PSIcapture Mailroom Administrator Guide: User Groups


User Groups in PSIcapture Mailroom represent a named set of users, and can be used to apply group based permissions, restrict login based on group membership or lack thereof and locate users by filtering on user group membership.




System Groups

PSIcapture Mailroom creates a number of system managed user groups that are used for locating and filtering users based on a particular role or status.

  • Administrators - List of all users with Administrator access.
  • All Users - List of all users with PSIcapture Mailroom.
  • Disabled Users - List of all users that have been disabled. Disabled users are external users that have lost the link to their external LDAP account. This can happen if a valid LDAP user accesses PSIcapture Mailroom and that user is later deleted from the LDAP directory.
  • Licensed Users - List of all users that have been assigned a PSIcapture Mailroom license.
  • Supervisors - List of all users that have been granted the Supervisor role for a Team.
  • Unassigned Users - List of all users that are currently not assigned to a Team.
  • Unlicensed Users - Lists of al lusers that have not been assigned a PSIcapture Mailroom license. Unlicensed users are not able to access the system.


Adding or Editing User Groups

To add a new group click the Add button in the upper right corner of the User Group table. To edit an existing group, click on the pencil button to the right of the User Group name. Both adding and editing a group share the same dialog which is defined below.

Enter a name for the group in the User Group Name text field.

Users Tab

Check the users that should be members of the current group and leave uncheck any users not to be added to the group. The filter icon in each column header allows the administrator to search for specific users or patterns of users.

Document Profiles Tab

The Document Profiles tab will only be visible if Document Profile Permissions have been enabled for the current organization under General Settings

This section allows the administrator to determine which Document Profiles are available to a group. To grant access click in the Permissions column next to the Document Profile to grant access to and select Grant from the dropdown. If Advanced permissions is enabled the administrator also has the ability to select Deny from the same dropdown.



Remove a User Group

To remove a group from the system, click on the X icon to the right of the group to be deleted.

The System Groups are not removable. Removed groups are not recoverable.
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