PSIcapture Troubleshooting: Permissions with Mapped Drive letters and UNC Paths


User is trying to Automate. AutoImport is working to the mapped drive, but Batch Storage is not working. You change the Batch Storage to a local directory and the process works without issue. The user wants to continue to use the Mapped Drive for Auto Import monitoring and Batch Storage. What do you do in this scenario?


Transition from the Mapped Drive letter to UNC paths. Computer name in this instance is called: PSIGEN

Example of Mapped Drive:

E:\Batch Storage


UNC Path


\\PSIGEN\Batch Storage


UNC permissions only require Read, Write, and Modify from the folder location for the user running Impersonation or logged in as an account for Capture Services under Services.msc.

If you are using Mapped Drive or Local Drives the user will need Read, Write, and Modify from the root and inherited to all folder levels in order for proper permissions to store Batch Information. Auto Import will automatically take Local or Mapped Drives and transition them to UNC, however Batch Storage will take the literal value entered and try to place it. So ensure you manually enter the UNC pathing for the Batch Storage. Some users do not want to grant root access to their drives in this case transition them to UNC paths and ensure the target folder has Read, Write, and Modify for the user running Capture Services or Impersonation.

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