PSIcapture Troubleshooting: Installation: License Server displays 'Service 'Capture Services' could not be installed


When attempting to do a Full Installation of PSIcapture, you may receive the following error:


Service 'Capture Services' (CaptureServices) could not be installed.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.  

Also error 1923 appears in the Windows Event Logs:

Error 1923. Service '[Capture Services]' could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.



This can occur even if logged in as the Domain Administrator.  Most likely the previous installer did not properly remove the previous Capture Services.   This can occur even after system reboot.

You will need to manually delete the registry key for the Capture Services. 

**Please utilize care when accessing/modifying any registry settings.  It is very wise to export the reg key in question before doing any delete.   Or better yet to do a full export of the entire registry to be sure.**

Key is located at: 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Capture Services

Simply highlight the Capture Services key, and delete.

Re-run the installer and it should install fine and start without issue.

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