PSIcapture How-to: Legacy Advanced Capture to PSIcapture conversion

How to convert legacy Advanced Capture to PSIcapture:

First, Convert licenses in Licensing database from Advanced Capture to PSIcapture.

    - InvoiceItems.Product: 'CNG-Advanced Capture' to 'PSICapture'

Accounting Steps:
Convert licenses in Licensing database from Advanced Capture to PSIcapture

    - InvoiceItems.Product: 'CNG-Advanced Capture' to 'PSICapture'


User and Support Steps:

Advanced Capture Only

  1. Uninstall CNG-Advanced Capture
  2. Need to rename the ProgramData folder from Cabinet NG to PSIGEN.
  3. Registry entries need to be switched over from "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Cabinet NG\CNG-Advanced Capture" to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\PSIGEN Software, Inc.\Capture\"
  4. Install PSIcapture.
  5. User will have to relicense
    1. Not sure if current license will need to be reset or not. Need to test.
    2. Should be able to just click Update All in License Server to switch the licenses over to PSIcapture.

Legacy CNG Advanced Capture Only

  1. Uninstall CNG-Advanced Capture
  2. Need to rename the ProgramData folder from Cabinet NG to PSIGEN.
  3. Install PSIcapture
  4. Registry entries need to be modified manually after installation or by opening Service Manager after installation.
    1. If you would like to modify manually without the service manager you can do so within Regedit.exe
      1. Install PSIcapture and allow a new PSIGEN Software, Inc. folder to be created.
      2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\PSIGEN Software, Inc.\Capture in the Regedit.exe application.
      3. Modify CaptureStationMode(Right Click and click on modify)
        1. Set Value data to 2
        2. Set Base to Decimal
      4. Modify CaptureServer to the current computer name(Right Click and click on modify)
      5. Click on LServers
        1. Modify PSICapture value to the current computer name or IPV4 address(Right Click and click on modify)

Relicense all products

    1. Reset Licenses.
    2. Perform an "Update All" in License Server to switch the licenses over to PSIcapture.
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