PSIcapture Scanning Hardware: Drivers: Kofax VRS Error: File not Found


When adding a device profile for Kofax Adrenaline VRS, this message occurs: "File Not Found"

Within the Capture Log you see this error:

[11/26/2013 11:49:53 AM - Error - v5.0.0.21] 
File Not Found
   at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
   at KScanLib._DKScan.set_Action(enumAction )
   at AxKScanLib.AxKScan.set_Action(enumAction value)
   at PSIGEN.Capture.Devices.Kofax.KofaxVRS.SaveConfiguration(String configurationName)
   at PSIGEN.Capture.Devices.Imaging.ImagingDevice.OnDeviceConfigure(ConfigureEventArgs e)
   at PSIGEN.Capture.Devices.Kofax.KofaxVRS.ProcessAction(ImagingDeviceActions action)
   at PSIGEN.Capture.Devices.Imaging.ImagingDevice.Configure()[11/26/2013 11:49:53 AM - Error - v5.0.0.21]
File Not Found
   at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
   at KScanLib._DKScan.set_Action(enumAction )
   at AxKScanLib.AxKScan.set_Action(enumAction value)
   at PSIGEN.Capture.Devices.Kofax.KofaxVRS.SaveConfiguration(String configurationName)
   at PSIGEN.Capture.Devices.Imaging.ImagingDevice.OnDeviceConfigure(ConfigureEventArgs e)
   at PSIGEN.Capture.Devices.Kofax.KofaxVRS.ProcessAction(ImagingDeviceActions action)
  at PSIGEN.Capture.Devices.Imaging.ImagingDevice.Configure()



Kofax VRS has a limitation to the amount of characters that can be present for saving Device profiles path.

You will need to do the following;

  1. Open the Kofax Administration Console.
  2. Go to Configure Sources after you have selected the scanner from the UI.
  3. Create a new short profile name.
  4. Make sure to click the refresh button so that the Driver utilizes the new profile.
  5. Close PSIcapture if it was open during the process and reopen it.
  6. Reselect Adrenaline VRS as your scanner option.
  7. Select the Profile from within the UI. 
  8. Create a new profile and the error should not occur and the profile will save properly.
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