using spaces in the name to prevent issues).
- Set the Database Owner to sa and ensure you have the login credentials for the sa account for licensing.
- Default settings for the database, including recovery model and autogrowth sizes can be left on default settings.
- Make sure the installation computer can connect to the SQL Server location without licensing issues.
PSIcapture Mailroom Web App Installation
Install Website and Application Pool
- Run Kofax.PSIcapture.Mailroom.WebServer.Setup.x.x.x.exe as an Administrator, and the screenshot pictured below will appear:
- Check the “I agree to the License terms and conditions” checkbox and click Install.
Installation should complete automatically. Contact Support should you encounter any errors during this installation process. - Once complete, the website files and application pool of IIS should be installed. To verify a successful installation along with corresponding permissions and configuration settings, see Configure IIS and Verify Settings section below.
- Access the Windows Start menu and type in “Deployment Manager”.
- Open the Deployment Manager Application to begin the licensing process, and the following screen will appear:
- If you are licensing on the same machine which hosts the website and application pool files you just installed, select “Same Server”. If installing a Load Balance Server, see the “Load Balance” section or separate guide for more information.
- Deployment Path - Set this to the UNC path for the deployment folder (e.g.,\Fusion or DOC-PC7\Fusion). The default Mailroom Deployment folder is C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Fusion\Deployments.
- UNC UserName and Password: Set these credentials to a user who has been granted full read/write access to the folder, as specified in the previous step or configured in Active Directory by an IT Administrator, who has been granted access to the folder.
The PSIcapture Mailroom (File) Service and Web Application installations are complete. To continue the installation process into the Licensing portion, proceed to PSIcapture Mailroom Administrator Guide: Creating a New Deployment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Application Pool and Website are created after the Deployment Manager saves your licensing information. Therefore, it's important to complete the licensing process BEFORE proceeding to check on the IIS permissions and configurations of the next step.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For Enterprise applications of PSIcapture Mailroom, please install a Load Balancing Server for environments with more than 200 users:
PSIcapture Mailroom: Installing a Load Balancing Server
For Non-Enterprise applications of PSIcapture Mailroom, please do NOT install a Load Balancing Server.
With the above steps complete, and licensing activated, Administrators can proceed to:
PSIcapture Mailroom Administrator Guide: Initial Configuration
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