PSIsafe Troubleshooting: SQL DB in recovery mode (Recovery Pending) - Recent Upgrade

If you encounter the following error when attempting to login to the PSIsafe Client or the Management Console "Cannot open database "[DB_NAME]" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'sa' as in this screenshot:

Sometimes, due to a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Maintenance
  • Power Outage
  • Recent sa user account password change
  • Recent DB upgrade to new SQL version
A DB will enter an offline mode and display (Recovery Pending) addended to the DB name in SSMS.
To resolve this issue, usually, simply requires executing the following query on the DB from SSMS:

This should resolve your issue by bringing the DB online (if no other serious damage has occured or changes been made, if this solution does not work, consider recovery efforts by restoring the most recent backup).
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