PSIcapture Mailroom User Guide: Queue

The queue is where all the document indexing takes place. Select a document from the Queue list, view it in the center Viewer, and perform Indexing on the right-hand side of the page.



Queue List

The Queue list shows each document currently available within a user's queue and users can freely navigate between documents. It shows the document number, import date, document name (if option is set in General configuration), and the number of pages in said document.


Button Functions in the Queue List

Available in the queue list are the following options for managing the list:

  • - This button allows users to refresh the queue.
  • - This button allows users to edit the queue including mass deleting and mass rerouting.
  • comb1.png - This button allows users to combine documents within the queue.
  • - This button allows users to reroute any selected documents to another user's queue. Administrators can determine whether or not to allow team members to reroute or just the team supervisor to reroute documents.
  • - This button allows users to delete individual or multiple documents.
  • save12.png - This button allows users to save selected documents within the queue.


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