PSIsafe Web Troubleshooting: Unable to login - Invalid Registration

When trying to log into PSIsafe Web, users receive an error message:
Login failed. Invalid Registration. Please contact your system administrator.
Recycle the application pool for the PSIsafe website.
  1. On the server hosting PSIsafe Web, in the Start search field, type IIS.
  2. From the results returned, click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.​

  3. In the left pane of IIS Manager, expand the server name and then click Application Pools.
  4. In the center pane, click the application pool for PSIsafe Web (may be named PSIsafeWeb, CNGWeb, CabinetWeb, etc.).
  5. In the right pane, click Recycle.
    Note: Recycling the application pool should not interrupt any active PSIsafe Web sessions.

  6. Try to access PSIsafe Web again.
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