PSIcapture Scanning Hardware: Documentation: OPEX Scanner Configuration Workflow


Customer wants to know how OPEX scanner (Extension: .oxi) files can be input into PSIcapture application using automation?


OPEX Scanners will create an OXI file that contains image information that can be imported manually or via Automation into the PSIcapture product. In order to enable this you must have the following workflow enabled.

Batch Import(OPEX), Capture/Import, and continue to add workflow steps as needed.

The OPEX scanner, when setup correctly by end user, should output the associated images and an .oxi extension file. Similiar to an XML Import Batch this file contains all the image information that PSIcapture will use to import the batch. If you have automation setup by default Batch Import will use the Automation directory settings for the storage location to look for .oxi file.

You cannot automate OPEX scanner setups with the .oxi file and associated images directly in the Auto Import Monitored Location. Normally if the scanner is configured correctly it should output the .oxi file and image files into a folder named after the .oxi file. Automation will only work if the .oxi and images are stored in a folder.

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