[LEGACY] PSIcapture Walkthrough: Create Duplicate Pages in Quality Assurance without Rescanning


This feature will help save time by avoiding re-scans of images that have already been captured. Please note that this feature only exists in the Quality Assurance step and there is currently no keyboard shortcuts available.

Configuration Steps

  1. Select the “Page” to be duplicated
  2. Right-mouse click and select “Copy”
  3. Select the destination point of your “Copied” page
  4. Select “Paste”
  5. Select where you want the “Copy” to go (i.e. “Insert Page Before”,” Insert Page After”, etc.)


  1. Either create a new Batch or access a Batch in the Quality Assurance step
  2. Select the “Page” icon representing the image requiring duplication
  3. Right-mouse click and select “Copy”
  4. Select the destination point of your “Copied” page
  5. Right-mouse click and select the “Paste” option that fits the situation
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