When attempting to uninstall the client via Add/Remove programs in Windows, the following error appears:
Error 1001: Exception occurred while initializing the installation: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files (x86)\CNG\CNG-SAFE\DeploymentActions.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded..
Here is the breakdown of the solution:
1. Perform a full uninstall of the client via Microsoft's Uninstall/Install Fix tool and this guide located here:
Here is the breakdown of the solution:
1. Perform a full uninstall of the client via Microsoft's Uninstall/Install Fix tool and this guide located here:
2. Remove all remaining traces of the program in the following directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\CNG\CNG-SAFE
C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\Cabinet NG Inc
3. Remove all registry entries including:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Black Ice Software LLC
4. Perform a full installation of the 11.1 client via this link: http://downloads.psigen.com/latest/PSIsafe.Client.Install.11.1.zip
Additional important note: You may encounter login issues with AD Authentication / Windows Authentication after this clean installation when attempting to print to safe. To avoid those, use these steps:
Windows AD/User login issues:
1. Log into PSIsafe management using the Administrator/sysman user/pass.
2. Under users, uncheck the current user being configured from the "Use Windows Login" and ensure they can log in with their password without issue for the first time.
3. Print to Safe using the PSIsafe printer and ensure the filing dialog for login appears and prompts the user to log in. Ensure the rest of the filing process for the document completes without issue.
4. Once the program is confirmed to be working as intended (you will have to select "File as PDF" and when combining files also ensure the "Delete original files" checkbox is checked to ensure that it will keep those settings as default for future prints to safe.
5. After confirming everything works properly, re-enable windows logon through management in the same way and ensure that the automatic login option (3 dots next to username on login screen) is set to ensure the process is seamless in the future. Perform a final print-to-safe test with the windows AD authentication enabled.
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