Instructions below should be followed in order. Please do not skip steps and read carefully as you progress through manual installation of the Application Pool and IIS site.
Enable Windows Features:
- Ensure that IIS is installed properly you will need to turn on Internet Information Services before moving forward with the installation.
- Open Turn on Windows features on or off, if you are within a Windows Server Environment these can be configured within the Server Management application.
- Ensure that Internet Information Services are selected
- The following options should be included in the installation of Internet Information Services
- Web Management Tools
- IIS Management Console
- World Wide Web Services
- Application Development Features
- .Net Extensibility 3.5
- .Net Extensibility 4.5
- ASP.NET 3.5
- ASP.NET 4.5
- ISAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
- Common HTTP Features
- Default Document
- Directory Browsing
- HTTP Errors
- Static Content
- Health and Diagnostics
- HTTP Logging
- Performance Features
- Static Content Compression
- Security
- Request Filtering
- Once Installed you will need to reboot the PC if a Server environment you will not need to reboot the machine. Once rebooted open Internet Information Services.
- Open your favorite internet browser and type in localhost as the web URL. If IIS installed correctly you should be greeted by an IIS(Internet Information Services) splash screen.
Software Prerequisites
- The following programs need to be installed on the system prior to installation.
- Note: On Windows Server 20XX OS, these features should be added through the server management console.
- Note: While PSIcapture is not required for installation, a PSIcapture installation is required to migrate to Fusion.
Microsoft .NET Framework
- The PSIcapture Fusion installer will install or update the .NET Framework installation on your server. However, if you wish to install the latest version of the framework manually you may use the links below to do so.
- .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
- .NET Framework 4.6/7 Advanced Services > WCF Services > HTTP Activation
- Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Application Development Features > .NET Extensibility 3.5 & 4.7 & ASP .NET 3.5 & 4.7
Please make sure the following features are selected.
Create Application Pool in Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Now we will need to create the Application Pool for PSIfusion.
- Open IIS and under connections select Application Pools(Upper Left in IIS)
- Select the option Add Application Pool.
- Name the Application Pool whatever you like. For this example we will name it Fusion.
- Keep all other settings to default; .NET CLR Version v4.0.30319, Managed pipeline mode: Integrated, and Start application pool immediately.
- Right Click on the Application Pool and select the option Advanced Settings.
- Ensure that Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to Enabled.
- Once done with Advanced Settings click on the Recycle option and ensure the application pool remains running. There may also be complications if your IIS is also hosting a SharePoint site. Ensure that you contact a PSIGEN Support Technical Engineer if this is the case.
Create Site in Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Next you will be creating the hosted Site.
- Right click on the Sites IIS folder.
- Click Add Website.
- Name the Site Name. In this case Fusion.
- Select the Application Pool you have built in the previous step.
- Your physical path should be in the following location: C:\ProgramData\PSIGEN\Fusion\Deployments\[Name of Deployment used in Deployment Manager]\App.
- IP address can be set to "All Unassigned" recommended port would be: 8080.
- Click on Test Settings...
- If you get an Authorization error click on the Connect As... button and change the log in information to a local admin or to the Fusion user created by the install. Contact PSIGEN Support Technical Engineer if you would like to use the Fusion user.
- Once you have green check marks within Test Settings... for Authentication and Authorization you should now have a successfully hosted site.
Fusion Service Restart and test of deployed Site
- Once the following steps are complete we recommend you restart your Fusion Services under Services.msc and open CMD application as Administrator and type in the command iisreset.
- Once Service and IIS have been restarted open IIS and right click on the PSI:Fusion Site select Manage Website and the option Browse.
- Now your default browser will open and you will be able to access the Fusion Site. You will need a browser that is compatible with Silverlight in order to successfully use PSIfusion.
- This is true for any version of PSIfusion 2.0.0 and earlier.
- For version 3.0.0+ of PSIfusion we now support all browsers as we no longer use Silverlight.
You have now completed manual installation of IIS, Application Pool, and Hosted Site configuration settings.
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