To effectively manage PSIsafe licensing, it is important to ensure your system is configured in such as a way as to allow flexibility and control. This article will explain how Account Settings for auto logout prompt and enable auto logout features work together to help you best manage user sessions and licensing.
Understanding How Auto Logout Settings Work Together
PSIsafe Licensing Scenario 1
User Setting:
- Log into device 1 with Windows login "PSIGEN\Administrator". Log into PSIsafe as "Joe.User"
- Log into device 2 with Windows as "PSIGEN\Joe.User. Then, log into PSIsafe as "Joe.User". Dialogue is presented as follows:
- "License is currently in use by another device. Do you wish to logout that device and login here? Details: Device2 via PSIGEN\Administrator."
- Selection Dialogue: Provide Yes/No dialogue
- If "No" is selected, user is returned to login screen.
- If "Yes" is selected, user will be logged in on device 2 and the session will be terminated on device 1. Dialogue is presented as follows:
- Confirmation Dialogue: Do you want to save your last selection to enable auto logout for future occurrences?
- If "Yes" is selected, the user will be automatically login without prompt in the future.
- If "No" is selected, the same process will be repeated for the user in future scenario.
- Device 1 Disconnect Dialogue (Issued at time Device 2 logs in):
- "User logged out so this license could be used on another device. Click OK to login. Details: Hostname: Device1 via PSIGEN\Joe.User."
- User is returned to PSIsafe login screen.
- Confirmation Dialogue: Do you want to save your last selection to enable auto logout for future occurrences?
PSIsafe Licensing Scenario 2
User Settings:
- When "Enable auto logout" is unchecked, the "Auto logout prompt" setting is ignored.
- Log into device 1 with Windows login "PSIGEN\Administrator". Log into PSIsafe as "Joe.User"
- Log into device 2 with Windows as "PSIGEN\Joe.User. Then, log into PSIsafe as "Joe.User". Dialogue is presented as follows:
- "License is currently in use by anothe device and cannot be automatically logged out. Details: Device1 via PSIGEN\Administrator."
PSIsafe Licensing Scenario 3
User Settings:
- Log into device 1 with Windows login "PSIGEN\Administrator". Log into PSIsafe as "Joe.User"
- Log into device 2 with Windows as "PSIGEN\Joe.User. Then, log into PSIsafe as "Joe.User".
- No dialogues issued on device 2, but user is logged out of PSIsafe on device 1, with device 1 Disconnect Dialogue (Issued at time Device 2 logs in):
- "User logged out so this license could be used on another device. Click OK to login. Details: Hostname: Device1 via PSIGEN\Joe.User."
- User is returned to PSIsafe login screen.
- Note: When device 1 user has opened documents from within PSIsafe and is actively viewing or editing, device 2 will see following message:
- "WARNING - Document(s) Open"
- "License is currently in use by another device with open document(s). Do you wish to logout that device and login here? Details: Device1 via PSIGEN\Administrator"
If you have any questions about pricing please contact our Sales Department via: sales@psigen.com
If you have any other questions beyond pricing information, please contact: support@psigen.com
Keywords: PSIsafe Auto Logout, PSIsafe User Settings, Auto Logout Prompt, Enable Auto Logout
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