PSIcapture Documentation: Imported Files: Extract .docx format to Memo Field (EFF) Entended File Format


How do you extract the contents of MS Word (.docx) formatted documents into a Memo Field in PSIcapture?


Follow these steps:

  1. Create a Memo Document Index Field in step 6 of 10 within Document Type Configuration.
  2. In step 7 of 10 under Imported Files select the option, "Imported File Contents".
  3. Click Add to the bottom right.
  4. Select the Index Field you would like to link the data to.
  5. Under "Populate With" Select the format you would like to extract. 
  6. Save the Document Type and now you should be able to extract the contents of the MS Word Document into the Memo Field you have established in step 6 of 10.

Please ensure you are on a later version of the product. This feature was introduced in of PSI:Capture. We support the following extension types;

  1. Contents of any supported file type
  2. Contents of Microsoft Word Documents (.docx) 
  3. Contents of Microsoft Excel Files (.xlsx)
  4. Contents of Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations (.pptx)
  5. Contents of PDF files (.pdf)
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