How to convert legacy Advanced Capture to PSIcapture:
First, Convert licenses in Licensing database from Advanced Capture to PSIcapture.
- InvoiceItems.Product: 'CNG-Advanced Capture' to 'PSICapture'
Accounting Steps:
Convert licenses in Licensing database from Advanced Capture to PSIcapture
- InvoiceItems.Product: 'CNG-Advanced Capture' to 'PSICapture'
User and Support Steps:
Advanced Capture Only
- Uninstall CNG-Advanced Capture
- Need to rename the ProgramData folder from Cabinet NG to PSIGEN.
- Registry entries need to be switched over from "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Cabinet NG\CNG-Advanced Capture" to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\PSIGEN Software, Inc.\Capture\"
- Install PSIcapture.
- User will have to relicense
- Not sure if current license will need to be reset or not. Need to test.
- Should be able to just click Update All in License Server to switch the licenses over to PSIcapture.
Legacy CNG Advanced Capture Only
- Uninstall CNG-Advanced Capture
- Need to rename the ProgramData folder from Cabinet NG to PSIGEN.
- Install PSIcapture
- Registry entries need to be modified manually after installation or by opening Service Manager after installation.
- If you would like to modify manually without the service manager you can do so within Regedit.exe
- Install PSIcapture and allow a new PSIGEN Software, Inc. folder to be created.
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\PSIGEN Software, Inc.\Capture in the Regedit.exe application.
- Modify CaptureStationMode(Right Click and click on modify)
- Set Value data to 2
- Set Base to Decimal
- Modify CaptureServer to the current computer name(Right Click and click on modify)
- Click on LServers
- Modify PSICapture value to the current computer name or IPV4 address(Right Click and click on modify)
- If you would like to modify manually without the service manager you can do so within Regedit.exe
Relicense all products
- Reset Licenses.
- Perform an "Update All" in License Server to switch the licenses over to PSIcapture.
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