[Legacy] PSIsafe Synchronizer Troubleshooting: Issue 06.02: Problem with Synchronizer using a batch file in Task Scheduler Server 2008


Encounter a problem running Synchronizer using a batch file in the Task Scheduler in Windows Server 2008. It runs and updates fine when run outside of the task scheduler.


1) Make sure that the task is set to "configure for Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008" on the first page of the task properties (under the "general" tab).
2) Make sure that the task is set to "start in" the folder that contains the batch file: open the task properties, click on the "actions" tab, click on the action and then the "edit" button at the bottom. In
the "Edit Action" Window there is a field for "start in (optional)" that you set to the path to the batch file.
3) Make sure that the task is running as an account that has explicit "Full access" permissions to all these things: The .bat file itself, the folder containing the .bat file, and the target files/folders that are affected by the .bat script. Inherited permissions didn't seem to work for me.
4) Make sure that the account running the task is a member of the local "administrators" group for this machine.
5) Make sure that the task is set to "run whether logged on or not".
6) The Task should run successfully with expected output when you right-click on the task and select "run". If it does that then it will run successfully when you are logged off.

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