[Legacy] [PSIcapture 6] PSIcapture Walkthrough: Configuring a Document Path in the Retrieval Module


Proper configuration of the Retrieval Module will allow you to search and view images that have been processed previously. An important step in configuring the Retrieval Module is setting the document path so that the product knows what field in your repository stores the physical path to the document or image.

Configuration Steps

  1. Open the Retrieval Module


  2. Click on the Manage button
  3. Select the database you are currently working with
  4. Click the Edit button

  5. Select the proper table from your database
  6. Click the Database Configuration Button (the blue icon to the right of the table name)

  7. At the top of the screen will be a dropdown labeled Image Path Field.  Select the proper database column from the dropdown that corresponds to the image path.

  8. Save your changes
  9. Test and Confirm that a searched result now displays an image.
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