[Legacy] PSIsafe Troubleshooting: Issue 07.05: When Existing Form is opened, date field changes to Current Date


When an existing Form is opened, a date field changes from the previously filled date to the current date.


Most likely, the template contains an OmniForm command to fill in the field with the current date, which it will do every time the form is opened. This is different from setting the Form template to fill in a field with a constant date value, as that only occurs when the form is created. You can check to see if this is the case by doing the following:
1. Log in to Management.
2. Select Document Settings Templates.
3. Select the Forms template and click Edit.
4. Click Next to go to Step 2.
5. Click the ellipsis button under Edit.
6. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your application data (AppData) directory (e.g. C:\Users\JSmith\AppData), then navigate to Roaming\CNG\Management.
7. Open the XFM file present there in a text editor like Notepad. You can open Notepad and then drag the file into it to do so.
8. Search for the following text: calc=”Date()”. If present in a field, this will cause the field to automatically fill in the date every time the form opens. Correct this in OmniForm and upload the corrected template to Management.

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